Donndt's picture
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Best time for cardio: before a workout, after a workout, or on a separate day?


Hi all. I can't find any definitive information about cardio, so I'm asking it here (sorry if this has already been asked and I couldn't find it).
The most common opinion I hear is that cardio is best done before a workout, but not too active (something like a glass of water in the morning - so that the body starts to work better) or it is better to set aside a day for this and run on a treadmill , riding a bike Tomasso and stuff, just a walk and stuff.
I am interested in when cardio brings the greatest benefit to the body in terms of both weight loss and endurance.
Thank you in advance

JohnJuice's picture

I'll do my cardio right after the gym when I'm running to the local gas station to grab some beer.

Makwa's picture

All depends if it is HIIT or steady state but this pretty much spells everything out for you.

Bearded_muscle's picture

3 types of cardio:

Fasted. You’ll see faster (no pun intended) fat loss with this protocol and also potentially a little more muscle loss if combined with a calorie deficit. This is probably the easiest cardio to align with fat burners. Shoot your hgh, pop your clen or albuterol, take your yohimbine and hit the cardio for best fat loss.

Post workout. This is going to allow you to condense your training and cardio into one session. Convenient if your schedule won’t allow for more and the cardio extends slightly the window for how soon you have to eat post workout. Ordinarily we try to eat asap but the body doesn’t really know cardio from weight so it will just think you’re still working out and you get your meal in when cardio is done.

Evening/separating cardio from training. This will allow you to spike your metabolism twice in one day rather than once, I think this is better than post workout cardio but not quite as good as fasted. This is a good option if your training is really intense and you’ve got no gas left for cardio, rest, eat and come back later in the day to get your steps in.

We try not to do cardio pre workout because it takes energy and glycogen away from weight lifting.

Keep in mind this is all from the perspective of a bodybuilder and it sounds like your goals are a little different since you mentioned endurance but this is your basic breakdown of how to combine weights and cardio. Customize it to your needs.

Ps I know a guy who’s priority is cardio, he’s training for an iron man and does his hard cardio before a brief light weight workout because he doesn’t give a fuck about muscle and is trying to improve endurance as much as possible right now.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

For me when it comes to weight loss I would say doing cardio b4 breaking a fast, like in the morning b4 breakfast....but my endurance is higher when i eat a good meal of fruit and protein b4 go to the boxing I usually do two 2hr in the morning and one in the evening... alternate 3 days of boxing gym and 4 days lifting going easy on sundays... idk much but thats what keeps me feeling young and agile... but i have also read not to mix meat with simple carbs and i feel like that has helped also. Hope what works for me could benefit you somehow.