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Natural guy looking to add mass and lose fat


Hey guys, Im a natural bodybuilder with about 18% bodyfat. I have a large amount of muscle for a natural as well, weighing 207 right now at 5'9. Been working out on and off for the past ten years. My diet lately has been some healthy food and some processed junk. Recently I have made the choice to eat vegan as much as I can, which is not all the time. My proposal here is if I eat vegan all good carbs and clean fats and proteins and just eat a lot will I be able to gain more mass and lose fat because the food source is so clean? Should I play with macros? Remember I want to gain weight and hope to lose a good amount of fat too. Any advice appreciated. I also choose not to take steroids bc I have bipolar disorder so that may not be an option although I am considering running test cyp for trt due to low testosterone.

mikejones111's picture

Thank you for your advice.

IrishMack's picture

My wife is a vegetarian and I have been to quite a few vegan events with her. I saw a few of the vegan bodybuilders and they are very lean and muscular but not a lot of size. I spoke with O e of them at an event in Hartford CT and be said it's pretty hard to gain a lot of size on a straight vegan diet due to the molecular structure of the macros you take in versus if you also included animal meats and fats. You would need to double even triple your intake of vegetable protein but the carbs can stay consistent with your goals. Also it's hard to get a large caloric intake when the vegetables you eat have so very low calories. He told me he gets most of his daily calories from starches and multiple vegetable protein shakes like hemp protein and pea protein. Good luck on your journey, it will be a tiny struggle but it can be done.