whitewhale90's picture
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Looking to build some recovery, boost strength slightly, increase weight.

Max lifts.

Squat- 455
Bench- 320
Deadlift- 650

217 lbs. ; 6'-2"
5 yrs. of lifting.

Never tried any cycle, or steroid. Have been interested in them before, and do not know any one.

bolt781's picture

Something I've done for boosting strength is chaining a 45 plate to my belt while deadlifting the typical weight I use. But with little slack. You have to utilize more of a sumo stance but I'm tellin you it equates to adding more plates quick...also holding that weight when you are upright till it falls out of your hands. Grip has so much to do with heavy lifting...

humpnpump's picture

Everything you are looking for is here https://www.eroids.com/og/beginners-cycles

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