Cultural-sight's picture
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+ 1 Best supplements to be on while on a cycle ??


From what I’ve read here’s what I’ve got to take while on a cycle:
- Vitamin D 3000 IU/ day
- Calcium 500 mg/ day
- Zinc Sulphate 250 mg/day
- Lipid Stabil
- Fish oil 2g/day (but found Omega-3 acid ethyl esters to be better to take if I can get it.)
- Liv-52
- BCAA 10g/day

Let me know anything I should add or take off.
Happy to learn !!

gains26's picture

I see people overusing vitamins, take your bloods and if you’re in normal healthy range, i dont think you need any extra.

Brolly6898's picture

Digestive enzymes

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Pumped_'s picture

I take the 50+ multi vitamin. You will find the 50+ has a higher content of everything

Cultural-sight's picture

Any good brands that do that ?

Wildling's picture

A good multi vitamin, zma, vitamin d and bcaa/eaa is about all I supplement.

I consume four whole eggs and 16oz (minimum) of egg whites daily.

Organ supplements are kind of gimmicky unless you aren’t cleansing daily with water. If you are pounding your system with harsh compounds, you are still going to strain yourself. NAC and TUDCA are good supps.

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Chad P's picture

I find a good supplement that supports each organ. The on cycle stacks are a rip off and only give low moderate doses of the good stuff. Omega 3 and Bergamot is good for cholesterol support, Hawthorn Berry for blood pressure, Saw Palmetto for prostate, Grapeseed and Astragalus root for kidneys. Nac, Milk Thistle for liver (Tudca on oral cycle). You want a great omega 3, try Green Lipid Mussell, it’s more effective at a lower dosage than Fish Oil.

press1's picture

Exactly right buddy - if you research the required effective dose of a supplement to help say the liver, when you look at the content of it in something such as a liver defender blend you will see that the content is way below what is considered effective for protection. They merely cram in all these supplements and list them, then the consumer thinks its a great bargain when in fact its doing bugger all. You are often better as you say taking the most effective supp for each organ - you will always find ones that help multiple organs too such as kidney ones that often cleanse the liver at the same time.

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Chad P's picture

Absolutely. I remember the first cycle I did, I bought a high price stack, man I was pissed once I did more research and found the suggested effective dose for each ingredient. It was marketed as a Total Organ Protection. Now I just have a few I add on cycle while sticking with my daily dose of everyday staples. My bloodwork always comes back on point and I haven’t been sick in almost 3 years.

press1's picture

Another way I tend to look at it too is, sure I wouldn't be taking all this crap if I weren't running steroids - so with all the supplements and vitamins, minerals etc I am much healthier in so many ways than if I didn't run gear. I never took vitamins and all that other stuff when I was natty. The area we are never going to really know what we have done though is the heart, that part always worries me. When you hear of guys dying of heart attacks that also ran gear in their earlier years you always wonder if it had a part to play, but its a part we have to accept I guess.

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Chad P's picture

For sure. Risk reward right…but tbh, most of us stay on a pretty decent diet and don’t smoke and/or drink everyday. I think in the long run we are in a lot better shape than the majority of society, considering their terrible eating habits and zero exercise capacity.

press1's picture

The Zinc dose seems a tad excessive bud, I only take 50mg Zinc citrate per day and that does the job nicely. I would add in Vit C 500mg/day, Multi Vit with Iron. Milk Thistle is great for the Liver, Kidneys and Blood Cholesterol levels.

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bdub73's picture

How do you know it does the job nicely? I have never taken a zinc supplement before but it's one of the handful of supplements my coach has suggested for me. I have breiefly read a little about it but I was curious if you are notcing a difference? The problem is in my mind, if it isn't something noticeable like caffeine or a strong steroid then it's not working and I know that isn't a reasonable thought.

Cultural-sight's picture

Would milk thistle affect the absorption of AAS or any orals ?

press1's picture

The Rule of thumb is to take the Orals and then do not consume any MT for an hour or 2 afterwards, there is evidence it can desensitize receptors for a period after you have taken it. In all seriousness though, I have often taken DBol and then washed it down with Liver supplements and I can't say I've noticed any difference to effectiveness at all.

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Cultural-sight's picture

Okay so supplements first thing in the morning then injectables? What does MT mean ?

Stokes500's picture

Creatine and that’s about it everything else is just a money grab in my honest opinion. As long as your diet is good you don’t need all that other crap just make sure you get out in the fresh air from time to time and your eating good whole foods

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JakeKO's picture
