Rottenlobbie's picture
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When do I get my blood work done around a cycle?


I have about 2 and half months off work and I want to blast a cycle and pct before I work for a month on a fishing boat. Also, do you feel like shit at all post cycle even with the pct?

Edit: I'm 6'0
178lbs in the mornings
I've been lifting for 3 years heavy and believe I reached my natural genetic potential.

Pxpxp's picture

Bro, first of all - do your research.

  1. I would suggest a short ester test only cycle.
  2. I would chill bro and not rush it. Wait until you have some time.
  3. And most important!!!- You don’t know how your body will react on cycle. So rushing a cycle before going on a work trip may not be the best idea. IMO.
In a promo × 2
Rottenlobbie's picture

I've never done a cycle. But I want to.
I have 2 and half months off before I work on a boat in Alaska.
1 question is will pct suck doing physical labor on a boat for 45 days straight.

2nd question. When is it best to get blood work? pre, during, and after?

Makwa's picture

PCT will suck big time. I wouldn't want to be in PCT and doing that.
You get bloods, pre, during and post cycle. Anytime before cycle, 1 week after you start AI to dial in dose (timing will also depend on ester used), and 1 month after PCT is finished to see how you recovered.

6" 178 lbs, you haven't reached your genetic potential unless your are 6% BF.

Rottenlobbie's picture

Thanks man I appreciate the info. I am currently 10-15% bf trying to bulk up the past 2 months. Last November and December I was 8% or less.

Rottenlobbie's picture

Thank you for the info. You've never done a pct? Why is that if you don't mind me asking?

Rottenlobbie's picture

Got it. We'll thank you tricepatops.

gymjunkie12's picture

New account with no stats. You prob wont get any help. and I wouldnt recommend doing this anyway

Rottenlobbie's picture

You don't recommend doing what? What do u mean stats? I'm new to this forum.

Rottenlobbie's picture

Okay cool. So I an 6 ft 178lb in the morning. And I'm estimated 12-16% bf. I've never done a cycle of anything and I've been lifting heavy for 3 years. I used to be out of shape 240 to leaner much stronger 180 that I am now.

Tommyb916's picture

“Captain” obvious