Meaty_Jo3's picture
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Running a short esther sample


Hi, I'm new here. 33 years old wanting to do my first cycle. I'm a hard gainer but can get past that with 3500+ calories a day as my bare minimum. I'm planning a 10 week cycle of 250mg test E then working up to 500mg and will be running anastrozol during cycle if needed (ill have it there and ready to go) at 0.5mg per day, then from week 4 i'll be taking HCG at 500ug per week split in 2 so same days as test e. PCT will just be nolva 40mg/day for 2 weeks the 20mg/day for 1 week.

A friend of mine has recommended getting a sample of test prop first to make sure my body doesn't freak out for as long from the test E as test prop has a shorter ester. I haven't really read anywhere on the forum about people doing this but is it standard practice? Are samples products usually available on request from the bigger suppliers?


Meaty_Jo3's picture

thanks for the replies everyone, it sure has opened a can of worms. I should state that although I'm a hard gainer I've gotten past it with diet but I guess i wasn't clear there.

As for diet, it's pretty on point and it gets me results. slower results than I'd like but due to a recent set of factors I lost about 11kg due mostly to stress (relationship breakdown, housing stuff, money all of that nastiness) and putting them back on the proper way is arduous and I'm planning to cheat a bit here by running gear to get back to where i was and hopefully more). As I stated 3500 calories a day is my bare minimum but I aim for 4k every day and i train hard. My regime is good, its just slow as is and I've been planning a cycle for years. Originally I wanted to do it with Anavar but decided not to try that unless i feel like doing another cycle at another point. I also tend to take a fair time to recover and want the test boost to help me train more often and reach my goals faster.

Good to hear that they're both likely to react different anyway. I've read a bit that test P is a bit more painful so that would probably be giving me false ideas anyway but i wanted to run it by the group and see if it was a thing before I wasted my money and time unnecessarily. I appreciate all your answers.


Makwa's picture

You can pin gear until it flows out of your ears but you won't grow if you don't eat. Gear doesn't make up for a shitty diet. If you are hardgainer you better learn how to eat to grow before jumping into gear or you will just be chasing your tail.

Drock_357's picture

Bad idea homie….so much is wrong with this….I’ll get flammed but stay with a Simple long ester test for 10-12 weeks…keep the 3500 cals a day and work your ass off In the gym….get bloods done week 5 ish and see where estro is adjust as needed….at 3500 cals and your size 12-15 weeks will show some results …with the addition of test it will be a night n day comparison……no other compounds r…get your foods down pat beforeyou even start a cycle….
…first cycle 3-400 mg wk is all you need….

JFit253's picture

I have a secret exercise just for you and others with your stats (6ft 165lbs)...
I call it the "PICK UP THE FORK"
Its very simple, all you do is pick up a fork and eat a lot of food

Makwa's picture

Yep, gain a chunk of weight due to increased glycogen retention and then dump it all once cycle is done. Happens all the time.

HanginLow's picture

75kg would be 165lbs

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HanginLow's picture

I agree, and if he was 20 or 25 I would say go eat but he is 33. Gear is good at increasing protein turn over and nitrogen retention aka weight gain. I agree he needs to eat his ass off on this cycle to maximize results for sure. In my opinion, there are a more guys over weight on here that should be not running gear than skinny ones.

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Jrihard89's picture

That last sentence is so damn true. SO many guys on here so beyond out of shape using gear. And people hype them up on their photos when they look like average traffic through your local mall.

He needs to learn how to eat, train and he’s 33 he will use gear regardless if we say yes or no. So teach him the right way.

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HanginLow's picture

Lol lots of that going around, I like the pics that are arms only and filtered in gym lighting hehe get hyped a lot

And agreed, 33 he gunna do what he wants, let's hope he reads this and picks up the fork this cycle like someone said above

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Jrihard89's picture

Hey now, I posted some arms up Lol. My douchy young self knew the arm candy got the ladies lol.

Exactly. Eat big, this kids got a metabolism like crazy I’m sure. He needs heavy potatoes instead of just rice, good fats, good red meats if his body digests easy.

High school me loved those homemade weight gainer shakes when I first started out! Whey, PB, Banana, oats, egg whites, I even put a scoop of ice cream lol

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HanginLow's picture

It's been established he will need to eat more to gain muscle.

Let's let the op read and make a decision he is 33

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DeeMan's picture

True..Damn lol it's not like the dude is 21 and weighs a hundred pounds.

JFit253's picture

I agree with you here but also he should learn the basics of eating/bulking before taking anything. I see too many guys (fat and skinny) who take gear, make minimal progress, then lose it all to poor nutrition

HanginLow's picture

Yes a problem of the plump and frail, gotta put the raw materials in to build muscle, starts with diet

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DeeMan's picture

Yep yep

HanginLow's picture

how ya been bro, saw that prop review you dropped, I really enjoyed that brand as well ran it during my last promo blast

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DeeMan's picture

And congrats on your content creator badge. Good idea by Bfg

HanginLow's picture

Yeah nothing sophisticated needed brother, good prop is good prop. No problem at all in being able to control your testosterone spikes with shorter esters. I use all esters for different purposes, I think good prop is really underrated.

Thanks brother I think it is a great idea as well, BGF good people, we had a misunderstanding a couple days ago, everything is square now. Mods have created a really unique place here at eroids, no other place on the web like it!

ill try to not hijack this guys post anymore LOL just wanted to say sup

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DeeMan's picture

Yeaa buddy!

press1's picture

Tbh man I am starting to realise in BBing and PLing SOOOOO much is predetermined in how much you can achieve by your natural genetics, pre gear bodyweight and metabolism/appetite. Sure you can make tremendous improvements in what you are starting with by adding gear, training, correct eating etc but don't think you can ever compete with someone thats starting with a superior base in the first place so to speak. Probably why its always so important just to compete with yourself and not others.

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HanginLow's picture

Absolutely man, really interesting topic. For bodybuilders it is a combination of different genetic factors that make you elite. In no particular order; structure, muscle fiber type, joint size, androgen receptor sensitivity, drug resistance (most important IMO), skin thickness, fat store distribution (very important for conditioning), water distribution (who need diuretics on stage and who does not).

For powerlifting it is similar but also different, structure (limb length), muscle fiber type (you want type1), torso length (shorter torso == easier bracing == bigger lifts), drug resistance (large androgen loads needed to peak strength), injury resistance / joint ligament strength (super important for long term gains), also enviroment. I know so many raw talented guys that caught the eye of a good coach that made them elite, if they never did they never would of taken that next step you know. Home stability, the ability to train for years and years without interruptions in cycles or training. So much man! love these topics talking with you always

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DeeMan's picture

Folks don't understand that genetics is the key. And you just put it in perspective with those factors that genetics contributes to. Lol it just baffles me when folks try to compare themselves with others. GENETICS is the key folks! Folks can take all the gear they want but GENETICS is the key and has always been the key. The thing is gear and GH will only and can only get you so far, they can not alter ones genes to that of a Ronnie Coleman.

HanginLow's picture

Exactly bro, you really gotta work with what you got, some of us got it better than others LOL

I am one of those dudes that has to red line every growth vector to make considerable gains. I cant miss meals, or workouts or injections or anything.

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DeeMan's picture

I totally respect guys that have it like you just described. Y'all take nothing for granted

press1's picture

So you think we each individually have a certain amount of drug resistance in us then? I assume you are talking in terms of muscle receptors and how much they need to generate a certain amount of mass and strength? It varies in person to person?

Absolutely CONSISTENCY plays a MASSIVE part in how successful you can become - these past 18 months to 2 years have been a nightmare for me as you know but before that I was able to train pretty much solidly with no interruptions or set backs. Every time you encounter one it can set you back to square one again.

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HanginLow's picture

Absolutely brother, some people have better constitutions than others.

For example I can run about 750mg of testosterone with nothing but elevated estrogen, I will get no acne, no gyno and that is with NO AI. Not crazy rare, but definitely not your ordinary right. Switch to lets say his name is Bob. Bob runs 500mg of testosterone for this first cycle and has; high blood pressure, acne, gyno and anxiety. This would indicate low drug tolerance for testosterone and make it very hard for him to run competitive cycles and compete in either untested PL or BB. Pro bodybuilders usually are capable of running extremely high doses of AAS with less health ramifications (at first) than others.

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press1's picture

Tell me mate as I have a feeling you may know about some of this stuff - But how is it guys are able to run cycles and then compete in tested federations such as in powerlifting and still pass the steroid tests? Is it purely down to things such as running Test suspension and Anadrol ED for say 6 weeks and then stopping a week before the meet? How do they pass the random urine tests also when the testers show up at their house or at the gym?

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HanginLow's picture

Well this is a larger discussion but yes I do know the methods the thing is I will never help a geared up athlete beat a drug test, but I have heard of the ways.

First is to use bioidentical hormones such as testosterone suspension or TNE, HCG, insulin, growth hormone even IGF1. They all have difference clearance times and some cannot be tested for. You can run an actual 500mg of test you just have to include epitestosterone, there was a guy I knew who used to make a 1:1 blend. Because thats how they catch if you are doping, the ratio between test and epitest.

And sometimes the "tested" federation does a lie detector test which are super unreliable and you can whatever you want.

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DeeMan's picture

I've done several of those lie detector tests. Never failed one but I knew a few who did fail

HanginLow's picture

Yeah by far the least effective though.

Second would be urine, pretty much means no AAS because of all the long acting metabolites of each of them.

Last is blood, thats where you have to ask yourself if it is even worth it. I love that in BB there is just 1 organization that matters, the NPC, untested baby.

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DeeMan's picture

Lol untested. Alot of powerlifting feds don't test either.

DeeMan's picture

Yes testosterone to epitestosterone ratio of 1:1. Tests for GH are getting more sophisticated

press1's picture

Bloody hell man this is interesting stuff!! Gotta do a post on this purely for educational purposes Lol

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HanginLow's picture

LOL I worry other people would not take it as "theoretical" LOL and would take it as a chance to break some small natural record gassed up

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DeeMan's picture

Absolutely. I have a low drug tolerance so I know this is real info that you speak. However for whatever weird reason I'm able to utilize every milligram of whatever drug somewhat efficiently. Now am I genetically superior? No I'm not. Will I ever reach my potential? I don't think so. At least I'll never know

HanginLow's picture

It seems you are just a combination of low drug tolerance but high AR sensitivity, so you get sides but also get a lot out of low doses. At least that is what I have gathered from what you have told me, probably why you prefer very specific compounds you can tolerate.

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DeeMan's picture

Brother I speak the truth and still don't know what da hell is wrong with me haha. You're probably right though. By the way this TOPIC should of been one of its own! Very informative. Others should be informed on this topic

HanginLow's picture

lol nothing wrong with you brother, some would say you got the best flip of the coin, low doses and high sensitivity keeps you healthy

thanks man!

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DeeMan's picture

I'm good my man, thanks. Lol honestly that review was just what is was...simple, no need for sophistication lol. I'm pip sensitive so I rarely use prop. It will never be used to build but rather fine tune my strength. And if you really think about it, according to research, long esters are better for growth. But if one chooses to use short esters for growth, there's absolutely no problem with that. Quick build up of hormones for a damn good start. Could be an alternative to orals depending on one's view of orals. And yes that brand is good quality. Very professional

HanginLow's picture

0.5mg of adex per day on only 500mg of test would put estrogen too low in a lot of people. Estrogen has many vital functions in the body including androgen receptor upregulation. I would start with maybe .25mg EOD and see if you even need it.

Testosterone propionate is known for causing post injection pain more than other forms of testosterone. So buying test prop to test how your body would react to testosterone enanthate is extremely poor advice. What are you going to do run a cycle of it first? Or do a single injection? How does that tell you anything? I would not listen to your friend, bodies do not "freak out" on testosterone. There are estrogenic and androgenic side effects that each individual is more or less sensitive too, this information is gathered throughout time through experience. Your cycle looks good, run it when ready, maybe flesh out your PCT more.

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