muscley's picture
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Huge swelling and pain after ventro-gluteal injection.


So, I've been reading about this spot you can inject into, the ventro-gluteal which many people around here seem to use and favor. This is my third time injecting into it and the last two times I've gotten a very huge and painful kind of swelling in my hip around 5 cm bellow the injection site.

So frustrating since everyone seems to agree that injecting into the ventro-gluteal is painless and PIP free. I even wonder if I'm doing something wrong: I inject 1ml of Test-E using a 1" long 25g needle and z-tracking but I'm starting to wonder if there's some gap in my muscles that allows the liquid to resurface in the fatty layer and irritate the tissues from there. I don't know; I guess I'm rambling.

Thing is: I have very big swelling in my hip right now that hurts like a bitch and makes it impossible for me to walk. Do I apply heat or ice? Cut the leg?

hustlecoke's picture

Are you pinning into the same glute evertime you inject?

muscley's picture

I never do glutes. I only rotate between left and right quads and, occasionally like this last time, right ventro-gluteal spot. That means at least 1.5 weeks or more (I do quads way more often) since last time I injected in there.

hustlecoke's picture

Ok, how many consecutive times did you inject into your right glute?

Look at these two pics and let us know which picture is closer to where you did your glute injection.

Pic #1:

Pic #2:

I personally inject in the area represented in Pic #2. Pic #1 just does not look like a comfortable spot for me to inject anything.

muscley's picture

Number 1 is ventro-gluteal (where I injected) and Number 2 would be full-on gluteal to me.
Yes, ventrogluteal looks weird but once you understand how bones are distributed in that area and how even a 1.5" fits in there you can see why it's so many people's favorite. If I didn't have this problem everytime I pin on it I'd use it all the time because injection is totally easy and painless and even PIP (provided there's no migration of the substance like I suspect is what happens in my case) is pretty bearable.

hustlecoke's picture

OK good man, I understand where your injection site is now. If you type in "ventro-gluteal" in a picture search engine, both injection site descriptions pop up, so I just wanted to clarify which one you were actually using. Did you pin the same place without rotating sites? I ask this because of my personal experience. When I first started using gear, I rotated only between left and right glutes. I was doing ED injections and after a few days the sites because literally harder/firmer that the surrounding skin. The skin also got pretty red, and slightly swollen. After that I begin to rotate between left and right glute, then to left and right leg. That gave my glute injection sites a few days rest and I haven't had that problem anymore. I am sure you rotate sites, but I am just curious if you pinned the same spot. Your post says you have pinned the spot 3 times. Was it back to back to back in the same glute?

muscley's picture

Nah, that's not my problem for sure. I only pin 2x per week and ventrogluteal is something I rarely do. The area probably had 2 weeks of rest between injections if not more.

muscley's picture

Everyone, thanks for your replies. I've been treating the area with a hot shower and occasional massages/pressure and that seems to be working. Swelling is still there but much smaller (I swear, it was scary huge yesterday).
It's holiday today where I live, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to walk to the gym tomorrow.

arlis77's picture

if you feel comfortable inject the 1ml into your delt . ive never had any pain there..i only shoot test p there too...the most your delt can hold is 1 ml...they say..but ive never had any pain from test E before strange bro

muscley's picture

I've been considering switching to delts. Problem is that if you happen to get any PIP on your delts that's going to hinder your performance while training any muscle group (shoulders, pecs, back...) I've only got one more injection to do before I'm done with the cycle, so maybe I should try delts and see what happens.

muscley's picture

Ok, everyone seems to love shoulders so I'll make sure to try them for my next cycle. BTW, which size needle do you use on them? I'm scared I might touch the bone being such a small muscle compared to other preferred injection sites.

kc17's picture

Who' s gear are you using ? Test e is usually smooth as butter, probably it needs to be baked or add more oil , apply heated pads to it

muscley's picture

I'm using an UGL called US Pharmatech which none else around here seems to have heard about. The thing is I'm thinking perhaps it's the injection site or my technique what's wrong in this case because I can inject pretty safely in my quads; it's the ventro-gluteal spot the one that's giving me this specific kind of problem.

-Guido-'s picture

Go into the shower, turn up the water temperature to something not to hot as to cause pain, and let the water hit the spot that's swelling. Take your palm and apply just a small amount of pressure, and massage it in a circular fashion. Trust me, it will help.

muscley's picture

I already tried with the hot shower and pressure/massage and it's helping a little. I only wish I'm well enough to go to the gym today.
Thanks, bro!

-Guido-'s picture

Apply heat. That will help the oil become less viscous and absorb into the body. Honestly, it happens to me as well and is usually a result of not injecting into the muscle all the way, being in the muscle but injecting to fast as to make it leak out, and it could also be virgin muscle syndrome. The first time I ever injected into my quad for instance, it swelled up something fierce. Don't try lancing the swelling yourself or jabbing at it with a pin because it could cause a nasty infection. Give it about a week and a half to go away, that's usually the time it takes for my swelling to go down. I know it's painful, what will help is taking some Advil, it help with the inflammation.