Texpantego's picture
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Anybody try Mini-cycles? Weekend warrior lifter


My schedule is such that I can only do two mega workouts, Friday and Sunday. Currently I'm just cruising, staying right below 1000 on my test levels, but wouldn't it make more sense to schedule my dosing so that my test levels are higher from Friday to Monday and lower Tuesday through Thursday?

Steeltoad777's picture

Id get some test suspension... add a tiny bit of test suspension in Friday through Sunday. Maybe lower your trt dose a tiny bit if you're trying to stay under 1000. Idk how that works but I know how little 150mg of test is. Don't expect much as far as quick gains. Maybe pin trt 50mg twice a week. Friday through Sunday pin 30mg of suspension (10mg every 8 hrs with insulin pin. It's easy) make sure you kill your workouts. Make sure your diet is dialed in. If you're getting enough sleep, you should wake up and notice a difference in your physique possible every sat and Monday morning. I'm not certain with such low doses but... when I run suspension, i run 3-4;week cycles. It works so fast. Daily changes

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Lizergsav's picture

If you’re at 1000ng/dL, Im assuming you take around 200mg test / week.
I’d just inject Friday evening and Tuesday morning. At trt dose I’d aim for a nice constant level.

Or did you mean to increase the dosage before weekend comes?

Texpantego's picture

Right now I'm pinning around 80mg on Sunday and 80 Mg on Wednesday, but I'm wondering in 140mg on Thursday and 20 mg on Monday might give me better gains.

Primo Pantani's picture

Steady levels are going to be better in the long run and have you feeling better. One thing to think about is that you lift friday and sunday and then your recovery is monday to thursday. Why would you want lower test while you’re recovering? Hormones take time for your body to adapt to and they work by upregulating cellular processes that take time to work. Now if you want to just run a cycle, I think you could actually still make gains if training and diet is on point. I had a couple months where I was lifting twice a week and all of that recovery actually had a lot of my lifts going up even if the progress wasn’t quite as fast as it might have been with four days a week.

Lizergsav's picture

At such small amount, I don’t think you’d notice much of anything. Definitely not in terms of gains. At trt dose I’d just aim to keep a constant level where minimal estrogen control is needed.
If anything constantly fluctuating testosterone level can introduce other sets of problems, hence people prefer to inject twice a week to keep a more constant level.

I think what you’re looking for is a short half life anabolics as preworkout?. I unfortunately don’t have experience with this, so I can’t really chip in. But the bigger problem is the frequency of your workouts. Sorry I couldn’t be much of help.

Primo Pantani's picture

I didn’t even mention it but yeah, with long esters the change in serum levels is not gonna be significant enough to feel anyway. Just don’t do like 400 mg monday and 100 mg friday, you will notice that.