dsonn's picture
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Just throw your ideas out there please!


Hi everyone.

I am running my first cycle.
-Test-C 300 2x per week. 1cc for each injection.
-I have adex for Anti=E
-27 years old/Personal Trainer/Degree in KINE (weightlifting for 5 plus years)

I am currently at a loss of what to do. Started my cycle and I am on week 5. Current weight is 202.5 up from 190ish when started. Around second week noticed erections getting stronger more hornyness. Strength went up ending week 3 into week 4. Around that time notice nips were itchy. Did not want to crash estrogen so went low weeks 3 and beginning of week 4 at .25 e3d. That meant I took a total of 1mg through those 2 weeks.

Start of week 4ish for my wrists hurt and i went from smashing my girl hard to halfway through needing some extra help to stay hard. Researched here and other places leaning towards the fact that I lowered E to much. Dropped adex middle of week 4 hoping that a week away would raise it then I could monitor and control as needed.

I am now ending week 5. I have about a pea sized lump behind right nipple. Nips are not sensitive and I really have to dig around to feel it. Lump is CONFIRMED. Girl can feel it and made comment that nips look a little puffy. Lump does not seem to be growing just there/cant tell its there wearing a fitted tank for workouts. Back is breaking out/Skin is not greasy. Went to gym today and felt like sh!t. 225 on bench felt like the weight of the world when I was hitting 275 for reps last week during chest. No motivation literally quit halfway into workout. WTF is going on??

Can't decide whether to take .25 adex and see the effects or hold out until Sunday for next pin. I know bloods are needed. There is anon lab testing down the street from house. Unfortunately, job went under 3 weeks into cycle. Had great 2 great interviews early this week. Waiting on pay negotiation from 1 before accepting this Friday which will get my fiances back up so labs can be done in about 2 weeks.

I am at a loss of what to do. I was smashing the steering wheel leaving the gym earlier asking myself wtf is wrong with me. Out of character for me to do that. I went from superman feelings to blob status in all of 2 weeks. I know someone here has experienced the same thing. Throw your ideas out I am open to any comments or suggestions and hate I obviously fucked up somewhere.

TL;DR- First cycle things going good. Felt like nips were sensitive dosed adex .25mg 4 times during week 3 week 4. Lost erections/felt weird. Backed off for end of week 4/week5 and now feeling weak/emotional. (Side note small lump under right nipple towards side. Not growing)

dsonn's picture

Hey brother thanks for stopping by. I posted a reply to myself right under yours if you haven't already read it. I went ahead and popped .25adex yesterday. I do not know if its the placebo effect or if I was over stressing myself. But around nighttime I felt normal. I slept well woke up refreshed and actually felt like working out today.

I went into the gym with a purpose. I wasn't winded sets felt good. Pump was there although not as powerful as before. Felt "on" today for the first time in about a week. Bloods are on to-do list as priority #1. No moodyness so far today or feeling like I want to sleep away the day. I've read various reports and posts on the time for adex to start working. I am under the impression that laying off the adex skyrocketed my estro. Bloods when done will confirm. I am going to get bloods/continue a.i/pay attention to body. The boards here are awesome at supporting others with their issues. I appreciate your time brother. When bloods get done you guys can have at it with the results. Thank you

dsonn's picture

Thanks for the replies everyone! Im thankful anyone took the time to reply. A couple of knowledge bombs dropped here as well. What I'm taking away from this and what I've learned as followed.

-Extra emergency fund. I mean honestly I never thought about it at all. I didn't even look so far ahead to see job downsizing could lead to me not being able to get bloods. @PEZ thanks you for this.
-In regards to above I should have set aside the associated lab fees for my 4/5 week testing. That was stupid of me.
-I am in agreement about the small lump being a sign of estro to high. I mean you dont get a lump with crashed estro right?
-Bloods are mandatory. I put aside half of the funds for the testing and I will grab the other half from my new paycheck. Will post results for further interpretation.
-Will does adex as before to prevent any further growth. @Makwa&@shiva4
-I got to comfortable thought I had things figured out. I should always be reading and cross-checking before entering the game.

Will continue cycle dosed with AI and observe results until blood test. The worst possibility is I end cycle early PCT and start my knowledge journey over with what I've learned plus more research.

Thank you to the eroids board and the members here. You guys always take a second out of your own personal time to deal with someone else's problem. Will post with update soon.

Muffins's picture

I'm against the grain on this one but I rather go heavy on the AI especially first cycle than develop gyno. I can get by with .25mg E3D on TRT doses, anything higher than that and I have to get aggressive with daily dosing. For blasts, I use letrozole. Point of the post, is you will see this cookie cutter AI dosing all over this site and others. None of that dosing worked for me. This is an expensive game, sorry to read bout your job, next time you need to have your emergency cycle money on hand and lots of backup AIs. I carry at least three brands of adex and letro and a stash of exemstane just in case. You can never be too prepared.

shiva4's picture

get bloods done asap. it's all guessing without them. makwa is right about it probably is too high based on what you're saying but you need to see exactly where your estrogen is at. for many, symptoms of low estrogen can be similar to high estrogen.

do you have pharma grade adex?

I will say you're off to a bad start and depending on how your bloods come back, you may need to just end the cycle early. once your estrogen gets really unbalanced it's a struggle the rest of the cycle to try and control which takes away from gains and can be kind of pointless to keep the cycle going.

Makwa's picture

Just based upon what I have read here so far your estro is more like jacked way up and not crashed. You know you already messed up here big time so get back onto a normal AI schedule and get bloodwork ASAP. I would also get on some raloxifine ASAP to address that lump.

Dacky's picture

Blood work or you're guessing. You should be doing this week 4/5 on cycle as a matter of course. What are you waiting for! Get it done and post results here and we can help further.

JL's picture

Go get blood work asap. Other wise you are only guessing. Not to be a dick but you obviously did not do enough research about what you are putting in your body and how it is working. Chances are your e2 is high to get a lump.

Look into adex and how it works. (Stopping this particular ai my have made things worse)

Look into treating gynecomastia and how to treat as a steroid user.

What does your pct look like? What drugs and how they work?

Again go get blood work! Test and e2 at a minimum.

MedDx's picture

Is your Adex pharma grade? Is it really Adex? First cycles should be a standard 500mg per week, not 600mg...probably not a big difference, but in your case, it could be...glad you're here..

MedDx's picture
