Shitsy43's picture
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Definitive way to dose aromasin?


So I've been reading around on here and gotten many different methods.

Some people say every day, others say every day twice a day and I also have been hearing that is way too much too often as it supposedly works for a few days and taking it every day will crash your estrogen. I want to know exactly how to use it properly so I don't start my cycle and have to guess then.

papa.smurf0311's picture

AI dosing totally depends on the individual. I myself LOVE Exemestane compared to adex and letro. It just makes me FEEL better than the other ones. I take it once a day but I have a high conversion rate. I could probably take it twice a day if I wanted but once a day seems to do the trick for me.

Shitsy43's picture

I was planning on taking as needed not the entire time. Just trying to get everything figured out before I actually do it. I'm not even on cycle yet just on a cut beforehand and figuring out everything I can

Jockstrap's picture

Heres a good read. Imo aromasin is best for folks with high conversion to estrogen as a suicide inhibitor its too strong for some cycles. Some literature suggest 25mg. Others 12.5. 6.25 works for many. Same idea as using adex there needs to be blood testing to prove your ideal schedules and dosing. Ive seen that for me 12.5 is usually too high. But my conversion is low even on 3grams a week of varied oils.

Makwa's picture

Suicide inhibitor so EOD dosing is fine or if you are real anal about it split your EOD dose in half and take it ED.

Shitsy43's picture

Alright thanks -- still on my cut but almost there --

Ag4936cali's picture

Look in the eroids search menu. Tons of dosage guidelines. Everybody's different,
I take morning and night. 25 mg split. Which is proably too much for most people.

In a promo × 2
Shitsy43's picture

Right lol. It's pretty varying according to all the stuff I've read. I just don't want to crash or have super high e2

TheIcon's picture

To give you an idea for me personally I was taking 12.5 ED and my E was at 14. So now I am doing 6.25 ED and feel fine. Just get the bloods done.

Makwa's picture

Tough to crash estro with asin unles you are taking enough to kill a horse. Can get it pretty low but hard to crash it.