Bigguns2014's picture
  • 43

Aromasin dose for cycle ?


Hi guys

What would Be a good aromasin dose for the cycle ?

750 test
450 deca


joey_ragz's picture

When this was posted it just said:
Age: 34
Height: 1
Weight: 1

He must have gone back and corrected it.

IrishMack's picture

242 pounds at 6 foot with 16%bf. In other words let's see a pic

IrishMack's picture

A good dosing point would be BLOODS! Go get a blood test and see where you are at to begin with. You have money for gear and food you should have money for bloods. Then after 5 weeks go get another test. Problem solved! Takes less then 20 minutes out of your day and less then 75.00.

Bigguns2014's picture

If u read below
I've already said I'm due for bloods soon my friend

Just asking people reviews and impionions in dosing and what works for them

some people prefer e2 levels low end and some higher end on cycle
Just asking what works for them and how they dose and timing etc

SenseiMiagi's picture

Very user dependent. Start low IMO, pull bloods and work up from there. 12.5mg ed crashed me on a previous cycle. Pharm vs research vs UG also consideration.

Weezel's picture

As others stated. You really need blood work in order to know the amount you need. People are fine off 6.25 twice a day. While others need 12.5 twice a day. I was doing 18.75 twice a day, got blood work and my estrogen was just a bit high still. Now I'm at 25mg twice a day.
Let it build up in your system, go get your blood drawn and dial in from there. Bloodwork should be mandatory in every cycle. Good luck

joey_ragz's picture

Impossible to answer that question. But the best advice I've seen is take 25 mg twice a day for a week and get blood work done to dial in from there. Posting blood work is going to be the only way you can get accurate advice on that question. Check out this article:

Bigguns2014's picture

Wow that seems a heavy dose would that not crash e2 ?

50 mg a day for a week

Guess everyone is differant

Will read post

Due for blood work soon

Thanks for the help

joey_ragz's picture

Yea I think it's a lot too but greater minds than mine have giving sound reasoning behind it so it makes sense. Like Rusty said you might need to upgrade to letro or 6.25 aromasin might be good for you. We'll never know until you get the blood work to see how you respond. He also made a good point in looking at your stats the vets will need accurate information along with a cycle history before they will give any advice. I'd suggest updating your information for better responses.

Bigguns2014's picture

So U saying u start at week 5 and run 6mg ed or eod ?