shirlsguy's picture
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AI for Adrol and Dbol Stack? Nolva -v- Aromasin


I'm just looking for anecdotal evidence form persons with experience. Scientific is always vague so real life is my desire.

I plan a four week 'bump' into this cycle of Anadrol and Dianabol stack of 100mg (adrol) and 50mg (dbol) respectively, split into two daily supplements (50/25 x 2).

I'm running Deca/Test/Eq (600/1250/800) and results are fantastic. I keep a bit of Tren in there too, but lots of warnings from pros about 'instant' bad sides in the most experienced with too much 19-nors, especially in combination. I am hammering my calves and quads in an attempt to get them up to par with what can only be described as a runaway chest.... top deck is exploding whilst legs are being stubborn.

Will Nolva (Tamoxifen) be a suitable AI? I have routinely used Aromasin (Exemestane) in short runs and it works well, but I want a smoother routine for my body these last eight weeks of bulking. I hear some chatter that Tamoxifen may not be suitable, however. Should sides take me over, I have Letro on hand and plenty of Aromasin to go back to old protocol, but like stated, I want to put more 'stability' into the AI of my cycle.

Has anyone stacked d-bol/a-drol into a like deca/test cycle with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) with success? Did you feel the results were better than on Aromasin? Worse?

So far, I am up about 16-lbs of very lean gains with another 20-lbs desired (even 30 if possible) and I want to put a large portion of that onto the legs.

mosaicman's picture

What good is an AI for possible gyno from oxys? it doesn't aromatise via the CYP450 family of enzymes, It aromatises through a different pathway so an AI will do jack.
Also to control gyno issues on dbol can take a dose of AI that affects gains because dbol converts to methylestradiol which has a 30% higher affinity for binding to estrogen receptors in breast tissue.
jeez, talk about posting bad advice.
This is the one to you should stick with nolva bud, you'll be glad you did.

j223's picture

The 10mg nolvadex is all you need to prevent gyno from anadrol. If you still get gyno it will not be from the anadrol but from the test/dbol. So yes letro will help while you are on nolva if problems arise

OmNom's picture

Thing with drol is it does have an effect on estro and prolactin.. it is not that out of this world for a guy to find himself with leaky nips on drol.. others my not have this issue but if you get it you won't be happy.. smartest thing to do is keep prami or caber on hand just in case.. otherwise yeah I like drol/dbol.. the strength and pumps are pretty intense. I choose to inject them to help with toxicity.. as for nolva I just throw it in when nips become sensitive

jasm87's picture

You're right mate, it does have an effect on E2. Trouble is, is that people don't always get bloodwork to prove it, so they are clueless and just carry on. The last time I ran anadrol was a year ago, it was incredible alongside test, the mass it puts on you in a short span of time is great.

OmNom's picture

If you lower its dose and throw in a lowered dbol dose is has a synergistic effect.. wonderful pump and strength gains

jasm87's picture

Definately something I will look into, if its even better than stacking anadrol with test. Dbol is good too but the loss of appetite really did a number at first until it passed.

jasm87's picture

Anadrol can cause E2 issues as it is suggested that though it does not aromatize, it can activate the E2 receptors or stimulate E2 through another pathway, so an AI might not be considered effective as they deal with the aromatase enzyme only - whether it is blocking them like letro's ability or destroying them like aromasin. Tamoxifen is a serm and could be suitable, but it acts as a weak estrogen, so I wouldn't want to use it with a 19nor like deca - be prepared for gyno. It does happen but we are all different, so you may be fine. I have never stacked anadrol and dbol together but have run each one with test at certain points in my life. My two cents brother, I hope it is of some benefit to you.

TheFlash85's picture

im running this cycle test/deca,eq and had a dbol kickstart, im going to add drol in soon, havnt used it with nolva although somebody did advise me too, i decided not to take that advice and im using aromasin, i added letro in for 4 weeks, then switched back to aromasin! i like what j223 said!! so x2 on that!!

TheFlash85's picture

I added the letro as I had severely high estrogen and developed a lump under my left nipple, with in a week it was gone, but I continued my letro protocol, honestly I felt amazing!! I love letro it made me feel so damn good all the time!!! yea I run caber aswell, expensive shit!,

j223's picture

never needed anything for drol. it doesn't aromatize and its not gonna cause prolactin issues.

The main thing is keep estrogen from testosterone and dbol under control with an AI like adex

j223's picture

Oh let me add that you only take nolva with drol IF you start getting puffy nips, but only if you need it.

j223's picture

Why exactly are you completely avoiding aromasin?

j223's picture

I have always been an aromasin man and certainly no complaints, but I want to see how the other half live.

ok so you don't like adex and you like aromasin but you don't wanna take it? You should add some proviron at least bro just for SOME estrogen control. You are not going to grow more or less with or without an ai or nolva!!!

The raises testosterone stuff by ai's and tamox have more to do with being on pct! Since you are injecting testosterone you can raise them as high as you want! Get some proviron and add that in for some free test and to help with keeping estrogen under control if you wish to not use an AI