robb's picture
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vigin thighs.


Hi guys, I'm on a prop & cyp cycle. Been doing 100mg prop, 500mg cyp a week.
Ive never injected in my thigh muscle before but due to the increased number of shots I need to take I need to rotate more.
My thigh muscles always feel tight, ive very low BF% so theirs no fleshy bit like my arse.
Is it going to be very painfully? I'm due my cyp tomorrow, I'm going to give it a try, not scared of needles but it's legs tomorrow aswell, is it better to inject a muscle that's going to be exercised?
Any advice greatly appreciated.

j223's picture

not sure why people are scared to shoot thighs when they are right in front of you!

much easier than glutes and super easy injection.

man up and shoot that shit. I love hitting rectus femoris - check it out on anatomy chart. its the middle part of the quad. No pain ever. If it makes you feel better I shot 3CC of test prop in my rectus femoris last week in each leg! no pain at all

purejuiced's picture

Yes it will hurt like a MOFO.

robb's picture

I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the pain.
My arse hurt the first couple of times but that was with sus250.
Time to man up, seen I girl like boy (trt) on YouTube doing it no probs, so I'll pic that bitch in my mind if I start bottling it.

thepeakzuru's picture

The fleshy bits in your butt is fat, when you inject these oils your actually aiming for an intramuscular injection, so injection in a low body fat area, i.e. your quads, is ideal. It wont be painful, just heat up your quads with a heating pad prior to injection, and while your letting your quad heat up sit on the vial, so the oil gets warm too.

I have found that when injecting short esters, exercising the muscle injected really reduces the PIP. probably because the increased blood flow allows for the crystals to disperse at a faster rate. So yes it is better to inject a muscle that is going to be exercised, however you have to keep site rotation in mind, which might hamper your efforts to get leg day / leg injection down.

P.S. I like injecting short esters in bigger muscles, so prop in my glutes and quads. Longer esters have less PIP, so they can go into your delts, pecs, bis / tris.

robb's picture

I'm sort of over the mental block now. Reading up and the replys have helped. Everyone else does it so its going to be cool with me.
Its the fact ive really no fat and my quads always feel tight that put me off, the outer bit is were you inject and that's the hardest part.

mikebuie's picture

x2 man couldnt agree more or said it better myself! id pin the cyp at least once in each quad before hitting them with prop, idea being to break them in and pop their cherry before bringin out the heavy hitter (prop). i still get slight pip from it in the quads, but i ran into the same sitch kicking my cycle with prop - i ran outta rotation sites and had to add more, then made the mistake of pinning my left quad with prop for the very first time ever ... bad idea. try to break em in first with the cyp, after that it gets easier every pin.

as far as working that muscle group AFTER pinning it, i didnt have a good experience with it. worked well for me a couple times, made it worse more times than that - what works best for me though is to pin that muscle group the DAY AFTER i work them, that way theyre all swollen still and meatier you could say. helps me enormously

robb's picture

That's what I'm going to do, both legs.
Been doing a bit of reading on it. So I'm going to run vial under tap and have a warm shower after, and Jacuzz, steam room straight after workout.
Lol, just do the prop in arse tho.
Ive seen your review for 101s puro-labs gear,it's nice isn't it, really glad I found them.

robb's picture

I dont get pain in my arse so I'm hoping the same for thighs. It made me feel better reading wot you said so thanks for that.
I'm due 2ml cyp tomorrow, going to do 1ml in each leg then straight to gym to squat.....
If I hurts fuk it, it's not stopping any1 else.
It's puro-labs gear so It shouldn't be that bad.