Samsung86's picture
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Summer shred


What's the best summer shred cycle, ive read numerous articles on hundreds of different ideas, can someone please shed some light on this as summer nears

Tradesman34's picture

Gotta keep that diet in check, most importantly. Cardio
Some Test and Mast does the trick for me, but that's me. Everyone is different Good Luck

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Atlas53's picture

diet+cardio+training+sleeping most important)))
also some test+mast+tren)))

bundlz's picture

Just keep saying in your head run Forrest run you will be shredded in no time

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Big Tone36's picture

To get shredded, diet is most important, my favorite anabolics to aid in this that works best for me.

Test prop 100mg daily or 200mg e.o.d.(preferred)
Tren hex or ace 75-100mg e.o.d.
Masteron 100-150mg e.o.d.
Stanozolol oral 50-100mg daily or injection100mg e.o.d.
Oxandrolone 40 mg daily
G.h. 4 i.u. daily

If your just trying to get ready for the beach, don't do this
This is advanced cycle and i don't recommend this to anyone unless been experienced with all compounds mentioned and understands the possible risks of using multiple compounds and has had blood work prior to make sure healthy enough to run such a cycle.
Always do your own research from trusted resources and then make a educated decision.

Pxpxp's picture

Jazzercise Works best for me.. lol.

I suggest you do research, pick the compounds that meet your goal, and then be open to get feedback..IMO. Your technically asking for us to create a cycle for you.. is this your first cycle?

Good luck bro.

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0newheelup's picture

Summer shred... U might be a little late to call it that. I find summer having alot of distractions, making it hard to stay committed to a routine. By the time u finish ur cycle, summer will be at at end. At this point I'd just commit to a strong cutting diet to dry me up for June's activities. I see ur a pretty big guy, where's ur body fat at?

Halsey's picture

I agree with gearboy, a 500 calorie deficit a day over what it takes to maintain is a must. Other than that, I use just enough mast or primo( with my trt) to keep catabolism of the muscles at bay. Run for 8 to 12 weeks dropping 1-2 pounds a week. It's simple and works for me.

Pxpxp's picture

Very interesting!! I like it.

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