bartley929's picture
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My ANAVAR experience so far.


I'm doing my second experiment with Anavar now. A few years back I had my hands on some, but stopped short of finishing due to my source falling apart on me. I didn't know then what I know now, or I would have not gotten my hands on it unless I had it all at once.

This time I'm doing it right. I've been getting the 50mg tabs and started my first 4 weeks at 50mg ed. Recently I decided to move to 75mg ed and HOLY SHIT. The strength gains I'm getting are un real. I'm eating less than I've ever eaten, and my body is changing to the point where everyone is saying things about my progress. I will add that I'm also using cyp and sust weekly to increase my t levels.

It's made a night and day difference going up to the extra 25mg daily. I've found that like food, timing with my doses are everything. I'm doing 25mg every 8 hours. So 7:00 am, 3:00 pm, and 11:00 pm. I'm pushing myself so hard in the gym my tendons and joints are really feeling it.

Here's the bad part of this. I do kick boxing, and boxing for cardio on 2-3 days, and hit the treadmill on other days. The other day in front of the bag, I couldn't even do 10 jumping jacks without feeling like my legs were cramped out. It sucks. What they tell you about your cardio going to shit...well you have the endurance. You don't have the muscle energy in your legs.

If you're on the fence about this stuff, be sure to get your entire cycle at once, and be prepared to spend some jack. Don't sell yourself short and only do 20mg a day either, it's a waste. You better get the wallet out, pay for the higher doses, and reap the rewards.

jesper2500's picture

any of you tried gb anavar 50mg

ravishing65's picture

Problem with Var is the cost in terms of getting a workable dose. Pretty expensive AAS in terms of bang per buck.

bartley929's picture

I've been paying $2 for 50mg tabs, so it's costing me about $3 per day. I think I'm getting off easily though.

kenshiro's picture

where did u get those 50mg tabs ? drop me a PM if possible Smile

bartley929's picture

I don't think I can PM numbers aren't high enough?

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

Throw a small amount of test in mate. Prop anavar cycle is on my list to do.

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bartley929's picture

I agree. I'm moving to Prop in about 2 weeks to finish this off.

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

Lol, I ride a gsxr 1000 made by Suzuki mate. In England if you say you spanked it to somewhere, you mean your going proper fast:)

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Liquid Steel's picture

Hey Bro I ride a 07 CBR 1000rr fukin love it!! But, I alwayz was a gixxer man, how do u like the 1000?

Gixxa1's picture

G'day mate

Interested to know why you are happy eating less? Sounds strange. Are you doing negative calories to drop bf?

bartley929's picture

You're right on the money. I'm in a caloric deficit right now, and am in a cut stage for a show. I've always had an addiction to food. Prior to my life changing decision, I would eat any and everything. It was hard to overcome....but now, it's WAY under control.

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

Anavar is know for giving great pump which won't help your running. The test is going to pump you up too. Lots of water and mabey taurine mate.

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bartley929's picture

Good call, I have plenty of Taurine. I may throw that in to see if it helps....and I do know that I need to increase my water intake. I noticed the other day that I'm not drinking enough, every time I pissed it was colored. That's a sure sign.

hbk80rice's picture

what brand and doses are you on? by doses I mean what strength are the tabs

ikemay's picture

he said they were 50's, though i'd like to know what brand also

bartley929's picture

Correct, they're the 50 BD's.