simonmagus84's picture
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Eq different esters and experiences blood donation


My experiences with eq have been nothing but spectacular. Everyone knows all steroids have their Pros and Cons. We are all familiar with the pros like increased stamina, increased vascularity, Increased appetite (which can be a con), very mild on liver/organs and most of you know it aromatizes about .25 of the rate of testosterone, (big plus in my book). Some of the cons; Thickens hair (I'm a hairy ape.....bad), shuts down natural test (no shit), increases blood pressure greatly, stays in your system a loooooonnnngggg time (Undecylonate ester causes that), and last but not least thickens blood.

I recently purchased bold cyp and i would like to have some of you share your experiences here regarding different esters and what kind of test you like to run it with and also test/eq ratios. Rule of thumb for me and eq is i run @ 500 mgs test e with 500 mgs of eq for about 16 weeks and have had great results. One thing that i hated was i always felt flushed and had an aching headache, definitely due to RBC count. I never took into account that one should donate blood regularly to keep levels stable but how often is regular and does the ester determine how long your rbc count stays at a high level for?

Experienced members.....Don't come here and tell me to research because i have and there are a lot of mixed feelings about this and i have yet to develop a solid conclusion. I want to go into my next cycle of bold cyp and test e with a regimen on blood donating.

kth3446's picture

I have been reading a lot about bold cyp and it seems prettu amazing. I just wonder why you don't see it around so much as undecyclonate. what makes that so much more popular, is it because that's the only way you can get it vet grade so thats what people are used to seeing? or is there a better reason to want it to take so long to kick and stay active in your system for so long?

tzelukie's picture

Agree with Doss. Bold Cyp gives the option of not running it for 14 16 weeks. Me I usually run it a 2-1 ratio 600 EQ test 300 for a recomp-600 EQ 500 test for mass- Thats just what worked well for me in the past. My next run will be 800 EQ and 600 test for a clean bulk I can eat like a fucken horse on it. I run bloods every 3 weeks and get drained if my endo says so-she's cool and knows why I run so many bloods and helps me with everything else. My blood pressure crept up a bit but not much. For some people it turns there blood into peanut butter, get labs while on to make sure...

simonmagus84's picture

thanks brother. How long would you run bold cyp? 12-14? I'm thinking of doing the same recoup of 300 test 600 bold cyp what kind of experiences di you have while running this cycle?

tzelukie's picture

For me that would be magical. I would run 12 weeks EQ test then run a test prop on the tail or some var to harden up and dry out. Thats what works wonders me!

GRIMEY's picture

does the ester determine how long your rbc count stays at a high level for?

No, the ester has nothing to do with how long your rbc will be elevated. Red blood cells have a life of about 4 months. Well I guess technically the ester could make a difference of up to 3 werks or so after you STOP using the compound. Donating blood will drop your rbc a few points temporarily but it will climb back up fairly quickly.

If you have a constant headache while on EQ be sure to get bloodwork and keep an eye on your BP. Polycythemia can become a serious matter.

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simonmagus84's picture

excellent advice brother. How many time did you donate blood or should i ask, how long did it take to get your rbi count normal levels?

GRIMEY's picture

I donated blood the one time after we first got my results back. We did bloods again that same day. Results showed the donation had lowered just shy of 3 points. About 6 weeks later we did bloods again and my rbc levels were just barely back under the top end of "normal"

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Doss's picture

I love bold cyp! Better than EQ IMO. Less wait time to peak and clear system, means shorter cycles are an option.