thekaz's picture
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drawing tne and other aas question


Hey guys I got a quick question. I know you can draw multiple aas is a single shot but in getting some tne for my next cutblend cycle and never used the tne before. I want to take it as a preworkout. Since it is so fast acting do u think it should he shot by itself or is it ok combine with the cutblend preworkout.


UncleYoked's picture

Doesnt really matter as long as you give it enough time to start to work before your workout. I usually pin my TNE by itself because I shoot it in my pecs and tris with a slin pin. But it really doesnt matter as long as you get it in your body about an hour or so pre work out.

UncleYoked's picture

It would be a good idea to pin it individually to start out with just to see how you react to it, but after that it really doesnt matter.