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+ 1 Injections a guide . Revised


Im new to these forums, but I've been using eRoids for sometime.

An Injection guide. Hope it helps. Veterans be gentle, none of this is based on bro-science, its based on my nursing experience.

Anyways if any of you are wondering why I think I know what im talking about when it comes to injections/pip.

I worked as a certified phlebotomist for two years, first at a blood bank then at a hospital. The two years
I worked as a phlebotomist, I also attended school to become a registered nurse. I now work at a hospital as an emergency room r.n.. I have more experience giving intra muscular injections and intra veinus injections then I know what to do with.

Im not gonna go into what aas/esters cause more pain then others, what im gonna cover is the proper way to antiseptically draw and inject, and also techniques of sticking oneself the proper way to ensure less pip and less chance of infection.

A few of these techniques may not sound so traditional to some so bare with me hear.

Have all your injection supplies ready at hand,
your draw needle , inject needle, syringe , vial/amp, cotton pad, alcohol.

Clean vial stopper with alcohol for 60secs, do not just wipe it once. Continuously wipe it with alcohol for 60 secs, alcohol takes time to sanitize.

Use two separate needles, one to draw , one to inject never use the same needle that is a big nono, it contaminates and dull the needle. Use a 18/20g needle to draw, If your doing 1cc pull 1cc of air into the barrel then inject the air into the vial.This pressurizes the vial and makes the oil flow much easier into the syringe. I see alot of you guys using 25g or smaller needles for
oil, that is unheard of in the medical field. You should inject with a 1.5-2.0inch 22-23g needle, 1.0inch needles do not get deep enough into the muscle. You should inject 1cc of oil with a 22-23g needle inside of 30-45 secs, do not rush it you can feel the pressure talking to you listen, when the plunger pushes back stop! dont push harder. Stop wait give the oil pressure in your muscle time to disperse, then continue. Once the syringe is empty, dont pull the needle out immediately, there is still pressure in the muscle you pull it out and the oil can force its way back out of the muscle, just wait about 10-15 seconds to pull out.

Always sanitize the site where your going to inject with alcohol for 60 seconds, and after the injection sanitize again for 60 seconds

The actual needle stick is important, always approach the muscle inject site with the needle bevel up, this allows more control and ease of muscle entry for the needle. Depending on your inject site and angle you can use the dart technique with the needle, meaning you push the needle at the inject site as if your throwing a dart, ''dont actually throw it pls". Dont be slow with the needle stick, be quick and with out hesitation.
Do not anticipate the stick, you will tense up and tair the skin and muscle. Put the needle stick deep into the muscle, never inject shallow you will regret it, injecting sub-dermal will almost certainly turn septic. Once the needle is in before you push down on the plunger, pull back on the plunger just a little to aspirate the syringe, this will let you make sure your in the muscle and not in a vein or worse an artery.

If your doing a glut injection, you can use you hand to map the proper inject site. Take your hand palm down, place your thumb on the back part of you hip bone and count five fingers in. Where your pinky lands should be the proper inject site, and this should keep you clear of the sciatic nerve.

If your doing a quad injection, always place the inject site on the outside of the quad, never go to the inside of your quad near the femoral artery.

Oh yea heat up the vial a little before you pull your oil, you can use the warm water method mentioned in other threads. Or what I do Is take the vial and place it under my arm pit for 2 minutes, once you have the syringe loaded you can use the arm pit method with it as well.

^^the above info is medical practice and procedure.

I am man enough to admit when I am wrong, and what I am wrong about is the use of 1ml barrels with 25-27g needles. Being medically trained as I am , I have never used 1ml barrels coupled with 25-27g needles for oil injections. In my experience , in a medical setting its 2-3ml barrels with 22-23g needles for oil injections. That being said during my most recent cycle, 2018:Test prop : proviron its listed in cycle logs, I decided to do my own experiment and use 1ml syringes with 1inch 25g needles, I did EOD injections of test prop, rotating injection sites right glut, left glut right quad, left quad, right shoulder, left shoulder. The test prop is in amps, I pulled the oil with 18g needles, and injected with 25g needles.

As a control for the experiment, at first I used my normal 2ml barrel with 22g needles. I experienced the usual amount of pip the first week and thought nothing of it. The next week I switched to 1ml with 25g, needless to say I was shocked at how much of difference there was, I felt basically no pip, and the injections were smooth as butter. I tried using a 25g needle with a 2ml barrel, it was much more difficult to push the oil, and a fair amount of pip returned. Though I do not fully understand fluid dynamics, its obvious that the coupling of the smaller diameter barrel with the 25g needle produces more balanced injection pressure.

I did not use slin syringes, I bought 1ml barrels with interchangeable needles. Though back loading insulin syringes would work just as well Im sure, also I noticed that I did not cover the importance of removing air bubbles from the syringe in my original post. To any new guys who turn to my post for info, always make sure to remove all air from the syringe before injecting, even a small amount of air is extremely dangerous.

I know to most of the vets on eroids this info is common knowledge, I am just posting this up for people new to aas. Antiseptically injecting can not be overstated, sepsis and infections are no joke they hospitalize and kill people far to often.

Rotate injection sites left glut, right glut , left quad , right quad, left shoulder, right shoulder.

Achak's picture

I remember using 22g needles for my first steroid cycle in my early 20's. I still remember the pain from inserting those pins. I have a phobia of needles that I still haven't gotten over after 19 years lol's picture

added a small revision, hope it helps.

Makwa's picture

If I saw a nurse coming at me with a 2in 22g needle I would tell them to GTFO.

Sam I Am's picture

X2 that's a bunch of BS. I've been injecting for 30 years. That last paragraph is completely false..edit second to the last paragraph.

Owes a Review × 1
press1's picture

This is just an article thrown together by some steroid newb who's trying to impress the vets & build some karma...

In a promo × 1's picture

press whats your deal bro I feel you just do not like me.

My thrown together article is actually based on years of nursing experience, and I wrote this because of all the questions and complaints about pip all over these forums.

and calling me a steroid "newb" exactly how much time do you spend in the gym ? . Please write up your own pinning forum my friend.

press1's picture

Hahaha LMFAO - I was a real basta** to you here wasn't I Addicted, I remember this :-(

Still ....... Luckily you've got a thick skin Smile Sorry mate

In a promo × 1's picture

lol I was a new guy .

I needed to be hazed its a right of passage.

Really I should not have been such a smart ass but hey past is past.

press1's picture

Hey man - It's called Character!

In a promo × 1
press1's picture

I'm just bracing myself for this heatwave we've got hitting us tomorrow - 30 C its gonna be which will kill us Brits Lol

In a promo × 1
IrishWOLFhound's picture

Interesting info but at the end of the day do whatever works best for you, if you get less pip with say a 25g or 27g then use that. There's no one size fits all when it comes to which gauge and length of needle to use for injection. That's my opinion anyway. +1

PPGfreak's picture

I disagree with most of what your saying but not worth arguing about.'s picture

In 1975 Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest and came in third.

The moral being people can see the truth standing right in front of them and still not except it, because there so used to hearing and parroting misguided information.

PPGfreak's picture

Good, so you’re starting to see that what you’re saying is incorrect. lol's picture

lol nah bro I am not wrong.

You try to pull bro science techniques at a hospital, there gonna laugh you out of that place and take your license.

for example just because its possible to pull a plunger from a slin pin and back load it does not make it right, as soon as that plunger is removed the antiseptic nature of that pin is compromised.

I get it though if guys are more comfortable using smaller needles so be it, sticking to tried and true methods so be it. Im not trying to step on any toes, just throwing out some info is all.

Bill G's picture

Whats the diference between pulling the plunger out of a slin pin to back fill and taking the big gauge off the 3cc big barrel and replacing it with a smaller or even a new one the same size? Your still breaking the seal and exposing it to the atmosphere's picture

The plunger being put back in the pin causes a vacuum effect pulling in bacteria, its not meant to be taken off, the needle being switched on the other hand is very low impact on the internal antiseptic nature of the syringe, the syringe is built for antiseptic needle switches its part of the job.

But bro I see your point, I really do.

Bill G's picture

Yes changing the needle seems to be a much lower impact. So im wondering what happens when you pull 2.5 of air in the barrel and inject that into the vial. I guess it sterilize the air pulling through the needle? .

PPGfreak's picture
  1. As someone that has been medically trained, I do not use Bro science.
  2. I never stated any bro Science or technics that you could call bro Science.
  3. I do not prefer smaller needles and never mentioned any sizes.
  4. Two educated people are allowed to have a difference of opinion in a topic. For example, even in the medical field they will have boards of people to have discussions on topics that they will disagree on. It does not mean any individual person is right or wrong. It means they have different methods/opinions.'s picture

If I could give karma I would give you karma lol.

Your right bro I was being presumptuous.

Sam I Am's picture

Fortunately I can take karma. -2

Owes a Review × 1's picture

ouch... im gonna stop while I am ahead on this one.

Sam I Am's picture

A good place to start night be posting a picture of yourself. Not talking shit to an adv member who has proven himself through pictures and discussions many times. Goodluck

Owes a Review × 1
press1's picture

Lol Nice one..

In a promo × 1's picture

Sam I have mad respect for the senior members on here, you guys give free advice for nothing, you try to steer young guys away from unnecessary aas use. Its great.

But with all due respect bro gaining yours and anyone else approval on this website is not a priority to me.

I know who I am and what I am, I do not need to prove anything to anyone, except myself, and maybe my wife.

Posting pics on this website is the worst idea in the long sad history of bad ideas, and believing those those pics are real is gullible on a childish level, and I say all this with due respect nothing personal towards you.

Sam I Am's picture

I know who the real guys are on here. That dudes one of em.. you are addicted to pain. Since I'm so childish -2

Owes a Review × 1's picture

And I thought I was gonna like you sam.

Now im getting the feeling I wanna see if you can take karma in real life.

and I never said he was not a real dude, we came to a common consensus.

IrishMack's picture

Now im getting the feeling I wanna see if you can take karma in real life.

That statement wins the internet. Do you have real life karma? Where do you get it from? Mr Cheezle?

vhman's picture

Lol! I think he gets it from you!

Sam I Am's picture

I give away far more karma than I take. Post something positive and not condensending and I'm sure you'll get it right back. Fyi I've lost 200 karma in one whack. Rusty I believe gave back 2000 so don't act like I've done you a big disservice. You did it to yourself..

Owes a Review × 1
PPGfreak's picture

You’re welcome to do whatever you want. But I would recommend just deleting the thread. We had a difference of opinion which is fine because like I said at the beginning it’s not worth arguing about.

Sam I Am's picture

You know most of his forum I agree with but the disrespect to the site I don't like. What's childish about progress pictures?

Owes a Review × 1
PPGfreak's picture

Nothing at all brother. It’s something I respect and appreciate. It separates the people just regurgitating what they read vs the people that can back up what they Preach.

PPGfreak's picture

It’s all good bro. Everyone’s body is slightly different so guys that of been on TRT for years dial things in. After hundreds of injections in your own body you will come up with preferences that might be slightly outside of the normal. Now if someone jumped in and said they prefer to use a 18g I would fight that that is not the best method. But for the most part most of these numbers are slightly flexible with them no reason of course.

Over the years my doctor has given me prescriptions for multiple different sizes and lengths. I would say that the two common Sizes I use are what you prefer

How on some of my other preferred injections pods I have on sizes. Like my pecks/chest, lats and traps.

press1's picture

Not sure if I actually believe you are a nurse or not as anyone could say this but anyway..The final paragraph is absolute rubbish - where do you get the fact that its not the size of the needle that causes the pain?! A fat Green harpoon needle hurts 10 times more just on piercing the skin than a 25g orange does before even going properly into the muscle...

In a promo × 1's picture

Guy its not like I said I have an M.D. from Johns Hopkins, when I got out of the military I used my G.I. bill to get in to the R.N. program at my local technical college. That is if you believe I was in the military ;), did not know I was on trial.

Bro's can wear scrubs too, though the sleeves are so hard to feel up with my arms.

And as for the needle gauge dilemma, the pain difference between a 22g and a 25g in the hands of someone skilled is negligible, now the flow of the oil is just right with a 22-23g but a 25-27g is just not made for oils used with hormones sure they work technically, but they are not viable in a medical setting they take to much time and add to much pressure, hcg, hgh, water based winstrol is something else entirely.

dextetherdog's picture

Couple notes made, thanks

Hitman1992's picture

It’s pointless to put it under your arm pit in my opinion if it was long ester the logic behind this method to get as quick as possible into your system because it’s has same temperature of your body
I never have tried this method thou

Bill G's picture

In the realm of sanitizing you lost me at put it under your armpit.
Good information like sam said its been covered a bunch but better to hear it over and over than not enough. I will say if my doctor came in the the room and pulled the vial of medicine out of his arm pit i would walk out right then.'s picture

lol yea, I typically do it on the way to the patients room or bed, never in front of them.

Sam I Am's picture

Me to..

Owes a Review × 1
Sam I Am's picture

This isn't bad info but it's been covered before. Never hurts to hear it again though.

Owes a Review × 1
IrishMack's picture

One of the things I find interesting which is parroted broscience is twofold, the size of the needle doesnt give pip and also if you move the needle around you get pip. Neither one is true. I had needles the size of straws and over 3-5 inches long injected into my top upper trap into my shoulder as well as my wife and the doctor walked away while he waited for the solution to draw down, then take the barell off and replaceit with another all the while moving the needle around like it was a swing and I watched the needle sway back and forth thinking it was going to snap off. No pip afterwards. the pain came from the cortizone. The bigger the needle, the bigger the hole, got pip like crazy, I switched to a smaller needle i.e 25-26G, no pip. I inject my glutes with a 1.5 25 gauge and reach for my swab to clean the area before pulling it out, needle is dangling and moving pip. I always heat my gear to my body temperature then once its in the syringe I hold it in my habnd for another few minutes then inject. heating it up past body temp caused me pip.