Manikirk's picture
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Training for mass/hypertrophy on cycle


What is the best training routine for muscle mass while on cycle. I have done research about many different kinds of high intensity workout just want to get others thoughts and opinions on the matter.

Makwa's picture

Higher weights lower reps is for strength. Bodybuilders and powerlifters typically have different interpretations of heavy weight. If you are looking for hypertrophy you need to train with a time under tension (TUT) of between 40-80 secs. That TUT is scientifically proven to maximize hypertrophy. Train like a bodybuilder if you want to get bigger quicker and train like a powerlifter if you want to get stronger quicker. One or the other. I have written a shit ton of hypertrophy forums so just look through them. This should pretty much be your bible for hypertrophy based training though.

Here are some bodybuilder workout examples. (still a work in progress)

simonmagus84's picture

What’s worked well for me in the past was 1 warm up set around 15-20 range, then a down pyramid starting from 5 until failure then incorporating a drop set at the last failure set. I used that method for primary muscle groups but not for something like triceps or Shrugs, more so for squats deadlifts and presses. Failure, negatives and drop stets. Never use momentum.

MuscuLex's picture

I've seen a lot of different approaches on this, but nothing can beat a pure classic.... Heavy weights, low reps is like a bible for me while bulking

FlemDaddyKush's picture

I know this is a obvious answer but heavier weights people usually tend to do if they are trying to bulk up but you can still gain mass with lower weights too but the general consensus is higher weights lower reps for mass and lower weight higher reps for cutting/definition. Everybody will have a different answer as what they like to do with their own workouts whether they focus on one muscle group at a time or more than one combined.