Scrawny-to-not's picture
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SR9009 and RAD 140


I was given these two products as a gift when I bought some EQ, Mast and test. (Sticking with my test only first cycle as advised, but building up an inventory for the future)
I've seen a lot of conflicting information about RAD140 and sarms in general, especially in terms of synergy with testosterone. Would I be wasting my 250 Test a week if at the end of my cycle I took the RAD 140 at 10-20mg a day for 4 weeks? It's in tablet form, is sublingual a better administration method?
I'd also add in the sr9009 at the end of my cycle to lean out a bit and show off the gains, let's say 30mg a day split up because of the short half life. I read the bioavailability is trash, but see conflicting things on oral vs sublingual with this as well, any thoughts?

FlemDaddyKush's picture

yeah so sarrms have much better binding affinity to the androgen receptor so its not good to do sarm and roid hybrid cycles. but tou can run 2-300mg test weekly and take a sarm alongside it, you dont wanna go any higher than that test dosage otherwise it will all just be free test aromitizing. rad 140 i guess is similar to maybe tbol if i had to compare it to a roid, your not gonna get like gains from it but it can cut you up a little and give you strength gains and endurance possibly. but the sr9009 is garbage when taken orally. i dont know why its even made in tablet form it has like 0 oral bio availablity. it works when injected. thats why they came oit with the sr9011 to replace 9009 so it can be taken orally. its supposed to be similar to cardarine

Scrawny-to-not's picture

I aromatize to e2 so much that 250 test seems like my zone, hell maybe even a little high as I have to take ai to keep my tits from burning. So taking the rad with that at the end of my cycle seems like it might be okay!
I've also got Var though, and I think we can all agree it's the better compound. Thanks for your input homie!

Black90tsi's picture

I ran some sarms before ever jumping to actual gear. I can say my strength and vascularity went up when running rad. I never really put on any size though. The veins in my forearms were constantly pumped. It shouldn't hurt anything to add it all in. But rad can increase blood pressure, hence the constantly pumped veins. Just keep that in mind. It would be a good idea to monitor your BP while using it. Though you should be doing that with gear anyways.

I have no experience with SR. It's supposed to increase cardiovascular ability. I can say that Cardarine does a great jump increasing your cardio work capacity. That's the only "sarm" i'll use at this point.

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