Pierce28's picture
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First cycle


207 lbs
Been working out on and off but I’ve platoiad and cannot seem to do much else. Diets is I cut sodas and just eat, lot of healthy foods at home but do eat out and get pizzas and stuff. Decided to do my first cycle
Going to be doing.
Tes c 600mg- 10 weeks
Oral dbal 30mg-6 weeks
Arimdex .5 twice a week but considered taking as needed depend how body reacts… give me thoughts on this big time.
This is another I want to know more about. I got clomid on hand but I’ve heard it’s something you take for serious stacks. Was going to take nolvedex
Nolvedex 40 mg for 2 weeks
Nolvedex 20mg for weeks 3and 4 get blood work and go from there

ugly's picture

I wouldn't advice pct if you starting using gear. It's pointless. If you start gear then be on it always. Blast for 9 months and cruise for 3 months. After serious cycle you will need to recover 1-2 years. You can't fully recover in 4 months. Also you don't want to cycle for 10-15 years. It's yoyo when you pct. On 9 months cycle your body will adjust and be no side effects. I have never seen a gym rat who's jacked, doing pct, he's always on. If you want constant progress don't come off.

Greg's picture

This is 2 reckless comments I've found from you so far... keep it up and you'll be gone soon.

luka010199's picture

You need hcg for pct

Greg's picture

Do you though?

IrishMack's picture

Do you have the magic arrows? Easy, here's what you do. Hide behind the boulder. When the demon comes out of the cave, shoot him three times with the magic arrows. Then his head will start to spin. Once that happens, you jump up on the boulder, you do a flying downward thrust with the sword of doom, and thats it - level six is done.

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