BigTampa's picture
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I’m getting quite a bit of bloating in my stomach area! I’m 6’2 190lbs and have been a bean pole my whole life body fat % off cycle 12%! I’m taking 300mg test cyp a week, week 5 of the cycle (worked my way up). 1 injections every 3.5 days. In the gym 5 to 6 days week, low sodium diet, but I could get my water intake dialed in better. I have nolvadex on hand. I feel this is an estrogen issue. Can I take the nolvadex 2 to 3 times a week to reduce bloating? I go for my mid cycle blood draws on Dec. 20. This is my first cycle! I know some of you are going to get on here and kick me in the teeth but I’m just looking for help! I’ve considered an AI however I just didn’t feel I was running such a high enough dose of test to warrant that level of E2 suppression. Any help would be great! Thanks!

Jockstrap's picture


33stevan's picture

When I was on 300 mg I also had a bit of bloat it was due to my estrogen being high AI helped and also like you said water intake.

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Drexyl's picture

I would suggest adding some low dose masteron before jumping to anastrazole, much more mild and less risk of crashing your e2. Add 100mg of enanthate a week or 75mg of propionate with your 2x a week test injections. It’ll make a difference even at that low dosage.

Diddydog1000's picture

Take some ginger root shit does wonders for me!!!!

OogieBoogie's picture

Have you gained weight during these 5 weeks of your cycle? Are you eating more than normal? Could just be from food. As others mentioned Estrogen can cause bloat. Some people do need an AI on 300mg of Test.

Birdmanjack23's picture

You probably going to need arimidex for high estrogen.. Nolva will not work for this...

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Jockstrap's picture

Bloat is estrogen and food. You need blood test and proper ai.

Read a few hours before trying anything. Then update findings here Smile

anvil's picture

I would definitely do some research on what you are doing here.
Blood work is the only way to know what your estro is high, don't wait for a set date if you are having issues.
Stomach distention - most likely from digestion issues, not water intake. Look at the foods you are consuming and the amounts. Remove anything that maybe causing you discomfort. For me I would do a 1 day fast to see if that clears it all up then slowly add back foods until I figured out what was wrong.

SeeOhShow's picture

Nolva isn’t an AI. Get your bloodwork and check your E2 levels. Then assess if you need AI or not. The concept of “I didn’t think I was running enough test to need an AI” is false. You could need an AI at 200mg/wk or not until 600 mg/wk. Everyone is different.

itsHughJanis's picture

Does your body ever "build a tolerance" to the point where you won't need an AI? Like let's say I just blast 1g of test for the rest of my life (just a scenario, not saying I would ever do that), will your body ever adapt to that and slow e2 production?

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Jockstrap's picture


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