JayD718's picture
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Developed (NAFL)Fatty Liver From Melanotan2


What's up. I just want to put this out there, to warn people who use or are thinking of using Melanotan2. This was a while ago, and thank God I was able to reverse my fatty liver. I read about Melanotan2, and decided to give it a try. I used the normal amount for the loading phase, and then I continued with 1mg per week to keep up my tan. At the time, I wasn't on any gear or anything else that would affect my liver. When I went for my regular bloodwork, my liver enzymes were elevated to about 4 and 5 times the normal levels. My doctor sent me to a gastroenterologist to have a sonogram of my liver, and other tests, and he said I had a slightly (NAFL)fatty liver, and recommended that I loose some weight. At the time, I wasn't even thinking that it could have anything to do with the Melanotan2. Anyway, during the process of seeing the gastroenterologist, I just so happened to stop using the Melanotan2, and when I got my next bloodwork results, my liver enzymes were perfect! Now, I did loose some weight like he recommended, but I'm sure it was from the Melanotan2, because I'm at the same weight now as I was when my liver enzymes were very high, but I just had bloodwork and everything was perfect! Also, my fatty liver has repaired itself, so it had to be the Melanotan2. So, I would really recommend staying away from this stuff, but if you do use it, you should definitely get regular bloodwork and pay attention to your liver enzymes!! I was very lucky for my liver to have repaired itself, but you might not be so lucky. A nice tan isn't worth a healthy liver, and if your reading this, I'm guessing that you probably dabble with gear, so you really don't need anything else that could possibly damage your liver, ya know.✌

giardap's picture

Interesting post

Now, I did loose some weight like he recommended

1. you lost weight and didnt get the scan on the liver the 2nd time if i am reading correctly? Meaning you do not truly know if nafld is gone?

2. Liver enzymes are down 1.5 months after cessation of mt2? From blood test which is a test of blood and not the liver itself.

I may have gotten this wrong as you say fatty liver has repaired itself, so can you say was the liver scanned and what differences were observed?

Very interesting either way, curious to learn more

Bill G's picture

There are a lot of variable that could and will screw blood work up . Fasting , not fasting. Amount of protein , work out routine .

WelshNmad's picture

Not necessarily the cause of your enzyme elevation there's way too many variables

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wanted's picture

I love melanotan2
Can you tell me how long you were on it and after you came off how long till your levels dropped

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Gh0st's picture

I don’t know if there is any research behind the melanotan causing NAFLD but that can be caused by many things. Reversible causes including being overweight, and a shit diet. If you cleaned up your diet and lost weight that could definitely be as factor as well. Anyways, hats off to you for keeping your health a priority.

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