Mean Cuisine's picture
Mean Cuisine
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US seizure letter. Now what?


Hey guys anyone gotten a seizure letter in the US? Just got one and curious if I have to respond or if I do is that admitting knowledge (“interest”) in the package? And if it’s serious or not. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. -Thanks

Greg's picture

Is that why I’m getting trolled?

You have to have the cojones of a squirrel to play this game.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Correct...but it doesn't always end the way one expects...

Mean Cuisine's picture

Lol that’s fucked up

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Ozninjaguy's picture

hahaha! I will plus one you on your next post (where that is possible) for having a sense of humour. Cheers mate.

333's picture

Hahahaha that avatar

333's picture

No it's cause it's been asked so many times here that you should have used the search bar for it (I'm sure you didn't think about it though) and you have - karma so they jump on you but if you keep your head up you can always come back ahead there is lots of info here and it's free just stick it out bro. I'll have to check out that show

Mean Cuisine's picture

Don’t watch the interactive movie it sucked but all the shows are sick, kind of like a modern day twilight zone if you’ve ever seen that.

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GizmoDuck's picture

Omg. I can’t eat those anymore. Thinking about them makes me sick

Gymjunkie01's picture

Bro listen.. I know a guy that knew a guys cousin that got a letter like that.. about 20 days later he ended up in GITMO.. classified him as a terrorist ... run and hide get rid of all electronic devices .. do not use And credit cards.. and go make a aluminum foil hat , it shields the governments tracking signals..

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Fangsharp's picture

Foil dying here

Greg's picture

Look, I'm a mod so I know what I'm talking about. (as most here will attest, Mods are never wrong)

You're marked and now on a watch list... they probably know you're on this site as well. If you continue on, it'll just be a matter of time when they nab you picking up your stuff, or you have a knock on your door and they raid your house. Anything over 40 mg is intent to distribute.

Do the right thing, move to Canada and quit AAS. If you're not willing to do that, well, good luck.

Mean Cuisine's picture

You’re fucking with me right? , for the record I don’t order international , and I don’t track packages using a static IP address either. My gf against my advice had me create her a CENSORED account and order some Clen shipped to her parents house, i warned her she might get a letter instead and the other day her mom sent her a picture of the letter. I’ve never gotten one so idk what this means. Thanks for the advice guys.

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Mean Cuisine's picture

Haha come on bro , and she does have her own account, just doesn’t understand cryptocurrency and all that jazz so I did some of the legwork for her. And her mom is notorious for actually opening up her mail and going thru it so idk lol

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Makwa's picture

Now you have some explaining to do to her parents why the feds might be coming and busting down their door and hauling them away in cuffs.

tattoofreak's picture

Burn all bridges behind you and leave the country as soon as possible! Best thing would be a state which has no extradition treaty with the USA....

Mean Cuisine's picture

So it’s no biggie right? Getting trolled hard right now lol but everyone here was a noo I’ve at some point too and was a time they didn’t know the answer to this question either.

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333's picture

Use the search bar and look for the answer you will figure it out people get them all the time

Mean Cuisine's picture

Thanks man

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daksmack's picture

Do you have a prescription for the stuff you ordered lol? No right? So why the fuck would you try and claim it. Just put the cuffs on before you respond lol.. c'mon man!

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Pale's picture

Run for your life!!!

GizmoDuck's picture

Run for the Hills

Iron Maiden!!!

Pale's picture

I was envisioning that scene from ROTK before Gandalf shows up and cracks him on the head,lol

GizmoDuck's picture

Damn right. Merica!!

GizmoDuck's picture

Plead the FiF!!!

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