7gothic's picture
  • 750



As most of you know, we have a point system here on eroids that allows members to award points to others based on how helpful comments were to them. This system is clearly being abused and it's no secret who's doing the abusing. I've seen members get awarded points for insightful and brilliant one-liners such as "lol"...."LMFAO", and "No Homo", just to name a few.
When other members see guys getting points for such intelligence, it's degrading to them...especially when they've just spent an hour trying to construct a meaningful, helpful response to the question of a new member seeking desperately needed advice. In turn, they lose interest in making anymore responses because they feel like it isn't appreciated. It seems like more and more, ignorance and trivial remarks are rewarded with recognition...not to mention the fact that fanboys reward other fanboys of a particular supplier simply for singing his praise. Somebody please tell me how it's "helpful" to you to see YET ANOTHER "it's gtg" after seeing the first 50.
Starting NOW, if MODs see you with points that weren't legitimately earned, you WILL lose them, and YES, WE get to decide if they were legitimately earned. We realize you have no control over somebody else giving you points, but that doesn't mean you get to keep them...especially when they were given for bullshit. If you feel we are wrong, shoot us a PM and we'll discuss it. But the days of point-whoring are over.
Members handing out rep points like Obama handing out stimulus checks will be warned.....then point-docked....then banned, if need be.
Lets keep integrity of eroids intact.

wallabokkie's picture

Thanks very much. I see this all too often. That is the reason why I have been so quiet on the site over the last few weeks. Got the shits with it all, peeps just hammering the points for utter garbage. Like you say I read something then give it some serious thought then write the response. Then all you get is a big fat nothing. Then as you say some tosser and his bum budy just keep on racking points up for each other. It pisses me off to no end.

foxracing13's picture

I've been all over posting, reading, reviewing and all. And can't change this five for nothing so I don't think people are just giving them away and if they are. Who are they I need to talk to them.

J/K 7gothic

vocor's picture

This one's easy: have to have 10 rep to rate others.
All this and much, much more, is spelled out here.
Just scroll to the bottom of an eroids page, see "IMPORTANT" in RED, and then right under that is all the good info that you need. Welcome to eroids!

PinPusher's picture

I have been a member of eroids for sometime, not as long as some but I've been here a little longer than most and the only thing I post are reviews,products,advice,etc and guess what I only have a whoping 12 points vs a newbie that has no knowledge nor experience whatsoever of bodybuilding and roids and has points 10 times higher than mine cause they know how to rap and g2g. Doesn't bother me cause points dont mean shit in the real world but it is nice to see the trash beening taken out!

bicepbetty's picture

Yeah it's hard to earn points these days so thank you for giving me mine back but I would love a link to where I was banned a few weeks back so that I can make sure I don't do what I did to get banned ever again. And I am not being a smart@ss. I have never been banned or lost points so if I have been banned then I am unaware of it and I def want to see why so that it never happens again. Thanks for the help and look forward to the link.

7gothic's picture

I have no idea where it is now Bro...I have it written here in front of me on my log. It was a very short time, so you probably didn't even notice.
I try not to take points unless somebody really pushes it, and when I ban people, it's more just a way to let them cool off, so I usually bring them back quickly.

Ludwig's picture

I seen a post the other day where somebody got docked by a hater. Then when he tripped all kind of people come out of the woodwork and say " Gotcha bro" and just started awarding him points for absolutely nothing. Just leace me at +5. I can stroke my own.

Owes a Review × 1
eastcoastmuscle's picture

Im going to start whoreing myself for some points...that or begging ...lol

7gothic's picture

Can I click helpful, if I Briefly explain why?

Sure....and that's also a great idea, and may possibly even be implemented into policy.

JOEDIEZ's picture

I Refuse!!!! I will dock you points for meanness at once in my soup Nazi voice yea 2 points for me for retarded yea!!!

big greek's picture

Rite on bro!

runtherabbit's picture

Seems like people will hoard anything, even rep points lol!

All you need is a few friends to make accounts, and then rep the fuck out of each other.

Competitor's picture

As new as I am, sounds good to me.

jsquito's picture

I agree bro 100%