november1's picture
  • 69

I suck at good titles


So fam.
After long ass break I'm back.
Reading true forums and reviews and looking what's been going on with you bastards. See a lot of familiar faces here that's really pleasing to see. Lots of veterans pounding some fresh meat - never gets old. Lots of noobies as well, I think that oar will never stop. Know-it-alls who want their first cycle to be 3+ compound gear and orals and omg.....
Well we must learn one way or onother. I also had some high expectations at the beginning. I have lost count, well actually don't remember the exact number of cycles I have done. Could be like 5propper and 3 shit failures. But here I am.
Lots of love goes out to members who really helps these guys true snowballing or hassing or just straight up putting some knowledge in front of them. Hard way or onother. Hear is not joke. Hormones is not joke and few of them still scared me .

EVERYONE has his story about this amazing year. And deammm love reading those stories. Can relate on few on them. My love life went to shit becouse of Covid+ long distance work + getting stuck in quarantine+ alchohol + roids.
Been sober for quite some time. That's my jorney to go.
Learned some valuable life lessons. Never mix gear and alcho.
I was off cycles and on TRT for rest of the year just to keep me going. Soo.. here I am..

And my favorite time of the year is comming - winter (Bulk the fuck up as much as I can)

This was just me here saying helo to some old buddies, sort of re-intruduction, and I will be here more often guyz.

Btw. When ever I hear word snowflake - hits me loughing and remember this community...

Time to dig around and find source for winter order. Sticking to basics Test e, deca and dbol. Will let you know what I find out.
Stay safe and fuck this covid bulshit..

november1's picture

Hey jooo.
AI always on hand.
I have lost lot of weight so bloat is welcome .

Hardest part is as always stuffing rice and meat in my stomach. Deammm

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Pxpxp's picture

Sorry to hear about your year so far bro, I have had some up and downs.. downs suck and the up are usually amazing. Sometimes we just need a break and get a fresh start. I hope all go better for ya and welcome back

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