Anonymous's picture
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+ 1 I pinned my dog.


Hes my buddy, hes my faithful companion , I had him before either of my boys and I do love this dog immensely. Some may feel its reckless , some may not understand and think its a waste of good juice, but Friday night I gave the ole boy 50 mg of deca , 50 mg of test, and 500 mg of cardispan.
Hes creeping up on 13 and I see the change in him. I have to carry him up the stairs sometimes and lift him in and out of the truck, but he still seems happy to be around.
Maybe its wishful thinking, but I swear he seems more perky already. Im planning on this low dose once a week for a few months. Supposedly Deca is great for dogs, as is L-carnitine.

Pepwarehouse's picture

Hey just curious where your pinning him? im or sub q? I've been considering this ever since I read your post where u pinned with your dogs pin. lol Anyways I got an old boy too(9) and he is a little overweight and just sluggish. You can tell hes getting old and I would love to see him get some life back in him. He's about 85 lbs pit. Got any advise for me. This is purely for his own benefit. Hes a inside family dog!

WINNING's picture

How long do you plan on giving him these meds? Dude, it would tear me apart to see my american bulldog in pain like that. IM glad to see your dog loves it though, good for you and him. Bless

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Bump, I'd like to hear how this is going a year later. I remember seeing you mention this elsewhere recently, so am assuming your friend is still with us. I have a 12 year old rottie who has bad hips (not dysplasia). It's a female so I probably wouldn't use test, or possibly ultra low dose test. However her heart is failing, poor girl pants half the time just laying around. Was this experiment beneficial? Do you think it might help for my dog?

KappaXL's picture

Thankyou so much for posting this. Ive been thinking about it for a long time. But was afraid to post here and ask about it. And i certainly didnt want to ask my vet about it. My 5 yr old 115 lb Lab has a diagnosed inactive thyroid as of about 7 months ago. The vet put him on saloxyn for it which brought his levels up but it also made him violently throw up and gave him diarrhea with flecks of blood in it. So he was either allergic or it was simply too harsh for his system. What dose would you suggest to bump up his activity and turn some of that fat back into muscle?

KappaXL's picture

Yes he was clipped at 1yr- but his drive dropped off exponentially year by year. Hes too young to be this lethargic. So i'll give that a go. Id be thrilled to have my huntin buddy back to his old self.

ReadyToKillIt's picture

What are his stats lol? Breed/weight/etc. anything you think would be pertinent to dose my girl. Also are you going IM or is it like vaccinating?

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Good stuff, thanks novi. Only her body is starting to fail. I still see the spark in her eyes. If I can do anything to improve the time she has left, I will.

srgtmeowenstein's picture

I too was a bit taken back when I first read the title to this thread, but now that I've gone though it, I can't believe I never thought of it myself before.
Kudos Brother!

Braxbrah's picture

Wow you crazy son of a gun, I love this thread. From an old weary out its days to a new, energetic, strong and enthusiastic little fellow. Great shit.

What macro's is he eating at? Carbs, Protein, Fats?

Braxbrah's picture

Wow. Dog has his diet in check...gets his cardio in going on walks each morning, must be lifting as he's putting on mass. Have you got a pic of him? The forum hereby names him AlphaDog.

Modified's picture

What about shutdown?

joebig517's picture

And who said you cant teach an old dog new treats..... Good to hear your faithfull friend is well and thriving Smile
I see your logic even more so now i realise the dog is neutered as that would make him put on weight my mates pitbull x staffordshire bull terrier was an impressive muscular dog (no juice o'naturale) after he got the snip he put loads of weight on and isnt anywhere near as athletic or get up and go as he was pre bye bye balls lol its because he has no testicle test
He's a great natured beasty tho Smile

joebig517's picture

Thanks bro yeah..... I meant to say "new tricks"
Not "treats" lol this simply doesnt justify a response.
Good luck to him

spartacus91's picture

Good shit gna after try this myself.has he gained muscle or is he just realy active ? You do find with a lot of older dogs if there legs dnt go its there kidneys,liver ect thats why i was a bit off about the idea at first thinking maybe it could shorten there life if there kidneys get damaged.just had my 15 year old die of kidney,liver probz.gna after look more into it and see what crk is.

spartacus91's picture

Av allready said to a few of my mates about this they seem down with the idea aswell there was a local guy who shot his pittys and rots full of juice that makes it look cruel he ended up in the papers and the lot theres some fuckaz out there like.Yea same thing happend to my dog put a lot of fat on and chilled him out.yea it is quite low i read they only give horses 50 mg eq every week duno if thats ryt tho they maybe say that but shoot them up a shit load more.haha well he must like it my dog shes 13 nealy 14 you put a needle near her and your hand would be gone lol its hard to cut her nails shes nuts.

manbearpig's picture

wow man! that sounds incredible

MuscleDevelop's picture

ahhhhh this was a great read for me, absolutely f'n hilarious! I have had dogs all my life and totally understand where your coming from! I havn't ever pinned any of my dogs but I do give my 8 year old american bulldog bitch fish oil every day, as it's really good for her heart!

joebig517's picture

Good call the fish oil mate i give mine it too,yeah its good for their heart, bones, joints with my two bitches being running dogs/lurchers i own they must do some ware and tear and get cuts and knocks all the time, there like 40mph headless chickens sometimes lol

MuscleDevelop's picture

I've always thought about pinning my dog, but she's 8 years old and still acts like a 2 year old! I can't EVER trust her AT ALL! If I let her off the lead in the park she will run off and jump in the river, bring out a branch, then bite another dog for looking at her branch etc.. I don't wanna imagine what she would be like if I pinned her

finafan's picture

Few months this dog will rip through chain link fences to get some ass.

joebig517's picture

I recall when i was a young lad my cousin who was into boxing at an amature level had a BB buddy who was easily like the biggest guy i had ever seen and he had a rottweiler juiced up i think for all the wrong reasons i remember my cousin said it was on "bull steroids" whatever the AAS were now i dont know what it was but it was fuckn massive... Unfortunately it died by time it was around 6. Now i read the post title and dissaproved... but now ive read your situation i see how its a forced necessary hope your dogs well mate you cant overlook tbe science of AAS and if it makes him happy mate i think its all good.
Got two lurchers bitches mate my companions ( Bailey a beddlington terrier x whippet and Luna a greyhound x American type lab retriever) there lightning fast when there out on a run if they got an injury i knew a certain AAS would give them relief and better there quality of life, especially with the on set of age hell yeah i do that and anything in my power to assist ;) peace bro hope hes many miles left in the tank losing a dog is just like losing a family member in my eyes unfortunately our times are all limited man and beast so to all the men and beasts embrace the power of AAS

joebig517's picture

It must be quite funny sometimes mate with your dog always in turbo creep mode with the bitches i bet he does the rounds lol, the gears gone to his brain it tells him loud with a hint of wisdom...." YOU ARE THE DOG ON THIS BLOCK, YOUR THE BOSS ROUND HERE!" and he thus sets on his quest to try and spread his seed willy nilly and thwart his competitors via any means necessary.
My wild immagination lol

joebig517's picture

If i could smell a woman from the distances your dog can smell a bitch id stay well away lol a female human of such pungent odour must have a hygeine issue or something like, damn she smell like a fish market... Hell no lol.
Later bro

spartacus91's picture

hahahaha Or fucking hell its daft o clock in the morning am trying not to wake the baby but that shit has me laffing my balls off a neva frt abwt that little side effect lol

wallabokkie's picture

Hey mate well done. TRT for pooches lol. This isn't the first time I have heard of this. When I was a fair bit younger I remember seeing a Bullterrier down at the beach. This thing was massive. The owner was gassing his dog up for sure. This day he was running the dog up and down big sand dunes with a weight around it's neck. This thing was absolutely amazing to watch. It was like looking at Ronnie Coleman on 4 legs. Haha

10000ngdl's picture

At first I was like wtf thats just wrong but now I understand. Good luck

Freeo's picture

Halarious post. Always thought of shooting my dog or cats. love it