simonmagus84's picture
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Andrew Yang 2020


My fellow Eroidians,

I haven’t posted a forum topic in quite a long time and I’m not one for politics but there is an impending threat we all face which has already effected us psychologically, spiritually, emotionally and socially. I’m talking about our transition into transhumanistic age

I’m sure we’ve all seen some sort of documentary or been to a seminar on the AI topic but we’re in a Transhuman state ourselves as Elon Musk has mentioned on JRE of us having instantaneous communication and information with our smart phones. Raymond Kurzweil calls this the singularity and mentions several stages or epochs of transitions where we’ll all eventually “our consciousness” will be uploaded into a mainframe. A hive, emotionless, repetitiveness of just existence

This isn’t a conspiracy theory anymore. We are on the brink of a global existential crises where we may literally find ourselves resorting to Darwinian impulses within the next few decades. I’m sure majority of the members here have seen Black mirror or westworld but this is the current trajectory.

You can research transhumanism by watching these links here:


Everyone goes off the instant line of “oh the universal income guy” they probably read a meme on him and now feel as if they know everything about him.

As a proud union member, we face job losses due to automation on a yearly basis. Every year we evade massive cuts but automation is inevitable. Not only for my job, but for 66% of the workforce of the entire country. 66% of labor force in our country work in retail/trucking/service centers and are facing job losses within the next decade

I’ve talked to other brethren about this topic and received the typical “well they need to go back to school or become more skilled” College is not the answer anymore. How many people do we know received a degree and can’t find a job because the market no longer values their field? Majority of the national debt is due to student loans and health care but sharpening your skills or “becoming a better person” no longer holds value for the imminent threat due to automation. Inspirational memes, videos or speeches won’t save us.

I’m asking the members of this eroids to please consider listening to Andrew Yang on tonight’s debate and support him anyway you can. If not, I still whole heartedly appreciate being part of this site and having established the wonderful relationships over the years.

JRE podcast Andrew Yang

Pale's picture

I am sorry bro but no politics here in the open forums.

Faz's picture

I enjoy reading your view/opinion on various topics on this site, it doesn’t always conform to the norm.

I agree and also dispare with your post.

Yes, AI will be involved in every aspect of our lives at some point in the future.

The dumbing down of society has been happening for generations, for example...

30 years ago, basic mental arithmetic was necessary for day to day life, now it’s barely focused on because a calculator will always be at hand.

AI will be an evolution of the above, why do I need to learn something when I can buy/programme/upload software to do it for me.

Unfortunately the world is now controlled by people above presidents/prime ministers/kings or queens.

If people like the Rothschild’s find it suits their narrative of the world then AI will eventually happen no matter what.

These people like Andrew Yang get a platform to speak out until people start listening.

Religion and certain psychedelic drugs (dmt) are a small hope in resisting the inevitable.

this is only my opinion, I don’t expect everyone to agree

simonmagus84's picture

Very very well written. I do indeed agree with you.I’m going to say something extremely bold. Hopefully by then, humans will be forced to evolve naturally, possibly creating a coherence with AI and consciousness. Quite possibly having the ability to influence it.

guitarplayer1's picture

Not a democrat but Yang is the best one in the dem field. Too bad he won't make it to the primary. He has a head on his shoulders.

Owes a Review × 1
simonmagus84's picture

If I’m not mistaken, around this time last election, the masses all thought the same about Trump. He was the one wild card, the joker. I think with a solid showing tonight, some momentum, he can do it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.