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Dealing With Pains and Aches


You never imagined you would be one of those older people who complain about pain until the day you went to wake up and felt that agonizing discomfort as part of your knees. It’s okay-joint and muscle pain is normal as we grow older. However, you can make your life more comfortable by following a few easy tricks to help relieve that pain. This is where I found the article:

Reader and computer-user discomfort

Readers and computer customers in particular will be able to relate to the experiencing of neck pain. Often, these two activities cause people to hold their heads and necks in awkward positions for extended amounts of time. Arthritis Today shows that such people should try using “document holders attached to computer monitors and positioned at eye-level, along with hands-free telephone headsets” to help reduce neck discomfort.

High-heeled and dangerous

Women often bring additional strain on themselves by wearing high heel shoes. This is one case where it would be wise to sacrifice a little fashion sense in order to improve your quality of life. You don’t have to get rid of them entirely, just stick with shorter heels-about one inch. According to Arthritis Today, “Experts say a three-inch heel stresses your foot seven times more than a one-inch heel. In addition, heels put extra stress on your knees and may boost your risk of developing osteoarthritis.”

Advice from the experts

A lot of people may worry that it’s too late for them-they already have the painful muscles and swollen joints. Now what? There are several things you can do to help relieve some discomfort. The Mayo Clinic suggests that you consist of regular exercise as part of your daily routine because, according to their experts, “Gentle exercise will help strengthen the muscles around your joints, and it might help fight fatigue you might feel.” You can also try using cold or hot packs to reduce the pain. Heat loosens and relaxes muscles while cold dulls the sensation of pain.


Arthritis Today

Mayo Clinic

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