gaiNZ's picture
  • 5

Hello from New Zealand


Hi eroids Smile

I wrote a long ass introduction then deleted it all cause I don't think anyone could be bothered reading it haha. Here's the shorter version;

Was skinny as fuck. 2 years heavy lifting and heavy eating (so many squats, deadlifts and pizzas) Hitting protein and calorie marks every day. I just eyeball my carbs but my abs are only just peeking through. Might need to start counting Smile

Work a 9-5 and lift heavy and eat big in my spare time. Using gear cause I want some more reward for all this work...

Initially I made an account to vote for CENSORED but I don't have an account related to training or juicing anywhere else online so I'll try and be active on here I guess.

yesidont's picture

welcome aboard Biggrin

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

Welcome bro! I might recommend editing your photo to remove your face or any identifying features.

gaiNZ's picture

I'm trying to do what you suggest and upload a different pic but it's not working, I delete the current pic but when I upload a new one the same pic appears.. It's kinda blurry and black and white for now.
I also can't seem to tick any stars when voting for my source. I am just on my iPhone tho so that could be why, no access to a pc right now.

Makwa's picture

Welcome. Trying clearing your cache and the new pic should show up. Need at least 7 karma to vote for a source.

gaiNZ's picture

Ohh okay thanks. That makes sense, I spose to stop sources from making a bunch of accounts to vote for their own site.

Profile pic problem is still happening.. Tried clearing cache and using another device but still get the same issue.