Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid
  • 1.1k

+ 38 The blind leading the blind


Im gonna break some rules here and talk about a recent event that took place. This will be our blanket warning to all you guys so that way we dont feel bad when shit goes bad.

There has been some members on this board that have on many occasions pulled out their fanboy cards, disregarded warnings, and helped sources build up their clientele....we sit back and wonder why? whats in it for them? why in the world, if you have any respect for eroids and the platform, would you disregard warnings and still promote a source?....we have questioned on many occasions what to do about members like this? are they good for the site? or not? should we strip them of their karma so people wont be influenced to follow them?

Honestly we dont have a solution for the problem. I-fit and P-mob get to be examples today. this is an unverified source thread where a warning was posted and guys are still going along like nothing ever happened.

Pmob 4 hours ago
Where is everyone ??

P-mob still trying to engage people in conversation on the Si

Roid Noid 2 hours ago @Pmob
Hopefully they woke the fuck up and stopped following around people that are misguiding them

me finally had enough of it

99transam 1 hour ago @roid Noid
Can you elaborate on "misguiding"? I'm not being a smartass, just curious to where this came from.

Someone questioning the warnings, almost like the source being unverified and deleted isnt enough.

Roid Noid 1 hour ago @99transam

well the first clue is the source is not verified, the second clue is the source has been deleted, the third clue is the guy that submitted the source doesnt know him, AND thinks he's a source that got banned or removed from eroids before....Then there was an issue with admin and security....also the source emailed and admitted to posting fake pics of himself....and lastly we have received reports that this is tyrant labs.....So it pissing me off when we got guys like ifit and p-mob, and a few others, fan boying the source up like they "did their research"....all it makes me think when I see stuff like this is how much did the source give out to these high ranking members?....what kind of integrity do we have on eroids?.....

me giving out the information we have on this source, some of it has not been confirmed but we are very suspicious that is why the warnings where posted but the blanks not filled in

The tren has me leaning out real nice

a user engaging with P-mob

NoWeakAces 7 hours ago

Ordered last Thursday, arrived Monday.

another user promoting the source

bigboy151mx 4 days ago
Verified or not these orals prices are looking good!!! If there's one thing i learned is to order from a source with high ranking members around buying gear and usually when a new solid source starts up he's all stocked up and trying to put out the strongest shit possible to get us hooked and build a name. That is if there not a joke... but if Ifit and pmob are in this bitch it's the real deal, what up you fucking monsters?

A user following around P-mob and I-fit

iFit 4 days ago @bigboy151mx
I get ripped off just as often as anyone else. Happened just recently again with a well established source (not with Venom). Always do your research and make your own decisions. Trust your gut not anyone else.

I-fit vouching that the source hasnt burned him. me dying to ask him to tell everybody who the source is since he did his research

bbonds 7 hours ago @iFit

another user following i-fit's lead

bigwilly 4 days ago @iFit
Well put. That Lil green number don't mean shit in the great scheme of things.

and another

bigboy151mx 4 days ago @iFit
Oh trust me i creep on a si for a couple of week's before placing a order... but seeing you guys around does help in making a decision. I've ordered from about 4 src on here never been rip off....but came close with some cheap var....from some guy that has POWER TRIPS but i lucky just realized it was not a smart move.

another user saying because i-fit and p-mob are there helps him make a decision

4 days ago @bigboy151mx
Thats a bad mindset to have. They take the same risk you do. Might get a bone thrown their way for having high karma is the difference.
You are right about building their name though.

another user following them

bigboy151mx 4 days ago @Steel637
You are 100% correct normally but if there's this many OG's around this fast chances are one of them know the source. This a twisted game my friend...

another user that notices the OG's and suspects they know the source

Steel637 4 days ago @bigboy151mx
I have love/hate feelings toward ifit and pmob. On one hand, they have a lot of experience and advise to offer, especially if you are into the bodybuilding side of eroids. (Just take a look at their pics) When you see them, you know what they say actually works. Their bodys are the proof.
On the other, because they are so popular and knowledgeable, people flock to them wherever they go and can take an otherwise peaceful, low lying good source and fuck it up with their newbie, low karma, zero patience following.
Great guys though! Lol

another user acknowledging i-fit and p-mob

Muscleg33k 4 days ago
lol @ people buying his gear when the ownership has not been verified. They are not verified for a reason!!

somebody with half a brain

Roid Noid 4 days ago @Muscleg33k
this source will never be verified. not without a lot of explaining. not verified is for a reason. Most people dont care though. which is fine by us as we dont get involved with non-verified sources and customer issues.

heres the first warning that went up.

So we dont really know what to do about this. a warning went up, the source was deleted, common sense at this point would be to say maybe I should check into this source a little more. but we didnt get any PM's from these high ranking members, like them seem to know who the source is and they are OK with influencing other people into buying from the source.

To all us MODs this thread clearly shows a problem. And this is not the first time by any means that this has happened.

our advice is pretty simple, dont follow people around because they have karma, dont believe they know what they are talking about.

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

glad i came across this
thanks noid

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MITCH 23's picture

Awesome info here.

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gambit's picture

mad props for this. this fanboy thing was getting out of control. i dont recall specifics but ive seen numerous posters (both high and low karma) doing crap like this. I just stayed out of it cause honestly there seems to be a few tight circles. sort of like fanboys of the fanboys.

all this lead me to believe why would someone do this with a serious lack of evidence besides, and i am sorry to say, something was in it for them.

i had stopped posting for a bit cause of this but I am glad the admin and mods have stepped it up again. makes me feel better, safer, and this is what this board should be about amongst other things!


gymjunkie12's picture

Lets just be grateful we have smart, no BS mods like Noid And vik keeping the site safe and looking out for us members!

Greg's picture

We all have to take responsibility of our actions and realize others are affected by our decisions. No matter the tag and point total under our avi we all take an unwritten oath as members of this community to uphold certain values and honesty.

Well said

NoWeakAces's picture

This thread has been on my mind all day. I bought from this source for a couple of reasons.

  1. I was in a hurry and I knew a new source would deliver quickly.
  2. Members who's opinions I trust/ trusted had ordered recently and were happy.

My gut told me something was off. Not sure what it was, but it doesn't matter because I didn't listen.

I am guilty of allowing certain members with high karma to lead me at times. They don't know they're doing it. I don't consult with them. I watch, I make my own choices. But their ranking isn't the only reason I watch them. Of the 2 in question, 1 is a pro (which means something to me, whether it should or not,) and the other is one of the most helpful high karma members I've seen. There's others I trust too. Rusty, Androgen, Pale Rider, Winning and Cat (now MODS), etc. I could list 4-5 others. If these guys are happy with a source, I assume that the source is legit.

Karma does mean something, right or wrong. An Exp member's voice is heard louder than a Lv1 member. It's set up that way for a reason. It's a good system. Can it be better? Sure. Was this a case of the blind leading the blind? Maybe. But I didn't know I was blind until my eyes were opened last night.

Lastly, I could have avoided any part of this if I had listened to that little voice telling me something was off.

Or I could have just listened to the MODS and kept my ass away from an unverified source.

awagz's picture

Time to admit my mistake.

I got hit up by Brock asking to submit him, where he said he needed a vet to do it (someone who has been on here for a year) so I chatted with him both in PM and email and he seemed like he had some integrity and spit some BS about having 2 partners who were pro bodybuilders and I took the bait. I looked at his site and it seemed straight up, nothing rang any bells to me, so I submitted him, and when I did he said he would send me samples of whatever I was running. I thought still nothing of it, got a few bottles (I removed the pic) and at least the TNE was good, so I was happy I thought I found a good source.

Fast forward to seeing some well known guys being the first ones to jump aboard, it threw up some signs for me, but I am under the assumption that alot of guys on here are connected in more ways then just some forums etc. Then when Noid put up his first warning, AT THAT POINT I realized that for a MOD to say that, this guy had to have been here before, and I started thinking, hence my comment in Noids last post where he put up my PM to him (he left my name out but I can admit it was me) where he said I thought he was a former scammer.

I've been burnt exactly one time by someone on eroids and it was Tyrant. If I had any idea that it was him, MODs would have been notified ASAP and I wouldn't have answered him. I feel guilty for all this mess and I am apologizing to all you eroiders and MODs for my role in this cluster fuck of a mess I feel responsible for. The free samples weren't worth this aggravation and now I have to see my user name forever attached to his SI thread because I submitted him. Sorry again for the grief gentlemen.

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manbearpig's picture

that's an honest mistake bro. submitting a source isn't necessarily vouching for them. not happy about the fanboys tho. the last thing we want is higher ranking guys promoting stuff blindly (PMOB)...

awagz's picture

I know and I get all the fuss about certain people, but I wasn't using my head and I let some free gear blind me to a very obvious question:

"Why the fuck did this guy choose me?"

I will admit I can BS on here when I have some time but I'm not a pro or even a "higher level guy", so why did this guy choose me? Only guess: he got me once before and recognized the name...unless there's something else I'm not catching...

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manbearpig's picture

a level 3 tag can make almost anybody look legit at from an unexperienced eye. but it is possible that he targeted because of leadership characteristics in your post, and many people were receptive to you when you commented on tyrant's old discussion page.

juicer1165's picture

Wow!!! Good friggin call man. And I gotta be honest here. When I looking for feedback on a source I check out the persons profile, I look through, thier stream, take notice how much time they got in, how many posts, votes, reviews, rank and karma.
And I have almost always automatically given top or most credibility to a level 3 tag tag or above when or if I see one. I. E. (Adv, pro)
+ 1 to you brother for an excellent call and bringing that out and at least to my attention.

DBG's picture

but it is possible that he targeted because of leadership characteristics in your post

That's where a good portion of it stems from IMO. I have got hit up by some sources(in the past) looking to bump their cred before simply cuz of my character that spilled forth in posts. It does make sense, doesn't it? High karma or not...when you can read btwn the lines and see if someone is respected on here enough, there will inexplicably be somewhat of a 'cult' following. Its kinda like human nature in a way...and no one is really at fault.
For what awagz is explaining and apologizing for(and for that I give him the utmost respect), its in our DNA to make foolish decisions in our lives and we can only learn best from our mistakes..usually IMO.

awagz's picture

I appreciate the kind words bro. I have let the deception of these shady Internet practices misguide me for the last time. From now on if something like that comes up, I'm just going to forward it to a MOD, fuck the free gear it's not worth selling out for

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GrowMore's picture

It's a hazardous subject that's for sure, takes a big man to approach it. This is what makes eroids so great, thank you.

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bolitekurac's picture

There is also lot of "damage control " from some senior members , when sources are late or disappear for a while.
Noobs hold back with bad reviews and those sources stay in top 10 for a while.

It messes up whole rating system and it doesn't really put pressure on sources to clean up their mess.

KAM1314's picture

That's because noobs hold back from speaking the truth out of fear of getting negged to troll status, attacked by fan boys, and being "blacklisted" with other sources after high ranking members put the word out against them. Our mods can only do so much by looking at PM''s the personal email conversations and back door deals that will ruin this place....I'm happy with the protection we have in place now, Noid and the other mods can only do so much. Internet deals are a very vague and shady agenda that all of us roll the dice with

Dickkhead's picture

Noobs fearing giving an honest bad review because of some kind of retaliation from senior members or the sources themselves is the kiss of death to this website.

That's OTOH. OTOH, it irritates the fuck out of me when a bad review is nothing more than complaints that "I didn't feel it." WTF? You are accusing a source of selling shit, back it up with labs at least. Or send it to our eroids member who for a small fee can mass spec if for you if bloods would not be revealing.

So, a member can document that the source is selling bogus product and puts that into a review. The source really has no other option than to make it right with the customer, take the hit on their credibility, eat dust, hope they don't lose more customers, etc.

I love my source, but when I see a quality negative review. I will upvote it usually.

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

I was going to suggest the blank number thing myself. Beat me to it. Good idea

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heres a good idea vic, how about on the SI pages every ones lil green number is blank? and only on the helpful forums and stuff dose their lil green number show? but hey, what can ya do, thx fellas.

Thats something well worth looking at doing............ lets see what the Boss can do with his Tech Magic.

Thanks bro +3 for little gem Smile

Steel637's picture

Hell, why not take it a step further? Have karma earned in the forums and labs only. Ive seen one member that has an exp tag for posting bicep pics constantly. Had zero aas experience when he got here not too long ago. The only advise he should give is taking the proper selfie. Ive seen members post gear pics of two bottles of oil. One member getting a couple thumbs up while the other receives ten for the exact same thing because he has higher karma and is more known.
When taking advise, id rather it be because they know their shit and give good advise, not because they hang out with other members and take a lot of pics.


To all us MODs this thread clearly shows a problem.

YES we do brother!...... this kind of shit ticks me off worse than any other back door/underground stuff that we have to deal with...... pure fkn greed for free gear is the driving force for this type of episode.

BIG tags or little tags!.. i really dont care, all i care about is community integrity.... some members feel they have immunity to the HAMMER.. let me inform you here and now!... my HAMMER will take anyone out..... BAR NONE.

Pmob's picture

Besides ACE.... ;-)

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waterhead235's picture

Good riddance loser. You have contributed nothing to this site, and have actually been a hindrance to every Si page you've popped up on. You were the definition of a fanboy and a troll.

Roid Noid's picture

Well vike isnt on, but im sure you know that im not gonna let you poke the dog and get away with it....First of all ACE is a pain in the ass, but he isnt even in the same field as you the poster fanboy. He was stripped of all his karma to get his tag back, you would do better off just coming back as some other name. and beings that you have only used that pro tag for free gear and to influence members I doubt youll be getting that back.

But you can contact vike and ask him whats up being that you think your such good buddies!


Thanks brother.

He can try to contact me all he wants!..... as far as i am concerned he is done here, the PRO tag was a waste regarding info or upholding eroids policies like the high ranks are supposed to do.

Let this be a lesson to all who think TAGS equal FREE GEAR or twisted source promotion....... we as MODS have strict rules in place regarding the above........ i think it should filter down to high tag members also.

zeb0312's picture

Thank you guys for looking out for us. I have been here a short time but i really do enjoy talking a reading the forums some are life changing and very inspirational to me to keep going after my goals in the gym and outside the gym as well. I feel like this forum is my safe haven for me to come and chat with people about things.IM JUST TRYING TO BE THE BEST ME I CAN AND THIS PLACE HAS HELPED ME 100%

Thanks to all you guys and gals

dudebro's picture

yup, i got into it with this guy also and i even saw him go so far as to start flagging comments off si pages to try to keep guys quiet when they were having problems with a source.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

People need to learn to make their own choices. Just because some person on the internet says its g2g does not mean you need to jump on it. I've never had a SRC issue because I think for myself.

GRIMEY's picture

Exactly! Due dilligence.

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Dickkhead's picture

See I just don't get it either...what makes these 'new' sources so attractive anyway?!

I agree with DBG. I don't get it. If it ain't broken don't fix it. Until the day my source ships me a pile of shit, I will continue to be a loyal customer. I have no reason to shop around. If you like your lab, build a relationship with that lab instead of buying the flavor of the month.

What's a new source gonna give me - a "better" bottle of Test?

Steel637's picture

You dont think a new source is going to give you a stronger or more accurately dosed test in the beginning? All sources are gonna vary from batch to batch because of raws from china or wherever they get them. Very few are gonna give a shit enough to compensate for the impurities. I do believe they will do better in the beginning. Same goes for the speed in shipping.
The only way you are going to get REAL consistency is with pharma grade. I had a "good" source at one time. Now they are gone after sending piles of shit, right before they stopped sending anything at all. Its going to happen to all sources. The question is when and is it going to be with my order.

vhman's picture

What's a new source gonna give me - a "better" bottle of Test?

Well said as always. I see all kinds of folks getting excited because they see a new source with a lower price and they jump all over it. Then they keep looking for the next, newest and lowest, etc.
I just don't understand why people would take these risks with their money and especially their health. Like you said, find a good source, with good gear and stick with it. I haven't been disappointed yet, because I've put in the time to research and then stuck with a good thing. I suppose there will always be those who are lured to the new and shiny objects.

MONK's picture

It's the $500 "Test orders" that really kills me :/

vhman's picture

Would you call it a test test order??? ;-)

DBG's picture

If it ain't broken don't fix it.

and there you have it!! my point in a nutshell!!

I am full of a ramble at the moment cuz I am sitting at home all silly on pain meds from a surgery, lol. Thanks Gear Smile

DBG's picture

@Rustyhooker(down below)...Quite a few banned/scammers gone after being pushed as golden. Like the blend made by a source as gods nectar. Turned out to be low dosed garbage and not a blend.

See I just don't get it either...what makes these 'new' sources so attractive anyway?! Is it the big ass deal you/we think we might be test prop for $13-20/vial...maybe that test is actually pretty weak, garbage. You get what you give, what you pay for IMO. If we want the nectar of the God's, then we search for it with due diligence...stick with a few sources in which the source and the gear treats you right. Its always nice to save money, but its BETTER to have real steroids...I would rather pay for something GOOD than something weak or not at all

I know there are times when I test the waters...have tested the waters, but you know what...I always ALWAYS go back to where I just came from cuz my impressions run deep and I like to stay committed to what I know to me seemed to be the best hormones for my money. Did I ever follow someone in blindly? I think mostly not, cuz I always paid attention and made an informed decision if something was fishy. Wait and we shall see...its called scouting for your own benefits ;-)

Karma is not the in all be all around here...does the system need polishing? Probably I have a solution/suggestions? Not yet lol.

Just be cautious gang...I care about everyone's success and I value ppl's input(and their finances as well). This place called Eroids is a valuable commodity if and when we use it wisely Smile

MONK's picture

Had to LoL at a dudes gear pic from these guys claiming they should be a top 3 source here yet he hadn't even popped a single cap off yet.

Not sure what's worse, picking sources because the cat with high karma is in the Si or buying because prices are so cheap that you can't go wrong. Both these methods are crazy to me yet they seem to be pretty popular at times around here.

selfster19's picture

Yea this post is true. We never really know who were buying from ever. I myself have to admit maybe I pulled the trigger too quick and luckily maybe dodged a bullet of getting ripped off. Glad that didnt happen to me again in the same month I took a loss with another fully verified does suck theres too much risk involved of buying from this src which was of today brought to my attention. Cuz I will say "it was in "MY" top 3 easiest and fastest orders ever placed and recieved" lol smh........but the mods know more about this than I obviously do. So luckily I got what I ordered, it did what it was supposed to do, and I ended up on top. Goood lookin out roid noid for lookin out for us. Wont be takin the risk here again due to the light u shined on this. Thanks

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