bigjay86's picture
  • 10

Tesofensine for weightloss


Has anyone used Tesofensine to curb your appetite and help with weight loss?

If so how did you like it?

Also, can anyone point me in the right direction to find a good source?

I think we can't post sources in here so if possible please friend request me or I'll friend request you and we can message each other.

Thanks in advance.

anvil's picture

I wasted money on it so you don't have too.

HarryDP's picture

Hey, I have not personally tried Tesofensine but as much as I know - I would prefer Semaglutide instead - while SG would be more expensive and the use duration would be longer than Tesofensine, I think it is more researched to get you the needed result and the availability for it is bigger.