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Sense and Sense of Humor


AAS is no joke, but you if you are so serious just thinking about doing you might not be right for it and it for you. Some people rage up right away, I get extremely funny and LOL at all my puns and jokes. I read Goth's masterpieces and howl with laughing my ass off! Tren gives me boner and I LOVE the taste pinning it. I don't break out from I clear up the best while ON cycle.

Everyone is different and subject to an array of reactions, sides and results. The one NO ONE is going beat is the damage to your body if you don't do this correctly.
(a good sense of humor on dialysis is hard to master)

Check your disposition first. If you're already a prick you might just kill someone ON cycle. If you want to peek in the hottie chick's window OFF cycle you WILL on cycle and she catches your sick ass your going bye-bye.

I've seen MFer's come and go! So checking others opinions is reasonable and justified but YOU have to ease in, be smart or just forget this whole thing.

7gothic's picture

Opinions and advice are everywhere...all over the net. Some are right---some are wrong. Knowing the difference can save you or kill you.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Right on Goth! There is GLORY in being a trailblazer but WISDOM in following the trail... regardless the path is still yours and your alone...

7gothic's picture

Finding that out the hard way this Thanksgiving.