Onjuice's picture
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Donated blood? Did you ever done it?


Hi, So I heard from a lot of guys that you can still donate blood even if you're taking gear. This doesn't affect at all the recipient. They also said that is good for gear user to donate. So I did it. I donated a few days ago. What about you guys? Your thought on this?

subs33's picture

I donated blood April 13th 2011, about a month before my first cycle. Im looking at the paperwork right now. Im looking at the medication deferral list for any thing related to gear ect... Accutane(for acne), Growth Hormone from human pituitary gland, Investigational drugs from countries outside the U.S.A., those are the only medications I see that could prevent you from donating.

They also ask questions about using needles for drugs and steroid use. I still donated blood and Im glad I did. I was sent home with paperwork and a donor id number, I can use to lookup my mini-physical on the internet. They test for all STD'S, HIV and AIDS, and cholesterol and other things. My physical was all good. As a matter of fact they call at least once a month asking me to donate.

It took about a month to be able to train heavy in the gym. After heavy sets, I would get lightheaded. I feel it was worth it especialy to be able to go online and prove to a bitch that I dont got no STD'S. I dont have to worry about what happened in the past. Back in the late 90's me and my group of friend only dated strippers and lived a party lifestyle. It gave me the courage to go to a clinic and do another STD and AIDS screaning. By the way. April is STD awareness month go get yourself checked out.

94632733's picture

my x convinced me to do that once, i was not on cycle or trt, i thought it sucked i turned white and felt like shit all night and the next day also sleept a lot. also they kept calling every week for more cause i was AB+

mrgut28's picture

Only once a long time ago. I frequently travel to "hotbed" countries for blood borne diseases so I have to either not travel for 3 yrs straight or just not worry about donating blood.

Onjuice's picture

I do need grammar lessons. I live in the US, but I'm not american. Sorry about that.

1sttimer's picture

Do Wah Diddy Diddiy Dom Diddy Do

Everclese1's picture

I do not donate blood. I will tell you why. Wherever you "donate blood" those people get paid. When a person needs blood, they have to pay for it. I could donate a 55gal drum of blood, and Not get paid for it. Yet I have an accident and need blood, they'll make me pay for it... I think there's something wrong w/ this situation. Maybe I am f'n weird, but to me if my neighbor borrows a cup of sugar from me, He's not gonna make me pay for sugar when I need a cup. I see it as "the man" makin profit off of the little people, us taxpaying citizens... and that's part of the reason I do Not donate... I refuse to be an organ donor too. For basically same reasons.

scootloko's picture

Thats why I only donate plasma, they pay you for it lol

Everclese1's picture

Amen... That's all I'm sayin.

Everclese1's picture

Free healthcare is never gonna happen... But, it's crooked as hell too. It's based on priority, not 1st come 1st serve. If I need a kidney at 34, and a rich guy whose 60 need a kidney at the same time. I'd bet 1/2 my liver he'd be the get it.... lol Seriously I should be higher priority because I have the chance to live longer, but cause he can pay off a few peops he gets it. It's all a scam...

Everclese1's picture

Bro, I seriously laughed sooooo hard when I read that.

betheman's picture


At my local donation, you get credit so if, or anyone in my family needs blood, we're good.

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Everclese1's picture

Have you ever thought about this? How do you know who's getting your blood? What if it's not the child that everybody loves to picture that they're helping, But a serial killer(that hasn't been caught yet), or maybe it's a guy who rapes kids? Or maybe my ex-wife, She's not getting one more thing outta me...

Cervical's picture

I seriously just spit water all over the place as I was taking a sip before reading this! You sir are hillarious.....seriously the funniest stuff I have read on this board so far!

Beachbdygrl's picture

You, sir, think way too much!!! Go skipping through a field of flowers and sing some John Lennon and then come back. Just breath!!

Everclese1's picture

Sing John Lennon? That sounds like a tree hugger statement to me....

Beachbdygrl's picture

You are so far into these theories, you might need to hug a tree or something. Lmao

betheman's picture

I also donate. My dr. noted my RBC's were getting way too high. By donating you can get them lower. When the donation place read mine, they said, "you should feel much better after you donate".

I donated, then about a month later I ever donated plalets. These are really needed badly by cancer patients and evidently the juice made me have tons, they were very happy that I came in.

Yes, all confidential. They do ask if you have taken steriods or any injects...I say "No". Smile

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jpal's picture

i am planing on donating blood within the next week