7gothic's picture
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The remailers for Lexx Labs helped federal investigators build a case against the New York-based underground steroid laboratory according to the Omaha World-Herald newspaper. Christopher Bowers, Ryan Bowers, Bernard Venditte and Jeanine Rowe were each charged with conspiracy to distribute anabolic steroids and possession with intent to distribute anabolic steroids. Their cooperation led to the arrest and indictment of Nicholas Cangiano, the owner of Lexx Labs, on May 21, 2012.

The four Omaha-area residents were responsible for receiving steroid shipments from Cangiano. They were caught in possession of a total of 4,430 vials of injectable steroids. Each vial contained the standard 10 milliliter solution of steroids. The vials were labeled with the name of the underground lab (UGL) Lexx Labs. This included Sustanon-300, Nandro-100, Masteron-100 and Deca-300. They were also found in possession of 3,763 grams or 8.3 pounds of raw steroid powder.

Even though Cangiano had been publicly linked to anabolic steroid distribution of a few steroid forums for over a year, he had seemingly escaped detection by authorities. Cangiano was allegedly responsible for importing raw steroid powders from China and converting them into finished steroid products. UGLs are typically caught when international shipments from China are intercepted by customs agents for the Department of Homeland Security. However, Cangiano was busted as a result of the interception of two domestic packages shipped to one of his Nebraska-based remailers.

A suspicious United States Postal Service inspector noticed something unusual about two packages that were address to Christopher Bowers home address. The Express Mail packages had tracking numbers with consecutive numbers yet they were mailed from two different post offices in New York. In addition, the listed return addresses were for bogus business with nonexistent street addresses. The postal inspector concluded that this was indicative of a drug delivery.

Christopher Bowers was caught as a result. As is often the case, the bust did not end with Bowers. Bowers reportedly implicated his nephew when he was interrogated. Police questioned Ryan Bowers as a result. And Ryan Bowers told police that he was recruited by Venditte. All four Nebraskan co-conspirators then helped authorities build a case against Cangiano.

The steroid remailers face a maximum of 20 years in prison and/or a $25,000 fine although they will likely receive a greatly reduced sentence due to their cooperation and lack of criminal records.

MAC's picture

Damn this is fucked up. Was off cycle when all this happened I guess. IMO he should've left while he was up, not came back and started another using the same locations. Sourcing is like gambling, you have to know when enough is enough and to leave the tables while your up.

Blah2525's picture

The news isn't truly accurate or the d.e.a. The packs did have real return address on them. The rats are only facing state time instead of federal for running there mouth. Supposedly drug dogs picked up the packs even tho they weren't trained to sniff gear. Hmmm. The powder was not from lexx either. Who the hell knows where that came from. When you also pay a huge amount of money for best gear lawyer in country 5 years is a lil drastic of time. Especially when it's your first charge. There was no manufacturing charges. Possession and intent to distribute. Rats might have been better off keeping mouths closed. Would have nice lawyer paid for and huge chunk of money to come home to. Shame.

brandon123's picture

He had just advertized Lexx labs when he got busted. Thats why there was so much pilled up.

juiceworks's picture

Wow, sure glad my tax money is paying for shit like this.... Stopping people that devote countless hours of time and money to research and education of how to build a better body safely and efficiently, those people should really be spending time behind bars... Its really depressing to see our Government/Feds devote this much time and money to bust a UGL who from the looks of it has no other criminal history than AAS... Here's a thought: Make AAS legal and tax it for all the tax revenue our fucking politicians are fighting about... This bust did nothing but cost people money

MASSIVE48's picture

Were they a source here?

washboard_abs's picture

Question: What do you guys think the best packaging is in terms of invoking less suspicion? Do you think boxes are better or envelopes are better, and why?

Again, the question is statistical and based on long run volume. I know that there are other factors that could cause suspicion, but I'm narrowing this question to packaging alone-- everything being equal, what is better, boxes, envelopes, or some other category?

Falcon's picture

I don't know if openly discussing packaging techniques would be approved of.

washboard_abs's picture

Oh shit, I think you might be right. I can't delete. Edit is deactivated.

Mr.flex's picture

Hmm i wonder how often domestic packages get seized in this manner

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washboard_abs's picture

Interesting quotes:

"The Express Mail packages had tracking numbers with consecutive numbers yet they were mailed from two different post offices..."

Goes to show, attention to detail and diligence counts. Also, it is really that necessary to use a tracking number? Statistically, doesn't the use of tracking numbers increase likelihood of suspicion? Is the additional convenience worth the additional risk?

"In addition, the listed return addresses were for bogus business with nonexistent street addresses."

Lesson learned-- use a series of REAL, random addresses. Change these addresses often. I've received multiple packages over the course of a couple of months, all showing the same fake return address. It doesn't appear this is best practice.

ruski's picture

trackers arnt common or necessary for domestics. for small packs. when your talking about such a large order, you want to make sure it arrives. that way they cant say the pack never landed.

juice 2's picture

All express mail has tracking included.

washboard_abs's picture

Yeah, I've received small packs from domestic sources with tracking. I mean, I know the suppliers are trying to provide good service and all, but they should rethink. Anything that can be done to decrease the risk is worth doing. Its a numbers game.

juice 2's picture

Read above. All fucking express mail comes with tracking numbers.

Jacob Rader's picture

hey goth, what do you mean by ab/lexx.. is lexx supposed to be the new anabolic body company?

DBG's picture

Fuckin rats...you break the law, man up and do the time. Don't drag someone else down with you. You know the implications of what you are doing and you know that from the beginning, your life could get fucked in an instant...part of the lifestyle, hate to say it. No self-respect/esteem of yourself and forget about respect from others when you would choose to roll on somebody.

HA!!...I always smirk when I see the explanation 'their cooperation'; just a polite politically comfortable warm and fuzzy term of justifying the kiddie term of 'tattle-tell'. Hey, now it's up to whoever to live with that in your conscience for the rest of your life. That's how I see it and always will, sorry for anyone who disagrees. I mean this is how a rat gets to explain his actions now: "Yeah, I told on somebody, cause I'm a bitch and was afraid of prison." That's a real man for ya...HA!!!!, C'mon now, really?!?!?!

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Annnnnnd they will have the privilege of spending their reduced sentences in SEG... Nobody likes a snitch!

ruski's picture

naaaahhh. plenty of snitches in jail. this isnt a major case either. so they will blend into the shadows with the rest of the bitches.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Maybe, maybe not... My peeps handle business big or small..
And everyone knows your sheet before you get out of classification and decisions are made on whether or not you're currency

DBG's picture

Yeah...SEG, I'm sure that's ALOTTA fun...have a good time playin' pinochle with the all the chomos!!! LOL!!!!

7gothic's picture


When you open your mouth, you hand your ASS (and AAS) to them on a silver platter.

Nitti's picture

Exactly! They only know the answers that you give them. If they have anything they don't need to question you. Everytime I ever got booked, they didn't know If I even spoke English. I wouldn't even answer "what's your name". No gesture. No nod. Nothing.

washboard_abs's picture

LOL. Good one bro.

See the Edmunds–Tucker Act – Federal Law that denied spousal privilege to polygamists.

ruski's picture

well that explains what happened to lex

fast48's picture

Daaamn :(

vascular's picture

Bro faced with 20years vs a reduced sentence and fine? Life isn't that simple as snitching etc. I'd rather my bro cooperate and we do less time together than he cop 20 years alone on my account while I stay free and guilty.

ruski's picture

friend? smh.....

ruski's picture

you go into business with people you think you will make the most money with. this is sometimes the result.