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+ 18 Degeneration: its in YOUR hands


I have been around Eroids for long enough to "know better," that seems to be the only phrase that truly justifies the shit I have seen. I generally know when someone is about to get publicly hung by a mod, slammed by the fanboys or said something that is going to create an all out shit storm. Believe it or not, this is all controlled by YOU I can smell the shit, the scams, the lies, the blackmail a mile away.

With it increasingly easy to gain karma by selling the integrity of your wife, or getting in bed with other members who care nothing more than to get a bigger number by posting meaningless nothings. With that number believe it or not, comes responsibility. If a source you're saying is producing amazing gear, comes back as bunk - people look to you. If you're the #1 fanboy for a source that is selective scamming people, it rides on you. There was a day in age where 300+ karma took about a year to earn; not two months. With that being said, I think there are a lot of people ranked outside their boundaries and people who get overlooked with valuable knowledge. I see people with hundreds of points that are asking if they're going to die from using the same pin to draw and shoot. Who's responsible for this - YOU (sorry guys, I can't vote lol) From a sources perspective, who's responsible for the cry babies who feel we are entitled to give them free gear... that is our fault. We most assuredly brought this upon ourselves, as suppliers. If we started selling gear at $10 a vial, a new supplier selling at $20 would be considered way overpriced although we so quickly forget the $100 a vial we used to pay in the gym. Now, a promo isn't worthy if 500 people aren't getting full cycles as a handout. Now, lab tested gear at $30 a vial "just isn't that appealing." This site is what we all decide to make it. BFG has ultimate power but other than following the rules, this all falls back on US. I ask you all to question your self worth. Can your review be bought simply by getting a pack of gear you may never use? Do you promote sources just because the benefits you reap, although you know their gear is mediocre at best? Posting pictures of gear you never got, or gear you will never use. This site intrigues me to say the least. The human interaction, the cliques, gossip and to see what goes on behind the scenes that many people are shielded from. Just my .02 for the night, take it or leave it. I think anyone who has been on Eroids for some time now can feel this.


compete71's picture

Well said.

clewsad's picture

I myself have never asked for anything for free. I think people these days are lazy and have no respect for themselves to ask for something like this. If you cant afford gear than how r u going to afford to train and eat the amount of food u need to do a cycle. this is a great website full of knowledgeable people and I am glad to be apart of eroids and am glad its around. great post muta

Daveinnj's picture

A well thought out post that addresses some of the issues that this site faces on a daily basis. As good as this site is, its not without its flaws and I'm glad to see that someone took to time to bring these issues to light. Perhaps the members could create a committee that could work with the mods and BFG to try and resolve some of these issues. This is our site and its our responsibility to make it as safe and as useful and possible.

Rasputin_Omega's picture

Well said Muta. I know first hand that when someone sends you free gear to try, it's hard not to be biased. Also, based on what I have seen... there is almost no correlation between karma and actual knowledge. However, that's not to say some high karma members aren't highly knowledgeable - rather, it's more like be careful who's advice you attract and who's advice you take.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with free gear either imo. The problem lies in the integrity of a review and it can be compromised easily, especially when you're offered additional "motivation" to get that done. There are also these people who feel completely entitled to free gear for every promo which I personally can't stand. I had no idea that you could have someone send you gear at no cost when I jumped on eroids. I look at it now as a nice bonus but hardly the reason I am here. I believe in supporting something you believe in and if there is a source that's doing a great job, I want to support that business so it can grow by giving them my money - genuinely. The same goes for eroids as a whole, and the only way to truly support this site is to be honest on every review, get bloods done on your cycle and post, and try to contribute in the best way that you can. There will never be a time when every single person does those things but for every person that does the site becomes that much more valuable.

Owes a Review × 1
manbearpig's picture

I think it would solve the begging problem if I could neg the shit out of it as I see it in the promo section.

Iron_Addict0929's picture

I guess the freebies should just be out the door altogether then, for the sake of intergity. New sources set-up shop on this site at such a rapid rate. I've been here almost 2 years now and I've seen tons of sources come and go. There's a commonality samples.

Sources set-up shop and pitch free samples. I'll comb through the SI threads, pictures, review threads and can see that samples tend to make their way to the same group of people on a regular basis. And as luck may have it, the reviews for the samples are up almost instantly (all positive of course, why not? It was free).

So this begs the question, how many how these reviews for samples are authentic? Hell, there must be guys on some perpetual cycles because they are constantly running and reviewing gear non-stop; year round. Understandable that some of these guys are TRT, but that usually encompasses long esters. Samples by nature are generally short esters so everyone can hurry up and churn out their review. Just too many gaps and inconsistencies, which would obviously lead to a question of integrity on the reviews left.

Karma seems like more of a measure of interaction within the community. I wouldn't place stock in that number interpreting it to someone's worth giving reviews our supplying valuable insight.

As far as degeneration of the site; it's definitely the users and not the concept that are hurting it. If you know who's BS to weed through, you're pretty set. I came to this site a couple years ago because it was the most unique concept that I've seen. I occupied a couple boards prior to that, none of which carried the depth and value that this site had to offer. The layout, concept and level of interaction was spot on here. I love this site and haven't logged on to any other boards since joining here. But I agree that some people really need to step their game up. Or maybe some of us who are a little more observant need to start calling people out on their BS instead of lurking in the shadows.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

I have been riding 26 kharma since we first spoke bro.
I DONT CARE. I seek knowledge
I seek enlightenment, I seek the strength and wisdom to make my own choice, and to understand my consequence.
Eroids hit me hard in several places in my life. The game is the game Muta, like it or not your setting the standard today. When I do business I think about how Mcd's trained me. I think about how some stranger on eroids with nothing to prove treats there custyy like a face to face big mac transact.
But I really see how BFG and others created a community that is ever changing and difficult to predict.

The community has aided me since day one. Guys like FAST, Tread, FINA FAN, steered me NEVER SPOON FED ME.
yea things changed muta. I continue to watch my custy in the restaurant order fish, but ask for chicken when the fish hits. "I DIDNT ORDER THIS"
America expects a system of freebies and weaklings to direct them to a distopian bliss.


OmNom's picture

I agree.. things will change when the majority get fed up

killroy's picture

I always look forward to reading your new posts bro. Quality!

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 2
romebuilder's picture

Louis Vitton doesn't give anything away for free. I believe your site would do just fine based upon the quality of your product and not as a result of the great promos you offer. Simply put I don't think you need to hand out free stuff. My position may not be as popular as it is right.

XvBeast's picture

im gunna vote this guy for mayor, if only i lived in NY

OmNom's picture

oh you got your account back

XvBeast's picture

Lol I pmed u w/ this account

bosuj's picture

Wait what when do u get back man!? Welcome back by the way haha

Owes a Review × 1
bhim's picture

I've been a member for over an year and a half and have only 35 karma. Cos I don't know much stuff and learning for u guys everyday. I could care less for karma points. If I can help someone I always will but more than anything it's the knowledge that I'm earning that matters to me:) great read bro! And good to see u back!

thelawnking's picture

Very nicely put.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

much love for you bro. it aint about the size of the dog, I'll take you in my battle vs 99% of them

J.Mc.'s picture

It isn't just Eroids that's in a state of degeneration. Have you watched the news lately?! It's everywhere. Snowball headed for hell, lol

LeroyCash's picture

Nice read

johhnygslandscape's picture

You immediately earned my respect with that post!

youngtricep98's picture

Agree 100% M. Great post big dog. EROIDS needs more integrity IMO.

UncleYoked's picture

Nice read as always my friend.