BFG's picture
  • 1.9k
  • ADM

+ 8 The Rules


General Rules

Forum Rules

  • No Source Reviews in the forums, is a place for that.
  • No Source discussions in the forums, is a place for that.
  • No discussing specific brands, is a place for that.
  • NO Personal information in the forums! Tracking codes, names, addresses, order ID's, emails, AIMs and such, are strictly forbidden.
  • If you start insulting each other, I'll sit back and laugh or maybe ban you both/all.
  • Common sense is to be used across the board. (except maybe in Off Topic).
Qnane9mm's picture

whats with the thumbs up and thumbs down? How does that exactly work?

hellraizor22's picture

thanks bro! ill be sure to stick to the rules from now on!

roly420's picture

how do you pm somebody?

The Judge's picture

I don't understand the rating numbers for members. I rated my first source a few months ago and had a +6. Then last week I rated my second source and now have a +5? I have also rated steroids and made comments on the forum. It appears that you need more numbers to up vote or down vote people? Makes no sense to me?

BFG's picture
Adrenaline's picture

Anyone else get a 404 error when trying this link?

Tor's picture

Same here.

ThisFool's picture

I have also used axio before being on this great site.. i've also seen regenxxl on another board before here.. but I do agree eroids is great keep up the good work

KMC's picture

KMC is know for making deals through PMs

Funny, 90% of my PM's go to the Mods, about 2% go to BFG, that leaves 3% for the rest of you. You may notice a long list of sources on my friends list.

Owes a Review × 1
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