Judas 82's picture
Judas 82
  • 2

I need to speak to a MOD asap to.delete a photo


Please delete the photo I just posted I I sincearly messed up and it wont happen again. I can explain the issue thoroughly.

Thank you so much

Judas 82's picture

That's why I said it's seized but I never put any personal information here. So let's not jump to conclusions please.

Judas 82's picture

Guys that's not my address or information, Frank scammed me by sending it to a different address that doesn't even exist and it's being held.

IrishMack's picture

LMFAO, next time post your Addy and a photocopy of your license.

steroidmen's picture

Delete your account !

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stairmaster's picture

You need a brain.

wanted's picture

Your an idiot. You need to be slapped by a MOD

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