pathtaker's picture
  • 48

Add Up/Down Vote Option to Open Group Posts


If a post on a public group is helpful, it would be nice to be able to give the author an up-vote to encourage good behavior!


Group posts are specifically designed to be karma free zones to nip karma whoreing in the bud.... they will NEVER be open to karma hits..... case closed.

pathtaker's picture

Good enough for me boss! The +1 is for what you do. Much appreciated.

pathtaker's picture

I see your point... I've seen some cases where I think a few members are just trading karma points. WTF is the point of that? I can see a huge potential for abuse in closed groups but open/public groups are virtually the same as any other area where posts can be made - forums, pics, etc. Just my observation and what I think might be an opportunity for some fine tuning. Thanks for the feedback.

pathtaker's picture

It might be easy for a bad source to plant a new membership or two and then get enough karma that their posts carry undue weight. Glad to see there are mods who will keep it legit. Got to be a pain in the ass. It sucks ass the Gov't sees fit to make these products out to be so evil. Lot of healthy folks on here! ;-)

alloneword's picture

This used to be the case but it was heavily abused leading to people being banned. If I remember correctly.