Amplify8's picture
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-1 Lean gain cycle


Greetings one and all,
25, male, 160lbs and 180cm tall
4 successful cycles which include in order of succession:
- Dbol 20mgx2 daily (total:40mg /day), test e 200 e3d (total: 400mg /wk)- first cycle...
- Test400 400mg e3d (total: 800mg /wk), anadrol 50mg ed, deca 200mg e3d (total: 400mg /wk) - second cycle...
- Test450 450mg eod (total 900mg /wk) , anadrol 50mg ed, tri tren 100mg(?) e3d (total 200mg /wk) - third cycle...
- Sust250 250mg eod (500mg then ramped to 750mg /wk) , eq 200mg e3d (total 400mg /wk) - fourth cycle...

Didn't like the deca, no good for psychological reasons. Also not a fan of the intense bloat and lack of cardiovascular ability. So won't be using that compound again. Tried eq and absolutely loved it. Lean amazing gains along with Sust250 which was at the time pharma grade and took a while to kick in, felt adverse side effects for the first few weeks and then straight onto business. Tren I won't use again as I had niggling pains whenever I injected it at random times during the day around my body. But wanted to try it no less.

Here is my proposed cycle, enjoy and comment:

Wk 1 - 4:
Sust250 x 250mg every other day
Eq x 200mg every three days
Anavar x 50mg everyday

Wk 4 - 8:
Sust250 x 250mg every other day
Eq x 200mg every three days
Anavar x 50mg everyday
Note: Ramp up Sust250 to 750mg starting week 4 onwards and eq to 400mg with extra 250mg Sust250 on Saturday and same with eq

Wk 8 - 12:
Same weeks 4 to 8 but ramp up sust now to 1000mg per week and eq to remain the same also ditching and are at week 8 beginning

Pre PCT taper:
Minus 250mg of systems every week until maximum of 250mg injected and then reduce to 125mg and cease, same applies with eq, reduce to 100mg and then cease

Wk 1 - 2
Clomid @ 100mg ed
Nolva @ 40mg ed

Wk 2 - 4
Clomid @ 50mg ed
Nolva @ 20mg ed

I'm planning on remaining consistent with a decent cycle to get to 200lbs lean. I'm lean now at 160.


kodiakGRRL's picture

do you plan on eating ??

guitarplayer1's picture

Still no pic up, unless there is one of the op hiding behind a thumb tack.

Owes a Review × 1
robb's picture

4 successful cycles. That's the funniest thing I've read in a while!

Your 160lbs ffs, your a disgrace. It's the likes of yourself who gives gear and those that use it a bad name.


I'm a mature man, not a boy. I know what I want and how to get it. So the cycle isn't up for discussion guys,

Hokey Kokey.............. i shall watch from the back of the room on this one then Smile

musclethunder's picture

4 cycles and 160lbs? is this a joke?

Whitetrash's picture

This is so ridiculous I can only assume you're a troll.

Faz's picture

In the politest kind of way, I think u need to learn to eat properly before u start another cycle!

Pericu's picture


Don't know what to say other that your whole story amuses me.

Catalyst's picture

160lbs and 180cm tall
4 successful cycles

Don't look very successful to me. What were you, 100lbs when you started?

Utter nonsense.

Makwa's picture

Thanks. I needed a good laugh.

MedDx's picture


kh1216's picture

Man I know people have different genetics at all but at around 5'10 and 160 lbs something is wrong, after four cycles no less. This is a serious question, are you eating? Test alone should've blown you up over 200 after that time even with the crappiest set of genes with water and glycogen retention alone. I honestly think your gear is fake

MedDx's picture

If u knew how and what to eat, you could have hit 200+ without look what you have done....wasted $$$ and time...all those pins for well live and learn...glad ur here... Smile

MedDx's picture

This is steroid abuse...plain and simple...stay off are wasting your time...

MedDx's picture


MedDx's picture


Amplify8's picture

Apologies for the retarded autotype

madman's picture

Can you post a picture to give us an idea where you're at? It would be helpful. How's your diet?
4 cycles under your belt and you're still at 160 pounds.

Amplify8's picture

Loved reading the comments. Especially the ones that refused to even let me explain why I weigh 160lbs...

In all honesty, if you read my initial post (aimed at everyone here and not just this guy I chose to reply too) you would see that I have been a lot bigger. I was 204 last year, not so much 204 lean as they come ie. Bodybuilder lean but I was somewhere close. I got ill, I lost my job and couldn't afford to keep it up. I've been off gear now for an entire year and a half (roughly) to give my body a break. All those that stay on year round, give me a break, like I need to take advice from someone who's going to be running TRT for the rest of his life. You gotta be kidding me. I dropped down to around 180 and I had to decide whether to stay off longer or stay remain natural and work to maintain what I put on.

I decided to stay off, giving my body plenty of time to recover seeing as I made the ass*ole mistake of running one too many cycles in near synchronicity and got sick tbh body acne, back acne, cardio completely went up the chimney and I started to feel my mind telling me I wasn't doing right so I quit.

Give me a sec guys and I'll upload a picture. I got into powerlifting and strength training and now getting into combat sports (bjj, mma). I know I won't be able to perform with a tonne of juice in me, I just want to size back and the strength as well as a good body for summer. And for the rejuvenation as well. And to get back on track with a consistent cycle and put the weight on and then focus on getting a cycle setup for maintaining.

I notice no-one commented on the actual cycle but commented on my weight? I love being lean and light. I don't have mental complexes about weighing this much unlike some who have the old bigorexia bug. I don't want to be 300lbs but anyone who does, fair enough, not my place to judge!

My diet is (atm):
Pasta (around 150g carb/day) , rice (around 60g carb/day) , turkey steaks (around 35g prot/day, barely any carbs or fat) , chicken breasts (around 60g prot/day) , oatmeal (around 100g carb/day, 40g prot) , biopot yoghurt, full fat milk (mainly for the fat content) , calcium 800mg /day +vit d 5ug /day supp, vit c 2000mg /day + zinc 30mg /day support, vit b complex, coq10 support (b1: 0.20mg, coq10: 100mg) a few coffees here and there and a few tablespoons of sugar maybe with oatmeal and coffee...

No fast food. No cheap sh*tty meals. Home cooked food. .

I should of probably highlighted in my original post. I'm NOT seeking to be a huge bodybuilder, I want to stay around the 190-200lbs mark. Yep want to be lean but my training is solely focused on strength and power.

So hope this helps you guys to come together and give me some help. Cheers guys, have a good day.

Pic coming soon

Catalyst's picture

Your response is exactly the point people are making. It's apparent that you built little or no base naturally, (hence the four cycles), so as soon as you stop the gear, it falls off of you. That's where you've got it all wrong. You're young, 190-200lbs at a low body fat is more than achievable naturally, so if you "like being lean and light", I don't see why you were using gear or are looking to now? "Cycle set up for maintaining"? Again, not necessary to maintain that size.

You're way more likely to end up being on TRT having started too young. For the record, I'm not "on year round" either, nor are most of these guys. Most of them that are in that position are like you, started too young.

Amplify8's picture

I started taking gear at 23 years old. Four cycles in 3 years is in my opinion better than 6 or 9 or even more. I like to play it safe and I actually started working out at 17 years old and have pretty poor genetics hence my stance on remaining relatively lean as apposed to filling my head with the necessity that I HAVE to be big. So I've been training for nearly 10 years now, 6 of them I was natural and 3 of them were gear cycles and training.

200lbs for me to gain at low body fat ie. 5-8% which is my ideal ratio would take me double what it's taken me to reach today. And with muscle memory, I'm now in a position to get back what I've lost through illness (you read that bit?). So I haven't just eaten McDonald's and never worked out. I work damn hard in the gym. I work even harder outside of it with my diet and nutritients and supplements. I'm a big fan of nutrition hence my OTT approach to getting my daily vitamins and nutrients in that most people ignore.

Im built for running. Fast. I'm built for swimming. Fast. I'm not boasting mate, I'm just putting it out there so you can understand where I'm coming from and why I'm doing it like this. I'm not built to lift huge amounts of poundage although I've reached 200kg deadlift and 140kg bench press at 170lbs. So I think credit is needed where credit is due. I'm a mature man, not a boy. I know what I want and how to get it. So the cycle isn't up for discussion guys, you might look down on me as a kid but I raised myself and I didn't have much of a family growing up nor did I have much money so a child is definitely not something I am considering most people my age are still living in their mothers house and got a car on father's insurance policy.

Just thought I'd explain a bit more about me to add a little more flare and personality to this conversation seeing as I'm here to seek and learn and listen to advice from guys who have been doing this their whole life. This is my choice. Accept it.

Like I said, trying to get a photo sorted. How do I upload it?


Catalyst's picture

Not sure where half of that was in the slightest bit relevant, but whatever floats your boat.

So the cycle isn't up for discussion guys,

This is my choice. Accept it.

Go run it then. Good luck.

MedDx's picture

X2...on the pic

Amplify8's picture

Trying to mate but it's saying I need to add something into a box but doesn't tell me what, keeps popping up as red.

MedDx's picture

Type in

Amplify8's picture

Not the slightest bit of help that mate. Come on, you see a 25 year old man and you pretend like you've never been there before. Lol you are bunch of fucking idiots. So critical and so unaccepting of a stage in life that must of been SHIT for you to have a go at me for juicing at this age when most of you were juicing at my age if not BEFORE.

Anyone here competing at local national level is going to understand exactly what I'm getting at. I'm not 200lb+ because that's my PREFERENCE. I didn't get on juice to join every other man's dreams. I jumped on the roid wagon to accomplish what I want to accomplish not that any of you have probably even read my comment. The reason I explained in great detail is so that you could get it into your skulls that behind the username is an ACTUAL person. Ya know, like a real life human being and not some robot who doesn't have any feelings or ability to have his own beliefs.

This is why these sorta places are disgusting. If it doesn't suit YOUR OWN beliefs then you ain't interested but truth be told, it's all bro science anyway. I shouldn't have to say this shit. You guys should know but you pretend like because I'm 25 I don't have an opinion yet you'd all be bouncing round your living rooms if someone on the Internet were telling you that you shouldn't be using gear at 25. Shall I come back when I'm 35 or 45? Still even then, I'm too young, not good enough. Your all full of shit and so deluded that you have the audacity to attack me for posting a genuine post about genuine stuff.

Bunch of idiots. Don't even know why i bothered. Your advice is bogus. And clearly tied to a bodybuilder outlook which I am not. Also, get a fucking grip, I ain't begging for acceptance home boys I love being 25. So stop with the peer pressure and stop with the outcast crap. Most of you are probably wrinkly old 40+ assholes so desperate to cling onto your youth that you have to attack someone who's secure in himself and doesn't need to be told he's too young. Too young? Ah whenever will I be accepted if i followed that mentality. It's the sort of mentality that you never become acceptable in not even when your 75.

Get a grip guys. Thanks for your tremendously scientific and entirely plausible advice. Lol. When will I be old enough to be accepted by strangers :( when will I feel like I deserve to be accepted :( when I'm 35?45? Or older? Lol get back to building your coffins you bunch of idiotic juiced up douchebags.

Peace <3

Catalyst's picture

You know the response was a response to tell you how to submit a picture? That's all he was doing, helping you submit a pic like you asked for.....

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