HighHope007's picture
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Gear not working


Hi guys,

My name is Velimir. I come from Croatia. I've been training for more than 7 years and since I'm over 33 years I have decided to try one cycle.
I've started my first cycle with test E and Dbol. 500mg of test and 20mg of Dbol. The thing is I don't feel anything. No kick, no increase in appetite both sexual or hunger. No pumps, not even water retention. I'm on my 7th week already and I've only gained fat. I'm very consistent with training and nutrition but yet no results. I'm taking around 2.5g per kg of proteins and around 3500kcal per day. I have 82kg, 180cm and bf around 15%.
I'm going 5 to 6 times per week to gym, and train every body part 2 per week, push-pull-legs. I have strength and hypertrophy days.
Any advice is welcomed.


The Impastable's picture

You should get blood work now that you’re no longer in Mexico. I don’t see why you couldn’t get it done in mexico... last I checked they had labs that do it there.

The Impastable's picture

It’s called a car/taxi/Uber/lyft/stopmakingexcusestogettoanearbyclinicandgetbloodworkdone

vhman's picture

don’t see why you couldn’t get it done in mexico

All the numbers were in Spanish...

Nobullman's picture


If your gear is legit you would know it by now.

Dbol: most people gain weight on week one, mostly water retention. At the end of week 2 the strength usually goes way up. The first 5 weeks you should have steady gain from it.

TestE. Most people start "feeling" the product at the end of week 3. Even if your training was not on point, your libido should be way higher than usual. No increase in libido is usually a dead giveaway that you testosterone if fake.

There is one way to make sure... blood work.

PainZone's picture

Yeah 7 weeks in and you don’t feel anything... I don’t think your gear is legit.

roly420's picture

You don't "feel" gains. It's not crack. Bloods is the only answer. Come on now.

Ward223's picture

If it's not working then fake. Simple.

Darko's picture

obviously is fake

scootloko's picture

Is your occupation physically stressful? Are you getting enough rest? You could be overtraining more plays into it than going to the gym 5-6 days a week.

Christophany's picture

That's what it sounds like to me. Counterintuitively, 4 days per week will stimulate a better hypertrophy response than a 5--6 day split. Also, if his caloric intake is on point, there is no reason why he should be gaining fat, while going to the gym that many days each week, whether he is or isn't on real gear.

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scootloko's picture

Could be not enough rest then. I would want to say not enough calories but you don't gain fat in a calorie deficit or only getting what you need so it isn't that.

Makwa's picture

I'm on my 7th week already and I've only gained fat. I'm very consistent with training and nutrition but yet no results.

Sounds to me that you are NOT very consistent with training and diet if all you are doing is getting fat. AAS or not, if your training and diet are on point you should be gaining some quality mass no matter what.

Sam I Am's picture

I gave your points back. Goodluck

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felony's picture

Yet very low body fat on legs.

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stairmaster's picture
  • Bunk gear ?
  • Bad diet ?
  • Bad workouts ?
  • "I'm going 5 to 6 times per week to gym, and train every body part 2 per week" Too often !
  • Do bloods ?
  • Any health problems ?
Eagles 2013's picture

Yes, have blood work done and if it comes back that your testosterone, estrogen etc. are all with the normal range, simply research some of the more reputable sources here, place another order and start back from square one when it arrives. It sucks ass to get burned like that by a shady source, but it does happen.

Also, if your blood work indicates that you are in fact injecting bunk gear, contact the supplier that you purchased from. Not necessarily the manufacturer directly, unless you bought it straight from them. If it is counterfeit gear (especially pharmaceutical grade) there isn't much that the manufacturer can do.

Also, another potential course of action is to check and see if the source that you bought it from is registered here. If so, you can leave a review and rate your experience and have a direct line of contact with them.

*Edit- A final piece of advice is not to check manufacturer/source sites for reviews on thier products. They very well may be fake reviews made by the people running the organization. Come to neutral, third party sites such as this for unbiased reviews and user experiences.

banginblue's picture

If you do test you will known it . It will hit you like a ton of bricks around week three . You don’t have to lift one single weight . You have bunk gear

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Greg's picture

I mean with test you should gain muscles even if you seat on your ass.

Where the fuck did you get that idea?

Sam I Am's picture

Next time your in a store look at a 12 lb round roast. That’s slot of lean meat. A lot of what you gain on steroids is water. Once you’ve been off as long as you were on that’s when you need to evaluate your gains. Most of the guys I see reviewing these incredible gains have never posted a picture. It’s a very slow process. If it was easy everyone would be jacked.

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Eagles 2013's picture

Stereotypes... "Look at that guy; he's huge! I bet he uses steroids instead of working out!"

Makwa's picture

Sounds like you are in la la land.

Hitman1992's picture

Yea very true sit on your ass and will be biggest monster on this earth
You should’ve done your homework really good before touching any of this stuff
We can’t assume by what you have said
Come with blood and veryone will be more than happy to help you based on your blood
There’s no assuming with people health !

Sam I Am's picture

Well you’ve just learned that’s false. -2

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RangerVet's picture

No you won't grow sitting on your ass. If it is first few cycles maybe a little bit. Figure out the problem. We all told you what to do. How about thanks everyone for taking their time to help you figure your problems. Plenty of great advice. Good luck

Sam I Am's picture

Seven weeks? What were you expecting? Your right where you need to be to pull bloods and make an adjustment. If your diets on point it might be time to switch up your training routine. Steroids are not magic and some guys respond better than others.

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Clayton8902's picture

Im concerned that you're not telling us the whole story. If this is your first cycle and you are not blowing up with proper training and diet with the inclusion of test and dbol something is VERY WRONG!

My first cycle of 500mgs test e put me up 30+ lbs. Yes there was fat and not all solid muscle, but i definitely noticed as did my friends that i blew up. Something isnt right. You need blood work asap. Get that e2, test, free test, etc tested. Proviron should have that free test off the charts.

Sam I Am's picture

Proviron is not an AI . If your estrogen prone it’s not gonna do shit. The only way to know is blood work.

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Hitman1992's picture

it could be your estrogen high if the gear legit because you’re not taking AI
Try to do blood test on estrogen and testosterone
If you don’t feel depressed or anything else
It might be your gear not legit
Blood test will prove that to you
Good luck

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