jc24863811's picture
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How old is too old


Hi to all. Im new to eroids but not to the game. Ive been away for a few years but keeping fit but had no access to juice.

Ive just ordered dbol and test e to run. 600mg of test e alongside 40mg ed of dbol. Its a long time since
I've juiced so ide appreciate any direction and advice if possible.

I'm waiting for a delivery at the moment so will get back ad soon ad it lands. Thank in advance

addicted.to.pain's picture

Abraham Knocked up his ol lady and he was 100yrs old.

your never to old.

Greg's picture

Yeah, but the old calendar was 354 days a year so he was actually closer to 96 years old... you know, KMC's age.

KMC's picture

you know, KMC's age.


About KMC
Track | Edit Account | Edit Stats | My Orders
Age: 60+ Birthed: May, MCCLVIII (according to Greg)

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Greg's picture

I stand corrected

ashop's picture

How old is to old to do what? How old are you?

johnmarshall12's picture

What was the point of this post?

ironcarpenter52's picture

Not new to this game. But have a since of fuckery for others to explain to you on how you should take your own knowledge. Eat a dick

zeusmarada's picture

It's end of Oct, 2018 as I type this, and the OP hasn't logged on since late April of '18.

OP, if you ever come back here, update us please. Goods, bads, and uglies. Help other men avoid any mistakes you've made, or continue to make. We're here to help each other out.

Ozninjaguy's picture

I'm guessing he really wasn't interested - joined April - last log on April.Although his profile says he's 46 - maybe he was too old for the whole idea of actually resuming training.

zeusmarada's picture

"Get to the gym." That's my only mantra. Good day, bad day, hot, cold, stressed, relaxed, just get to the gym. Once it became habit, I feel incomplete without it. There are plenty of people here that will look to chemicals to do the work for them. Sad, cuz it betrays the reality of lifting. A guy (gal) has to lift, clean or enhanced, period. Get to the gym. If men can internalize this mantra, everything else seems to work itself out.

randys52's picture

How old are you? I am 67 and not too old

zeusmarada's picture

Update, please!

Goose24's picture


Am I reading this correctly? If so then I would imagine you're somewhere around 20% bf no?

If I'm reading this incorrectly I apologize

If those stats are correct I would suggest reevaluating your nutrition protocol prior to starting any type of cycle.

Start here bud:



jc24863811's picture

Thank you pal. I really appreciate the guidance. As i say, been out the juicing game as I've been getting very few and far between gym sessions in hmp. We cant get the right food, or correct supps. So most of the lads just lose heart and do pad workouts.

giardap's picture

Pads will keep the lads sane though. Better than the alternative, right?! Lol
You still in??

I recommend dropping the idea of dbol whenever you do get going. I know its the stereotypical 1 to add in but with a few extra miles under your belt, you are better off warming up over a couple of cycles to build strength back up. Dbol fast forwards strength gains but your connective tissues may or may not handle it, better to ease in ("that's what she said"!). dbol also doesnt build muscle, at all.

Greg's picture

How old is too old

When people start talking about you in the past tense.

randys52's picture

lolol...yes...and when folks panic and run to you when you fall instead of laughing

jc24863811's picture

Like...he used to be a good lad him back in the day and ye sat there agreeing until you you realize their actually talking about you. Lol

GrowMore's picture

When you start walking around the locker room naked, then it's time to throw the lifting card in the bin.

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Dacky's picture

Brother I changed gyms a year ago because of a dude who stood naked and applied moisturiser cream over every inch of his body including hard to reach and normallh dark places. Took about about 30mins for him to complete his task. I never saw him once on the gym floor but he was always there at the end of my evening workout.

GrowMore's picture

That's just plain weirdness I wouldn't be a part of. No surprise you changed gyms.

A bit of nakedness in the shower is no issue but a public show like that I'd be out of the door.

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Dacky's picture

Yes mate. This guy single handedly managed to get membership reduced at least 50%. Everyone complained but they said there was “nothing they could do”! So we all left.

jc24863811's picture

Hahahaha... : ) funny that mate. Some mothers do have am ...lmfao

jc24863811's picture

What's the address of that gym then.

Dacky's picture

Hahahaha ;-)

Sam I Am's picture


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KMC's picture

Blood work first, then set your goals, it is not a sprint,... or you would have died long ago.

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Sam I Am's picture

You id not to old. Unless you haven’t been training.

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jc24863811's picture

Are you sure I "id"well too old for juice "id" not been training. Lol your not taking the pidd ru. Lmfao

Sam I Am's picture

Just following your lead bro. +2 to get you started. There are many senior guys here. Always room for one more.

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jc24863811's picture

I've been training but ive been away so gym sessions are few and far between mate. I do feel old on here when am new to a website and ive already been given my own section. For over 40s. Lol. Being messed about a bit as am just waiting for a bit of juice from quite a good reputable website but its still a no show and i sent for it on 28/03....

IrishWOLFhound's picture

46 is not old mate . Any previous cycles ?

jc24863811's picture

Yes mate, but years ago as ive been away for a while.

Ive done a dbol and test e cycle about 4 years ago.

Ive done a stand alone dbol and a stand alone test e.

46 now though. Might be bit old mate and bit stand offish in case I get things wrong as Ive been out of the game a gogood few years

IrishWOLFhound's picture

Might be bit old mate and bit stand offish in case I get things wrong as Ive been out of the game a gogood few years

Your not too old . When you say you've been out of the game for a few years , do you mean you haven't use steroids or you stopped working out ? Have you had you testosterone levels checked recently ? 90kg is a good weight for your height , you know your bodyfat % ?

jc24863811's picture

Hiya pal. Yes. When I say been out of the game for a whilr, i mean ive been in the nick for a bit. so evrrything has well changed. Even me f...king wife. Lol

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