fusebox's picture
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+ 6 What is the worse pip youve ever had


What was the worst pip you've ever had? What did you pin? How much? Was it your own fault or was it from the oil? And lastly. Did you do it again after you dealt with the pain for a couple days? I would like to hear some stories so I can relate to what I'm dealing with. Thanx f-box. Yeah I know ed I stole it.

I shouldn't have to do this but I will to save the mods from having to pop in here.

No brands, sources, or labs shall be posted.
In case you forgot.


Mdes's picture

Winstrol suspension. .25 cc in my glute and it felt like I got shot in my ass for a week . Couldn’t bend over . Walked with a limp for a few days . First and last time for that lol

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JEX30Sex's picture

Test E 400 like a god damn newb (which I am) ouch ouchee owee!!! Into the butt NO HOMO lol. I had no idea. Big ass lump and felt like I got nailed by a baseball bat. I thought I had an absess and panicked sooo hard. I still have that oil and I look at it in my medicine cabinet like it's posessed like the devil. I really thought I got a great deal. SMH Fuck dat never again!

ONESICK's picture

I had a similar experience. I forget the brand but test 400. Dude!!! I don't know why that first pin burned like a bitch. I had a lump for about a week. I just had a bad reaction for whatever reason. I tried a different location and I still had pip but nothing like that initial one. I still look at that vial in my cupboard. I want to try it again but I hated it lol

Claudezilla's picture

Some concoction of test 500 a known supplier and brand….I couldn’t walk or sit or roll out of bed right for over a week slept on a heating pad nothing helped

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fusebox's picture

Look back on the thread and all the old names. I don’t remember a dickhead as a member maybe he had a different name lmfao

simonmagus84's picture

I remember that and thought you were a savage for doing it.

simonmagus84's picture

A- - o Sust 375 couldn’t workout for almost 10 days but this was a long time ago.

TestBruh2020's picture

I had a momentary lapse in judgement and injected 1ml of Test E 250 way too fast, it was my first time using a 3ml syringe and I was kind of in a rush. My muscles were still not really used to the whole injection thing as well. PIP was so bad I thought for sure I had a major abscess. It went away after about 4 days and now I'm way more careful about injection speed.

bundlz's picture

Injecting 3ml of dhb and 1ml of test e in a virgin buttcheek got me like lord of the crippels after 2 weeks 4 injections later i start to get used to it .....

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K1ngB00g3r's picture

Multiple generic HCG + cheap Amazon bacteriostatic water @ 4th week in fridge = BURNING DEATH!

Nattyboomba's picture

Yoooooo, I remember this thread. It’s been around a few times. For me, test blend 400mg for my first ever cycle. Devastating. I thought I was being slick & efficient, not injecting as much volume with the higher concentration oil, but HO-LEE fuck. Took me several quad injections to realize it wasn’t virgin muscle causing pain; it was the diesel I was burying 1 1/2” into my legs. I learned a lot from that experience….

press1's picture

Daayum you been here 2 months longer than me!!! Lol Have you had a few years off in between as I don't remember you much in the early days mate. 400mg/ml Test into Virgin muscle is not something I wanna think about Lmao I bet you could barely train from the PIP.

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Nattyboomba's picture

Yep. I had some pretty big life changes a few years ago and didn’t come around very often. This sites concentration of information & experience is priceless, so when I started to get things back in order, I made it a point to come back to the fold.

fusebox's picture

Bumping again as I have had a reminder pop up in the forums.

press1's picture

OMG This is like Back To The Future!!!! There we all are talking about steroids again LMAO Some real characters on here. 'Blink' and here we are 4 years older .....

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fusebox's picture

Yep just scrolling back through I see a lot of old names that are no longer on here or are here with other names. A trip down memory lane. And yep actually having a relevant discussion about steroids.

Jim Layhey's picture

Once apon time three was a source here (no names) hint: the logo was a giant green superhero ;). Anyway, I would just get basic ass testosterones and EVERY SINGLE MUFAWKIN TIME I would swell up and get the most painful infection. Like would get fevers and night sweats let alone be able to move the body part for a week. Felt like fiber glass was in there. So naturally I wasn’t surprised when they went out of business.. tried more than one order too. Garbage bathtub boogie.

fusebox's picture

Gonna bump this again. Hit a nerve in my tricep and had a muscle spasm at the same time. That was five days ago and I'm still feeling it. Nothing compared to the pip that caused me to post this forum but damn it fn hurts

Jim Layhey's picture

Yeah I had the same thing happen when I would pin my TNE in a 1” 23 gauge (years ago when I was still new to juicing) and that one time I hit something and my muscle moved so crazy out of control the needle was stuck in and flopping every where ABSOLUTE nightmare. Never did it again. Ever.

Rubin0621's picture

Got some 500mg/ml test-e a few years back from a friend, knew it would hurt but pinned it anyways. Left glute. Had to buy a inflatable donut to sit on the pain was so bad. My fault, tried to be a tough guy.

Ryan1007's picture

Recently pinned some test cyp in my quad and the PIP was almost unbearable for a little over a week. To the point I was concerned I had an infection.

Kgp's picture

A bad batch of Test E from a well known UGL. Fucking crippled me. My butt cheek was red and warm for a couple days. Couldn't even sit down. had to sleep on my stomach. What did my dumb ass do? Pinned the other cheek... The definition of insanity.

Was about to throw away 8 vials of it and my buddy called me crazy, I gave it to him... The next day he came over limping telling me how he threw it away. Live and learn..

fusebox's picture

I'd say most of us would pin again hoping it was a one time deal. I know I have lots of times. That's why I stick to things that work for me no matter the cost.

ProjectMayhem_'s picture

Correct me if i'm wrong, I've heard if you draw back and get blood you hit a vein, if air your in the muscle? I haven't tried and probably won't try but when I pulled the pin out this morning from a injection it bleed.

fusebox's picture

Yes if you pull back and have blood you're In a vein. If not it's good. It will bleed if you knick or pass through a vein. Most of the time no biggie.

Bill1976's picture

I never had pip but wanted to know what the pip was like from propionate in the quads before I run it.

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kibby's picture

You might not get pip ever with any compound. It all depends on the gear being made correctly and injection technique.

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fusebox's picture

Depends on the gear to be honest. Virgin muscles are a pain no matter what.

press1's picture

Pretty damn awful at first - though much of this is down to whether you end up going through a vein or hitting a nerve when entering.

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Bill1976's picture

I have done leg injections with test e. No pain there at all.

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press1's picture

If you've injected there before then it should be fine man - I thought they were hole free so far! lol

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Bill1976's picture

No my leg has been penetrated. No homo. Ha Ha!

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press1's picture

LMFAO Leg Penetration - only for the hardcore....

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Optimusprimal's picture

First time injecting quads actually that was a month ago. Oh my days, i injected 150mg tren and 25mg of prop in the right quad and 150mg of mast and 25 mgs of prop in the left quad and i was stiff as a board for 4 days. Now everything is good and im injecting them once or twice a week depending but the first time was deff the worst. virgin muscles + fast acting esters = nice recipe for fucked up legs Blum 3 It wasnt my fault. At least i dont believe so. Im taking all necessary precautions. Im heating up the oil pre shoot, im having a hot shower to relax the area of injection and ofcourse i change my drawing needles to my pinning needles and sterile according throughout the process.

Harley1969's picture

Definitely virgin muscle brother. 1st time I injected in my quad I had pip so bad the next day I thought I was gonna throw up. Ouch!!!

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press1's picture

Buddy - You ever had PIP in your calf from injecting virgin muscle with some prop?! Pain on another level bro...Just walking to the fridge is torture personified.

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Harley1969's picture

Definitely sounds painful.

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press1's picture

And if you really hate them suggest with some T suspension & DHB...Lol

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press1's picture

I have and its the worst pain there is if its a Biter with big white crystals in it, 5 times worse than water suspension. One shot had me screaming one time, they burn and hurt. Get it in the bloodstream and it makes tren cough feel like a walk in the park.

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pickle's picture

1cc of DHB Base to the quad. Could not bend knee more than a few inches, 20% mobility at best. Around day 8 i could bend knee about 50%. By day 10 it was almost back to normal. It burned going in and 2 for 2 hours post injection felt like i had acid in my quad. But hey, was one of my better workouts.

Tried it a few more times, same story. Didnt matter if it was quad or glute it hurt like a mofo. I believe im allergic to the carrier oil because i came down with a fever each time.