Carlos Danger's picture
Carlos Danger
  • 601

+ 16 Laying a Foundation aka HIT THE KITCHEN


Its been a while folks and honestly I'm not the same cat ya'll used to see running around here. So to show folks who I used to be and what I have always been about I wanted to contribute to the forums like I did so often when I first cut my teeth in here.
I don't think there are enough posts on diet and honestly there simply cannot be enough. It's everything. It's how to Lay a Foundation aka Hit the Kitchen Yo!

So many users have a very basic understanding of what to eat let alone how much to eat according to their BMR and body types.

Heres a tool to establish a approximate baseline. It's not perfect but it's a general place to start. Adjust your macros based on your results. Pretty simple.

Here is a neat tool to establish what your body type is and find some workout programs for you

Here is a great comprehensive link to macronutrients and what the each do

Here is another list of some of the best superfoods this planet has to offer. Clean proteins complex carbs and healthy fats and antioxidants to keep the body in a state of homeostasis

The trick to dieting is programming the mind through repetition and consistency. Day after day and meal after meal a person needs to have a goal and purpose. The reasons behind our normal day to day decisions are all mostly contingent on our "why" our "purpose". So why would it be any different with dieting? In truth it isn't. Our "why" is the first step into reprogramming our mentality. Visualizing our goals every day, every time we close our eyes visualize the "YOU" that you want to become. Every time you pose in the mirror visualize the progress and the transformation. Connect the mind to the body. Sounds a bit cheesy right? A lil too Cliché?

Well trust me it comes from the same place as mind to muscle connection. Ever heard Arnold talk about that connection? Every true bodybuilder has either had that or currently has it or is searching for that connection. It's what our favorite Black Ninja Bruce Leroy from "The Last Dragon" calls the glow. Total homeostasis of mind and body and soul.

Dieting is the cornerstone of this connection IMO. It is the pivot joint in which our journey is hinged. Some folks joke about that they eat anything and everything the want because of good genetics. Well folks that aren't blessed like that cannot afford to be so cavalier. People like me need laser focus and the personal accountability to take on my family genetics and conquer it.

I'm not a diet expert and can't speak to the actual science of macronutrients but I'd love to see this topic become more of a focus as true growth lives and dies in the KITCHEN!

I Posted this on another forum recently

johnmarshall12's picture

Excellent article! I find the best way to keep on diet is to hone in on what you want to do and just do it! That means not thinking about it. If you think about the boredom of some diets it can lead to your downfall. You kinda just have to accept it. If I think about it I might run out for a Pizza! lol

There mental aspect of staying focused on diet is under rated!

Carlos Danger's picture

Just wanted to dig this out. 4 full weeks in the books this cycle on week 5 now. I’ve been doing a low carb cyclic ketogenic based diet this blast with carb cycling every 4-5 days depending on what my body is saying. The last two weeks I’ve done 5 days low carb with refeeds on Sat Sun. Monday workouts have been outstanding. Will test that again tonight. Only issue is I’m starting to fade by Friday’s session. May incorporate a moderate refeed Thursday. Tho the goal is to fully deplete by finish of Friday’s session.
M-F I’m going down to 50-65g carbs and bumping up to 150-200g carbs on Sat Sun.

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fusebox's picture

Perfect timing boss. Looking to change things up in the near future. Keep an eye on your inbox brother CD ++

Carlos Danger's picture

Right on. Hit me up anytime

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zeusmarada's picture

I'm seriously looking at a "keto during the week, refeed on weekends with higher carbs" approach as well for an upcoming primo cycle. Carlos, keep us posted! I'm gonna PM you to pick your brain on diet too. Thank you for bumping this old post, and for commenting your current progress on this thread! +1

Carlos Danger's picture

Hit me up anytime

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Whitetrash's picture

Well said brother. So many guys throwing everything and the kitchen sink into their cycles to drop from 13% bf down to 10% or gain 10 lbs when they only weigh 165 to begin with! A body is built in the kitchen so if the diet isn't right the rest won't do shit.

rolltide3's picture

Glad to see your back CD. When your next post on pct Smile

The Impastable's picture

Great post, definitely looking forward to more posts from you Smile welcome back!

Makwa's picture

Holy hell! Someone else actually talking about the importance of diet for once. Nice job.

Carlos Danger's picture

Can I just tell you I never saw the greatness in you when you first joined. You were quiet and hesitant to post. I am so fucking honored to have you as the member you've become. You make this place better. As someone who's been here for four years I just want to thank you for all you're doing.

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Makwa's picture

Thanks. I have definitely come a long way, but it is everyone here that has made me better and got me to where I am. Lots of brilliant minds here. I am trying to pass on whatever I learn along the way to hopefully help others in the process.

Catalyst's picture

You're back!

Man hug Smile

All kinds of homo.....

Carlos Danger's picture

I told Grrl this last night and I'll say it to you too. I want to hug you until it makes us both a lil uncomfortable! Biggrin

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Catalyst's picture


BFG's picture

Found this the other day, I don't think it gets any easier than that

The Impastable's picture

This is great! the only thing that I can see being the issue is the follow through. Follow through is always the problem with people, they can have 5000 calories laid out and personalized to their very soul, and most of them will still not follow the protocol, or follow it and not actually consume the amounts they think they are.

Makwa's picture

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.

The Impastable's picture

Sad but true... Everyone wants to look great and be in shape, but none of them have the will to get there.

Carlos Danger's picture

You know sometimes I dislike today's "Instant" Generation but damn that's pretty easy! Not sure how folks can mess that one up I'm going to save that link and see what type of meal plans it comes up with

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Carlos Danger's picture

That could be fun:) Tasty at least. I did the paleo a couple times and it does work.

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TheFlash85's picture

welcome back! good post.

Carlos Danger's picture

Thank you Sir:)

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Carlos Danger's picture

Hoping to get back to the forums like I used to do. Lots of smart cats around here and there's little left to be said that isn't already posted a million times but some things like diet can't be talked about enough.

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tonytulo's picture

Good to see you back GS. I tell everyone food before everything , food, training , then some gear to polish off a physique. You should look like your on gear when not on gear........

Carlos Danger's picture

Love that last sentence^
It took me years to finally accept that my genetics wouldn't let me do a half ass effort in the kitchen. I need to be locked in 24/7 365 with a few special exceptions just to accomplish that last sentence of yours.

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tonytulo's picture

Too many try to make up for a poor diet with half assed consistency , sub par training and shity genetics with gear. Doesn't work that way lol, if it did it would be easy and everyone would be doing it. Its refreshing to see posts like this.

italian92101's picture

bang!!!!! hes back, nice post diet is most important!!!

Carlos Danger's picture

Thanks for everything Champ:)

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italian92101's picture


T_luva's picture

My nooka.... Good to see u back on the saddle bruh!!!!!

Carlos Danger's picture

Sup pimpin! Remember Milk n Cookies? They said hollaaaa!

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T_luva's picture

Milk n Cookies... ah, my favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner.... you get the picture ;-)

kodiakGRRL's picture

I saw your name and I expected you to throw in something about almond butter ;-)

T_luva's picture

Damn GRRL.... Was so excited about AB, I hit the down button by accident. Everybody loves Almond Butter ;-)