Freak_Accident's picture
  • 90

+ 16 Karma (must read)


I've read through a lot of these forums and all I've came to realize is that this site is only here for 1 reason and that is to help educate beginners and our vets on the use of anabolic steroids, updates on new protocols and focusing on the safety of everyone! I've seen that a lot of people are complaining and are upset that they don't have much Karma, which I understand completely, and that all their helpful comments and educational forum topics are going unnoticed. "Nobody is recognizing us for our help". I've even seen a comment saying they were done "trying" to get Karma and just keeping to themselves. We'll I don't think any of us should care one single bit about what our "Karma Rating" is. We are not here for Karma. We are here to help everyone we can. Educate beginners from doing things harmful to themselves. We've seen it a thousand times "1st cycle Tren and a gram of Test E a week, more is better right?" and I'm sure 90% of us have almost made very stupid decisions including myself. WHAT STOPPED US? My guess is that a lot of us found this site before our fist cycle. We posted our cycle and got ripped a new asshole by the seasoned vets that only ripped us a new one to protect us from something very stupid. Then we changed our cycle and guess what? IT KICKED F****** A**! We used an A.I. and low dose test. We used caber with 19nors. We realized that just Nolva PCT isn't enough. People have DIED from the use of anabolic steroids guys! Do not give up on helping people on EROIDS just because were not getting Karma. Karma or no Karma keep helping! I wasn't lucky enough to find this site in the beginning. I was lucky enough to find it as soon as I did before I made more stupid decisions though. I even drilled some vets after posting a cycle I thought was "perfect" and told them they were wrong. I was wrong. This site proved it. I did research on this site alone and found every answer I needed. Karma is great. We all want it! We all want to be looked at as "vets". The only way to get it is to keep trying, keep helping, keep informing everyone that will listen. We are all here to help. We are not here for Karma, that is just a bonus. There's a bigger picture. This isn't Tylenol were messing with. Karma needs to come last for everyone. Help first. I don't doubt for one second that this site has saved lives. Please think about this. Trust me I want some Karma too but with Karma or not I get full access to this site. To the help, the vets, the beginners and to the sources to add to my own educated stash. Over time you will get to "vote" and give out Karma but until then please remember why we are all here.

SADISTIC's picture

Well put

In a promo × 1
Kilroy's picture

Re. "People have DIED from the use of anabolic steroids" -- I haven't checked lately, but in 2003, and before that in 1995, I searched the web and the medical literature, and didn't find a single instance of anyone, anywhere, dying from injectible, non-17-alpha akylated anabolic steroids. There were lots of articles SAYING people had died from anabolics, but the citations always led back to people who'd been in the hospital dying from one or more deadly diseases, who were given lots of drugs in a last-ditch attempt to save their lives, and one of them happened to be an anabolic steroid, and the person died (as expected). There was never any evidence or even likelihood that it was the steroids that did it.

For comparison, this article ( cites 92 known cases of death caused by caffeine, which is one of the safest drugs used by bodybuilders.

People HAVE died from clen, Lasix, HGH, vicoden, aspirin, tylenol, ibuprofen, naproxen, Synthol, and the Drugs Which Must Not Be Named here. People have probably died from taking oral steroids, because they'll wreck your liver. But I haven't yet found a single case of anybody known to have died from an injectible, non-17α-alkylated anabolic steroid, unless it was by infection from a bad injection or a contaminated vial.

We know, statistically speaking, that people have also died from testosterone supplementation due to the fact that increased testosterone increases the risk of stroke. However, there's no evidence that it matters whether the testosterone is natural or synthetic, injected or produced by the body. It isn't that use of supplementary anabolic steroids is dangerous; it's that testosterone is inherently toxic. It definitely shortens average lifespan. But saying "steroids are deadly" because of this effect is the same as saying "being born male is deadly". Don't use too much.

Most doctors interested in the subject believe that taking anabolic steroids can cause prostate cancer, which can kill you. But you can't single out any one person who died from prostate cancer, and prove that it was because he took steroids 50 years before.

This 2011 review article summarized the evidence that anabolic steroids can cause prostate cancer: . It says that, if they do, nobody is sure how; but the increase in prostate cancer (in lab animals) occurs only when both androgens and estrogen are increased. Using aromatase inhibitors with anabolic steroids reduces the risk of prostate cancer, and DHT doesn't cause prostate cancer at all; while administering both testosterone and estradiol to animals makes prostate cancer almost inevitable. So, always use an aromatase inhibitor with anabolics.

(Long-term use of aromatase inhibitors causes osteoporosis. Standard preventative treatment is with bisphosphatase. The increase in number of women who get a bone fracture or break after taking aromatase inhibitors without bisphosphatase, versus not taking aromatase inhibitors, is from something like 2% to 4%. I forget exactly; but it's not a huge risk. Bisphosphatase is pretty safe, though, at least for the first 3-5 years; and its effects are permanent, so you still oughta take it with aromatase inhibitors, which you oughta take with anabolic steroids.)

OTOH, this 2022 article from Moffitt Cancer center ( says, " there is currently no evidence to suggest the existence of any link between testosterone replacement therapy and prostate cancer", and "According to the results of a recent study, testosterone treatment does not increase a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer. In fact, new research suggests that this treatment may actually reduce the risk of aggressive prostate cancer." But it doesn't CITE the study, nor give us any clue how to find it, so take it with a grain of salt.

The reason these articles contradict each other is that the second one ignores evidence from animal studies, and looks only at testosterone replacement therapy (typically 50-100mg/week). I'm gonna go with "yes, anabolic steroids can kill you by giving you prostate cancer." But realize (A) nobody has any idea how big of a risk it is, because we can't convert rates of death in mutant mice given crazy high levels of androgens to rates of death in humans, and (B) we may yet figure out how to greatly reduce this risk, whatever it is, by controlling estrogen or by learning the mechanism.

Now, there are lots of cases of bodybuilders and football players who died young--seriously, it's an epidemic in the NFL--but the likelier culprits are HGH and other drugs, increased muscle mass (which does usually cause a slightly earlier death, from cardiac stress and probably also from increased oxidative phosphorylation and oxidative damage; this should be discussed in bodybuilding forums), and (in the case of football players) brain damage, shitty mass-gaining diets, and other stressors unique to professional football players. (Seriously, don't play pro football if you want to live a long time.)

Of course, guys definitely get the usual sides we all know about, like gynecomastia, HPA axis problems, insomnia, and so on. But these aren't lethal. As far as threats to your life, anabolic steroids are the safest drug that bodybuilders take. They're much safer than diuretics, metabolism boosters, HGH, clen, Tylenol, aspirin, sugar, or red meat. We shouldn't spread this bad medical disinformation about them being as deadly as other drugs, when there are already so many people so eager to spread it.

I'm not saying they're "safe". Increasing testosterone in any way is likely to shorten your lifespan. Bodybuilding, even without drugs, will shorten your lifespan. But these things aren't as risky as eating lots of red meat, drinking lots of soda, or watching lots of TV. On the whole, I expect men who use anabolics and work out to live longer than those who don't do either.

IndianaBRICKIE's picture

I was actually looking up karma because I feel like I got negged unfairly. After coming into this post though and reading your “big picture” I’m not even stressing. I’m thankful for this site and thankful I get to be apart of it. All good things come in time

Owes a Review × 2
Greg's picture

No one negged you... Looks like you might have negged you

IndianaBRICKIE's picture

Hmm didnt know it was possible.. appreciate you looking into it though and giving some clarification

Owes a Review × 2
WILDCARD1's picture


Owes a Review × 4
JimmyL's picture

I get from this post that i´ve just landed on a fine community.
I´ve read so much bad advice around and couldn´t help thinking that most Bros really don´t get how much they are gambling with their health.
One should read the most possible and from the biggest amount of credible sources about compounds and cycles to still know almost nothing.
It takes ages to build solid opinions and a confidence to even just try a first-time cycle of any kind.
Instead i´ve got to chat with guys who would just start a Test-Dbool-Eq FIRST cycle without even knowing what an AI is and what does PCT do.
Go explain how prudence and research will always pay back!

Scroungy_Phukker's picture

As one of said n00bs, I have learned a ton just from lurking here and am eternally grateful to you OGs for not just sharing general AAS knowledge, as it seems so much "info" that comes to the top of a DuckDuckGo search(quit using Google!) is just some dicknose's incorrect/incomplete advice on his blog. Not just that, but your personal experiences, both good and bad, impart wisdom as well. Respect!

Tonyb121985's picture

I agree. This place has been a life saver for real. So many questions people don’t ask or if they do they are asking someone just as uninformed. Here there are so many knowledgeable people who don’t go off what they read “online” but from a combination of evidence based research, factual data, scholarly journals, medical/peer research. Credibility, responsibility, self-knowledge of knowing your ignorance vs your understanding is the only way we can provide some sense of safety and quality control. That’s why this place is literally a life saver and has SAVED LIVES by separating fact vs function. If you just use Google you will be among a bunch of consumers searching for service in an industry plague by greed with not motivation to keep the public safe. Thank you and salute to every that contributes to safety and education to any and all users on here!

In a promo × 1
Fatboydietking007's picture

How do you get Karma?

Greg's picture

mouse over.... add to favorites.

Da1cop's picture

Why should I care about Karma after getting 6 negative for leaving a poor review of a source that stole $600 from me? The fact is I paid and never received my gear and got excuse after excuse. I read what members suggest and do what works for me and follow my protocols and read my blood. Some 20 something year old talking smack gets 0 fucks from me!

UpN0rth's picture

excellent post thank you

Fade's picture

Unfortunately i am one those individuals who have taken a handful of cycles that didn't make sense and yes i felt the sides that came with it. All i can do from this point forward is continue to obtain knowledge not only for myself but to help others. IMO if you dont know what the hell you are talking about you shouldn't be giving advice, You should only be asking questions. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and don't be afraid to sound like a NOOB. Ask away ...

btw, Karma does look pretty bad ass.

Leroylifts's picture

Agreed. Thank you.

Owes a Review × 1
Cody831's picture

Thank you for everyone out there helping

Noble78's picture

Great post

FAM7306's picture

I agree but it did suck loosing the little bit of karma I did have over a mistake that I fixed as soon as I seen it but yeah I’ll continue to help anyone in need... I’ve actually used this site without being a member for about 8 or 9 years and it has helped with a few things and am very appreciative of having it to figure out all I need to figure out. Thank you

profit77's picture

Thanks for the good post!

perfection's picture

I can honestly say that this was one of the best posts I have read in a long time.

Da-Kine's picture

Makes sense. Good post

Shaolin718's picture

Awesome post brother Thankx I needed to read this ....
Some are so under knowledged about anabolics to a point they die searching to get tnat look, thanks

chrome-dome's picture

Yes thank you for your insite on what should be going on here. Im no vet but luckly i know very few vets locally so they have given me the education i would need for standard cycles. Anyways great topic man keep up the good work.

Fade's picture

i would still try to do your own research. Don't trust everyone.

SergZane77's picture

Very well written! Your post is raw, educational, and honest. Thank you for taking the time to share. This site truly is a gift as eroids has created an environment for like- minded people with common goals to learn and share safely. When someone is hard on another, I’d challenge us all to view that as mentorship. A vet is taking time from their day that they cannot get back, and investing in the health and well being of a fellow member. That’s a big deal.

Owes a Review × 1
Dynamite's picture

assume post i have -1 karma as a health a wellness educator at my gym age 63 workout sense 1979 nonstop i love helping people stared using gear at age 40 stated using HGH age 55 lucky enough to have the $ love this form

slimnomoe's picture

iv been hesetent to ask things bc sum guys hav been ripped by 3 n 4 members and called names I just looking for info and am one that needs ripped for stupidity for buying something I don't know about so I hav not tried it nor know how to properly use guy at gym pressured me in to a buy I'm to scared to use so here I am

vhman's picture

No one gets ripped unless they act like and idiot.
This site has all the info you’ll ever need to get started. Spend time reading and using the search function. Once you have a base of knowledge, then ask some questions.

fuzzyhashtag's picture

I have to call BS on this one! I have seen people get torn a new asshole over a (stupid) question. If you come here and ask a question its because your "stupid" and you should expect a little shit talk but sometimes especially when its team up time it feels like a group of Arrogant bullies attacking you.

vhman's picture

Thanks for responding to a 3 year old comment.
Grow up snowflake.
Look at the big picture. There isn’t a better site out there. Take advantage.
Or be a snowflake and be upset.
Your choice.

Best of luck.

Jshwaa's picture

Nice post. Well said. However...

I'm new to the site and believe that I understand the rules, and just common sense mutual respect on forums. But I have to admit that I did come here to research gear and find a decent source. That being said, I have tried to ask questions from this viewpoint and it seems as if there are people here, beginner and veterans, which are here to kick noobs down and mock their lack of expertise. This is very discouraging.

Most recently, I purchased some gear and am having complications in getting it delivered. I went to the review section of the source to post my experience, only to receive negative karma. I wasn't being slanderous, or lying to try and harm the source's reputation more than to raise awareness in hopes of getting it rectified. I ultimately just want to have a good experience and in turn give good reviews.

I wouldn't care much about karma either, because on this site it is just a number, which I don't need to gauge my own conscience, however it would be unfortunate to get kicked or banned for low karma simply because people can and will do so, more out of mere simplicity of clicking the thumb down button than actually believing that you are trying to do others harm in the discussions. I have -3 karma already, and I just want to help and be helped. What do I do?

Greg's picture

True, and you don't get into the "inner Circle" by trying to game the system. All members are welcome into the "inner circle"... it's a big ass circle.

Greg's picture

For one, you left a review without following due process with the source.

email the source, you did that.
PM the source here on eroids, you did not do that, (better chance of getting the sources attention than email)
Open letter to the source in the discussion page IF you can't work things out in PM. You did not do that.
Reading and understanding the sources reship policies. You did not do that. You demanded a refund.

Second, you made a dumbass post with a dumbass comment. I am very inclined to neg you for that as well.
Domestic product can be seized/lost. One order from domestic and overseas does not make a very good statistical comparison which would allow you to make such a claim with such authority as you did in your post.

Your claim Domestic 100% success, Overseas 100% failure. This opinion based fact flies in the face of most other's experiance. Personally, after 6 years, the success rate is about 99% success foreign and domestic.

For those that think it should be taking days or weeks to start feeling the effects of Test, you are probably taking some seriously watered down gear. If it's good quality, you can actually feel the surge within hours of pinning pharm grade Test.

I'm on scripted TRT so I'm calling BULLSHIT!
You will NEVER feel a "surge" of a long estered test within hours.

I have -3 karma already, and I just want to help and be helped. What do I do?

What to do? Stop posting authoritative comments to things you know little or nothing about.

JohnT6421's picture

I appreciate and respect the post as well, but Greg's response regarding karma was spectacular!! Clearly written by a leader with the kind of Strong Values, Character and Take No B.S. that a forum needs. No doubt the best forum and moderator of all time.

  • JT
Stump's picture

Good shyet thank you. Don't read intructions when I buy electronics. I just dive in. But yeah a hard head makes a soft ass. Now I read the rules here.

D_N_A's picture

That was cool. Well spoken.

Droid2017's picture

Awesome! Love it. Thx bro

Juicejunkiemonkey's picture

Nice post

Tbp300's picture

Great post...need more people like you on here

BigrackJohnson's picture

Thanks for the post great info

Cpt.Marvel's picture

Good info. Thanks

JuicedDDY's picture

Thanks for this post. It has been helpful and considerate. We all had to start and learn somewhere.