triscuitpunch's picture
  • 7

+ 8 Var cycle before and after!


every time i post it doesnt seem to upload right so hopefully it works this time....
Everything has been so busy lately and I kept forgetting to update this so sorry for the long delay! the pictures on the left are from about a week and a half before starting my var cycle in January and the ones on the right are from a week after I ended the cycle. my only side effect was oily skin which has since gone away. I had zero negative side effects coming off the cycle, I actually felt great. first week I was on 5mg a day, then upped to 10 mg a day for the rest of the cycle and then the last 4 days went back to 5 mg to finish it out. Upon stopping I dropped about 2 pounds in water weight like I was hoping. I only lost about 3ish pounds during the cycle but definitely put on muscle so I cannot complain. I am about 2 weeks out from my competition and the results from that will determine when I start bulking. the goal is to compete in wellness after this show so we'll see what happens!

neiltrojan's picture

great definition ,are you using a pct after this cycle of var ,whats your next cycle maybe uo the var a bit ...

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Nice abs and traps...good work +1..whats your ideas for next cycle?

mrpharmacist's picture

keep up the good work, sall about the gainz.

NotBothered's picture

Just thought I’d say G**damn to both pics, can definitely tell you’re putting in work.

fusebox's picture

Great job let's keep it rolling ++

0newheelup's picture

Great job. Traps, delts look great. Waist is tight. Glutes and thights have toned up nicely. Powerful but beautiful. Awesome work... +1

Halsey's picture

Oh dear lord, your rumpshaker has really got alot more muscular. Definitely a good improvement, congrats.