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+ 14 Ostarine, S4 (Andarine), GW, Albuterol during PCT and between cycle


5'7" 190 Lbs, 10 or 11 %BF.
Maintainence caloric diet, 2500 cals. I've ran Ostarine during PCT 2 times without anything affecting recovery so I know Ostarine doesn't suppress the HPTA. I'm going to run this stack with S4 which is questionably supressive and get blood work done 8 weeks post PCT to see how recovery went and show members what they might expect on gains and bloodwork running theses SARMs as a bridge during PCT.
My own expectations is to just eat clean and maintain what I gained on cycle and maybe lose a % or 2 of bodyfat and gain 2 or 3 lbs which doesn't sound like much, but really is almost impossible to achieve during PCT otherwise.

Of course S4 (Andarine) comes with the possible side of yellow tint in the eyes and night vison problems so I will ramp up starting a 25mg ed split moring and evening 12.5mg for 7 days and then move to 50mg ED split doses if everything is good.

PCT is extensive since I ran EQ and went passed 20 months on cycle.
First 8 days HCG 1000 ius eod then begin
Clomid first 2 days 200, next 2 days 150 and then remaining 4 weeks 100/100/50/50
Torem 120/90/60/60
Exemestane 12.5/12.5/6/6
DAA 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
horny goat weed

I'm starting the SARMs 3rd weeks of PCT to make sure I'm feeling like PCT is working, and to get PCT off to a good start and get my HPTA a good fresh boost.

Week 1 began SARMs today 6/28. Starting weight 190 lbs 11% bf. 6/30 endurance has been phenomenal the last 2 days must be the GW. Cals 3200 up 1 lb to 191. No sides from the S4 andarine which is good. 7/2 wow endurance and recovery are crazy. I feel like I could workout all day and not get tired. Last 2 training sesions were intense and I'm not a bit sore.
Week 2
Loving this stack!! Up 6 lbs, whenever I workout I'm extremely hungry after workouts and several hours beyond, I think the Sarms are making me hungry because I generally have to force myself to eat after workouts, this may be why I'm gaining weight so quickly. Cals at 3200'still. This stack seems to be thermogenic kinda like tren, just sitting around sometimes I feel my body heat shoot up and sweat, nothing excessive just something like once eod.
7/12 end of week 2 and pumps are so full, muscles are just exploding during workouts, with no fatigue, feel like I could workout for hours, but I've kept workouts to around 60 mins. Weight gain hasn't changed other than I look leaner, but weigh the same. 7/16 no weight change, endurance and strength are way up. Finished up pct a few days ago, I feel like i have recovered and libido is in full swing. 7/19 no weight change, hardening and leaning up, workouts feel great. Taking DSIP delta sleep inducing peptide, just to see what it does and if it helps sleep. It does aid in sleep, but the main thing that I've notice is my gonads are huge, this stuff stimulate LH release.

Week 3 no sides to report. No weight gain just getting veiny and grainy. I'm digging the results and getting stronger.

Week 4 no weight change and keeping cals at 3200 and getting veiny and leaner each day. B/fat is dropping dramatically and abs are beginning to pop.

Week 5 8/5 pic is up to show progress. Low carb this week and still haven't lost a pound. Got bloodwork done yesterday to see where I'm at recovery wise, should get results tomorrow. Post pct bloods, good numbers.

Week 6 8/12 on vacation this week, beach'n it.

Week 7 8/17 joints a little creaky from the low E2 from either the ostarine or the S4. I do love what ever it is that ostarine does for my skin, everytime I've ran it my skin looks clean and smooth, makes me look like I'm in my 20's.
8/18 didn't work out last week on vacation and leg day bout killed me today, massive pumps.
8/22 5 days after my leg workout and I'm so sore still and can barely bend over or sit down. Joints feel tight, grumpy and short fused, so the low E2 is taking it's toll on me now. Only thing that is keeping me on this last week is the workouts are freaking insane, I mean pumps unheard of and seeing myself morph before my on eyes it's crazy, but the. Recovery just isn't happening. I'd only recommend this kind of stack for 6 weeks and if your willing to deal with the low E2 and soreness then proceed ahead. This combo would come in ideal for contest prep and crashing E2 the last week IMHO.


Looking back through notes and bloodwork i learned quiet a bit about how well this stack works for one who is in PCT and even ran outside of PCT you should see nice steady lean gains. The pros out weigh the cons and here's a list of each.
Pros: works during PCT, there is no shut down according to my bloodwork and another fellow eroidian who didn't even pct after cycle and his testosterone serum was in the 700 range. From 2 sets of bloodwork it actually looks like ostarine inceases LH FSH and testosterone!!
Keeps motivation in gym, great pumps and workouts.
You could put on 5 to 10 lbs or even use during a cut, just depends on your goals.
Only one side effect compare to anabolic steroids, which I will list in the cons.
Well being and mood is great no crash in PCT and ostarine makes skin look great as well.
This stack lines up to anabolic steroids in comparison to muscle wasting and gains, it's almost like using a little test and 50 mg anavar ed.
Crashes E2 and hinders recovery after about 6 weeks start feeling the creaky joints, well being starts to go down hill because of the soreness and achy joints. Only thing at this point is workouts and pumps are still awesome once you get warmed up.

OstarineS4 (Andarine)GW 101516Albuterol
1 Week30mg50mg10mg
2 Week30mg50mg10mg
3 Week30mg50mg10mg
4 week30mg50mg10mg
5 week30mg50mg10mg
6 week30mg 50mg10mg3 x 4mg
7 week30mg50mg10mg3 x 4mg
8 week30mg50mg10mg3 x 4mg
Luis Dervishi's picture

Great post buddy!

cry_havoc's picture

This was a great post!

GoingBatty's picture

I know this is an older post but fr sent have a couple questions regarding this topic

humpnpump's picture

Thanks brother. PCT doesn't have to be the dreaded afterworld of anabolic cycle like everyone thinks. Feel free to add your summary and bloodwork to this log once your run has concluded. Thanks for your interest and looking in Rocketballz.

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humpnpump's picture

As you can see I was able to maintain gains from cycle. Actually gained about 4 to 6 lbs depending on time of day. Looks like bodyfat is about the same or lost 1/2 % to 1 %.
I could have did better on my diet, but week 7 went on vacation and ate Krispy cream a lot and drank beer and didn't workout.
Conclusion: SARMs are awesome bridging and maintaining gains.

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humpnpump's picture

Just take it first thing in the morning, it's got a long half life of around 24 hrs.

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humpnpump's picture

All done and summary is up. I'll throw up a post run pic when BFG gets the pic uploading bug worked out. Thanks for looking in, hope this will help you guys out for future runs and off cycle pct can actually be fun and great. Any questions, just shoot me a PM.

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humpnpump's picture

Awesome! This is good news brother. Interested to see those bloods. Keep us posted.

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humpnpump's picture

Yeah I love ostarine. Good pumps, and gain a little lean mass, always makes my skin look real good. 60 days may be to long as you can see from my bloodwork up top that either ostarine or S4 crashed my E2 down to 5.7 and around week 6 and beyond i was feeling the dry joints and creaky so be aware that it may happen to you down the road. For me I'll only run it 6'weeks the next time I run it.

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humpnpump's picture

20 to 30 mg for 40 days would work. Start 20 then bump to 30 if you need to. I've ran 15 mg and 30 mg and honestly it's not a big difference.

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ItallianStallion89's picture

Fr. sent I have a few questions

humpnpump's picture

So tomorrow or the next day should be all I've got left of the SARMs. I'll write up a little summary on the pros and cons and whatnot and post up a after pic sometime later this week.

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humpnpump's picture

Off one week and I hit legs yesterday, so sore I don't want to move or have to squat down, guess the low E2 isn't helping matter either lol.

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humpnpump's picture

Bloodwork has been done, results are up top in summary. Total testosterone 635 Smile

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humpnpump's picture

Going to the beach next week, going to low carb and rip the fuck up!!

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Catalyst's picture

Are you going to post an update pic H? Be interesting to see where you're at now.

humpnpump's picture

I will next week gotta get my abs popping. From my end I look and feel better now than i actually did on cycle.

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Catalyst's picture

Knowing how self critical you tend to be that's good sign Smile

humpnpump's picture

Godtropin has arrived. Will be adding it in at 2 iu ed.

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humpnpump's picture

Don't know what else to say. This stack rocks, i feel good, look good, and I'm ready to go kill gym time, best pct ever.

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humpnpump's picture

Definitely. Ostarine just gives me decent pumps and workout recovery and a sense of well being but S4 you get intense pumps but they don't hurt you just want to keep repping out more reps. S4 gives a dry lean look. I really like both, they're extremely synergistic. I don't get any side with the S4, some people get a yellow tint in their eyesite and loose of night vision, so keep that in mind.

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SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

I got the yellow vision. It was strange lol. I liked the s4 and gw combo tho.

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