Primobolan depot 100
Primobolan by Pharmaqo

category count / average
Effectiveness 10 1 Credibility 10 1 Side Effects / Pip 10 1 Overall 10 1
Pflo's picture
+ 2
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Effective, it is real Primo got strength gains and vascular

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Pharmaqo is a very credible brand

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Experienced no side effects besides crashed estrogen when I ran it 1:1 to test, and dropped it down to .70:1 then felt great with in range e2

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Pharmaqo is legit

I recommend this product!
edited 10/11/2024 - 00:29
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » Thank you bro
  • Sterno » Probably one of the most vague reviews there is !
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Ms WorkerBee's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

The pharmaqo brand was very effective because besides the physical benefits i get a really good sense of motivation and a general feeling of getting things done. This steroid is faked a lot so this brand has a good name and security along with results. You must be patient and if you are sleeping, eating, working out etc properly the drug will pack on nice clea muscle.

Product Credibility
No votes yet

This brand has been around for a while. You do not want to potentially inject thousands of milligrams of unknown substances and spend a nice bit of money getting fakes. I felt a similar feeling and the look and feel of the oil is nice and clear. I think any primobolan brands should go the extra mile for verification and security just because of the fakes out there. They are very credible.

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

No negative side effects. This is not a super strong steroid compared to others, this steroid also has been around for a long time and has studies. No pain in the butt.

Final Verdict
No votes yet

I am a big fan of Primobolan Pharmaqo. First the security measures are really good and there are a few layers to make sure you are getting what you paid for. 600 mgs per week was my dosage that worked well for me. This is the type of steroid that will give you some really nice lean gains, and if you are looking to lose some weight, and still gain nice muscle over time this brand did that. You can be in a caloric deficit with primobolan and it will still suck off fat, get the metabolism going and get muscle. Side effects minimal.

I recommend this product!
Tbone69's picture
+ 6
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

With running such a small dose I’m confident that getting closer to the 1g range would yield some really excellent results. Primo isn’t something that packs mass on quickly so if that’s what you’re looking for, well, this ain’t it sister.
However, it will keep you looking good with a good diet and plenty of exercise, if you really hit it and nail that diet down you will love the way you look, I guarantee it.

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Primo is a very well documented steroid and pharmaqo has some very solid blind lab tests come back on their product. With the deals he runs this stuff is too good to pass up. I’d run a solid gram of it for way too long if I could afford it. I don’t know how he keeps this stuff in stock at the price he puts on it..

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Yeah there’s no pip. I was doing 4ml a week and never had a pippy spot or anything, oil is clear and smooth. With primo there isn’t really any side effects to speak of, that’s why it’s so great! It did keep me looking fantastic though!

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Fan fucking tastic! After the lab reports came back as accurately dosed I started cruising on 400 mg a week. It’s not a very strong steroid to begin with but it’s excellent to cruise on because it’s not full of bad side effects. I wasn’t able to workout or eat right but it kept me looking pretty decent with the little work I was able to do. I felt great and leaned out nicely without losing too much of my sweet gains.

Additional comments

Primo is great, I wouldn’t use it for any strength cycle, it’s a lighter more long term physique compound. Very pleasant to run, they did a good job with this one.

I recommend this product!
  • Leo_king88 » where I can order this one ?
  • [SRC] Mr.PQR » Tnx bro!!
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