posted Wed, 06/12/2024 - 18:58
+ 6 Gettin Back to it I can breath Again!!!!!
Just building my stash up again and got another GK order on the way!!!! Let's Gooooo......
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I keep tellin ya buddy - you ain't a man until you got some of his DBol inject 80mg LOL
Get some ordered!!
Estro messes with me to bad just on what i have i have to quit taking it sides are awful, lethargic and real cloudy feeling even when i doubled up on the aromasin. Im fixing to place an order for some TNE from you know who
I have up on the dbol also.
Does it have guiacol in it? Is all oil DBOL made with it?
I am pretty sure GK's does or will have - there is one lab that doesn't still but I won't be buying it again lol Its all to do with how much they use and how concentrated it is, some is tolerable and fine and some is so strong it makes me feel ill and gives stomach ache.
Guiacol has never bothered me in terms of physical side effects/PIP. I just hate smelling like it all day when I run something containing it during the summer. I swear the smell comes out in my sweat.
Buuuuuuut……I love my TNE enough that I just dropped an ml in my right delt and I’ll be doubling down on the cologne afterwards.
Same. That shit and me don't mix at all
What issues does it give you if you dont mind me asking sent fr
Nausea... Can't lose the taste/smell for hours/ sick to stomach
I'm on it right now with sdrol injectable
You Nutter!! Lol How is it mate?
Curious if he’s able to tolerate the INJ longer than the Oral before feeling like shit.
Bro u have to try it I don't train for strength but 315 on squats feel like paper
NICE!! What mg are you taking of each compound bud?
1/2ml dbol injectable 40mgs
1/2ml sdrol injectable 20mgs
With npp and dhb it's a great cycle without the tren can't remember the last time I slept 3 or more hrs straight
My bro is using it right now and loving it. The thing is… he won’t shut up when he’s on dbol. Straight chatterbox at the gym
I got some coming for myself too lol
Must be all the dopamine it's releasing
Is that what it is? Shit puts me in a great mood as well
For me it .makes me sad a few hrs my dopamine receptors are messed up from partying back in the day
That’s interesting bro. I’ve been in recovery for six years and yeah, I’m much better, but always feel as if I probably did some permanent damage. Crazy how these compounds effect us differently
6yrs congrats brother
HAHAHA LMFAOOOOO!!! I told ya matey - Listen to the Pressmaster
If his Dbol inject is as good as the rest of his line up it will be straight out Fire!! I bet your pal feels fuckin awesome on it all the time too, is it making his appetite good too as if you find a really good inject it often makes you eat more unlike the tablets which can reverse it?
Is he getting stronger on it also?
We usually train once a week together, but I haven’t seen him in two weeks. I just asked him for an update. He’s lean, so dbol is good compound for him. This is his second time using it and hasn’t even needed an AI as of yet.
Seriously man its sooo much more effective if you let its estrogen spike work its magic, big part in the way that it operates. I remember when I listened to guys telling me I needed adex while running it and all of a sudden my joints lost all the super spongy feeling from it and strength dropped overnight. Never took an AI after that day Lol
Agreed. Same with tren, as far as tissue growth, the magic happens in a high E2 environment. I just got off the phone with him, he’s on week three. He’s been using 56-64mg preworkout EOD (only on training days). Has not affected his appetite. Has not noticed too much of a strength or weight gain, but says definitely sees changes in the mirror. He also mentioned doing some fasting, so I think he’s pretty much just recomposing his physique
Tell him if he wants to see the best gains off it he needs to inject it ED mate, just on training days will give him a kick but its not building anything up as such. I have done this before when I was running out of good injectable and I was using it sparingly on training days, but the size and big strength gains I got from using it ED just weren't there. 40mg ED will work wonders for him but if he only wants a preworkout kick then I guess he won't want to do that method.
I’ll let him know Press1 said stop being a pussy
'He had a hard time telling me what he wanted .... - Yeh I bet
Joey P Brennan huh ....
What does the P stand for? - 'PUSSY'
Lmao, idk know that one Press… movie?
Its an Arnie line in 'Raw Deal' LOL
Do you have Netflix mate?
Naw, no Netflix and chill over here bro lol
Only watch PED gurus and nick walker videos on YouTube
Are you just not into watching Movies, escaping the real world - that kind of thing?
I am an absolute Music & Film lover through and through - the day I found out about Spotify was completely surreal to me. I even dated a girl back when I was in my Teens purely because she had Sky Movies so it meant I could go round to her house and watch Films all day LMFAO!!!!
No, I’ve never been into watching movies. My favorite way to escape reality is by going to sleep
Now, music on the other hand, yes, absolutely, gotta have it. Life’s better with a soundtrack for sure.
Fucking aye Press, lmao, the fastest way to your heart is through your eyes!
Ohh Yeah Baby!!! Thats why ya always gotta get the ones that are willing to wear kinky shit in bed - that always makes me fall in love with em LOL
Wdym “wear kinky shit in bed”? Like smear poop on their face like warpaint?
You’d love it over here in the States
Like a PVC Nurse uniform or Cop outfit, with Thigh boots or Platform heels. Love all that kind of stuff. You could stick an Ugly dog in something like that and I'd Fuck it
They give cattle estrogen with the Trenbolone BUT it wouldn’t work the same with us, I forgot the exact reasoning but there’re pre-pubescent cattle so I think they have like zero hormone levels at the age, there like children, so they need some type of other hormone in there. But it does show that there is some relationship with estrogen and Trenbolone. It’s like the cheese in the trenbologna sandwich
The last Steve video on tren, changed my view on the compound. He made it seem like low dose, high E2, was the way to go. I’m gonna throw some in next time I try and grow. Did you hear on that last video we were just taking about, with the IFBB animal pro, Steve said they give cattle clenbuterol as well.
Yea the fucking pump like lotion bottle lmao. That dude knows his shit man when it comes to all the brand and types of old school shit.
Btw that video def changed my opinion of that guy. Seems cool as hell. Idk why I didn’t like him so much
Oh ok, lol, cause that’s the only video I’ve seen of him and I was like…. Damn Ross you a tough cookie, dude seemed alright lol
Estrogen encourages the marbling of the steak!!! LMAO
The cattle run clen too bro, that’s the stack. Clen, E2, and tren.
Feed additives such as beta-adrenergic agonists (ß-agonist), have been used to increase the carcasses lean content and reduce the amount of feed needed for animals with increased muscle to fat ratios. Clenbuterol, Paylean and Optaflex have been the most popular ß-agonists used for this purpose.
Ya when you look up some of the studies of clen it shows that lean muscle mass increases. And it made me actually start using my five year old blister pack of clen lol. But idk if those numbers increase cus fat dropped so lean mass percentage would automatically increase but idk. But I would seem like the perfect drug, lowers fat and increases muscle. I hated it the first time I used it so I didn’t touch it for years and then I just recently used it for like three weeks, really got me lean, like dropped 3-4% and I look better than ever
Fuck lemme know then. I have a clen stash too, I’ve just never tried it. I’ve heard it’s not necessarily anabolic, but can preserve muscle. I’m just scared to try it, but could definitely use some help losing some of this baby fat
If you start at like 10mcg I don’t get that shitty feeling, but if you don’t up the dose then it becomes almost useless, so you gotta increase almost daily and then just stop completely after two weeks and after a few days I’d start dosing multiple times a day but I’ve never gone over like 70 in a day. I’ll just smash a pill into a bunch of chunks and just take a crumb every couple hours and 20mcg first thing in the am. Dudes will go much higher but I don’t
Alright, I got 40mcg pills, 40mcg per ml injectable, and 80mcg capsules. Maybe I’ll take a little chip of one and see how I feel.
I know Steve doesn’t use that much 20-40mcg a day
Jesus 80mcg in one pill. The headache I would get from that would be fucking brutal. Even 20 will give me a headache on day one but 10 is fine and I can handle 20 by the 3rd day, the tolerance goes up crazy fast
Yeah, they’re capsules too, soooo idk, probably just gonna continue to collect dust. I’m not trying to divide up some powder with a razor blade