millcityuhh's picture
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20% bodyfat with tren ace


I am about to run 140mg weekly of tren ace with 250 test c for 10 weeks. ive already been on test 250 test c for 10 weeks and wanted to use tren to finish it off. goal is to try to get to 12-15% bodyfat while being in a 700 calorie deficit. i started this cycle at 25% bodyfat and have dropped 20lbs and now am at 20%. controlling e2 well and am not having any sides. i understand most will say to wait to use tren but i am hoping it helps me on this cut. any advice anyone?

TheIcon's picture

Some people will disagree with me but steroids do help in fat burning in that they allow you to heal and work out more/heavier/etc. If Im lifting 2lb weights adn eating correctly Im not going to see progress as fast as if I am eating correctly and lifting 5lb weights. then healing and lifting those 5lb weights again 4 days later rather then being exhausted.

So no steroids alone aren't goign to make you lose fat but they do aid in the process and have a hand in fat lose. Either way nutrition needs to be on point to see the best results.

Greg's picture

The issue isn't "increased metabolism", It's being overly pone for estro sides and heart issues. The risk/reward isn't there.
Getting down to 18% or 15% is a piece of cake with proper diet and exercise. It's the last 10% you want to drop... that's where AAS would help the best.

millcityuhh's picture

hello again everyone!!! thank you all for your input!! im actually surprised i was sure i was going to get shitted on hard for trying to run tren lol! looks like this is a nice community!! just to add some context this is not my first cycle this is my 3rd cycle. but the other 2 i ran were years ago. im running 250 test because 500 back in the day made me break out like crazy. not going to lie there is a component of "always wanting to try tren" in my situation lol. been hearing about this stuff for almost a decade and reallllllllly wanted to try it. tbh though i may just wait till next run when im lower in bodyfat. once again thanks to everyone that replied!

ONESICK's picture

Lol lets risk getting bigger tiddies. Steroids aren't fat burners. Just diet and exercise naturally before hopping on tren.

simonmagus84's picture

It isn’t hard to drop 5% bf in 8 weeks. You'll be ready to cycle for the summer. You don’t lose fat with gear, you lose it with diet and training. Now imagine if you lose another 10 or 15 pounds and you run a cycle. You’d look awesome.

aesthetic's picture

From someone who did 6 cycles in the last 5 years, I would not recommend throwing tren ace, especially with higher body fat. We use tree ace as the finisher of our cycle. For me, I use it usually when my body fat is less than 10%, so it helps me to drop these extra BF% , btw 250 test C its consider as TRT dosage at least 500 test E or C will be much anabolic , is that ur 1st cycle?
anyway if ask for my advice for your cycle :
Test E or C 500 mg twice a week
anavar 30-50 mg daily
Mast E 500 mg twice a week
Anti estrogen (nolvadex or arimidex ) personally I prefer arimidex
lastly WATCH YOUR FOOD even when you use steroids you can't burned without diet !
if u throw my advice in the trash and you going to use tren ace anyway " DONT FORGET TO TAKE ANTI-PROLACTIN" cabergoline 0.5 mg
good luck buddy !

Stokes500's picture

Cabergoline is horrible you get it wrong and shut down then getting normal prolactin levels back takes months and fucking months and your going to feel terrible absolutely shit. This guy listens to you and takes that on what he’s running then I would bet big shit goes wrong.
But as much as I disagree with that part I do agree with you that 250mg test a week is a TRT dose.

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press1's picture

Why the HELL are you telling him to take Cabergoline on 140mg Tren ace per week??!!! Idiot

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DavosD's picture

What kind of stupid advice is this? The guy wants to do 250mg test with 140mg tren.
And your advice is to take 1000mg test and 1000mg mast. 250mg test is NOT trt, its a damn low dose cycle.

Advice like this will get people hurt.

At OP: your bodyfat is too high don't use tren. Try anavar instead.

Stokes500's picture

Why is 20% bf to high for tren?

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simonmagus84's picture

Lol, I agree with you but I think he meant split.

I don’t agree he should run mast or run anything at all until he’s in the mid to low teens. I have no remorse for not being able to drop significant body fat because people will make exceptions or depend on solely using gear vs will and dedication. That’s what separates everyone in this field.

robb's picture

He won't need caber for 140mg tren ace a week.

FitSRQ's picture

I'm not going to try to drag you or anything.. but I will say that I did the same thing running gear at a high body fat when I first started, and if I could go back I would have got my body fat down to about 12% or 13% before adding any anabolics. I can see now that it was definitely a mistake to do that and a waste of gear. But we are all entitled to our own journey nobody is required to learn from others mistakes.

millcityuhh's picture

i appreciatee your response my brother. did you have more side effects? or did you notice less gains than you normally would have?

FitSRQ's picture

As far as side effects go, tend to have more estrogenic side effects with higher body fat. And as far as gains - still made gains but you couldn't really tell that much because I was still really fat. Did not see the games until after I shed the fat off. And lost a lot of the games I made during the dieting. It would have been much smarter to just burn the fat off first and then go from there.

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